The Best P.C. Hollis Quotes

W.P.C. Ackland: [to Hollis] You don't know where Viv is, do you?
P.C. Hollis: No, no, I don't.
W.P.C. Ackland: Ah, now you see that's the problem. You're missing out on all the juicy bits of gossip.
P.C. Hollis: What juicy bits of gossip?
[Ackland walks out of the canteen]
P.C. Hollis: Oh, June, hold on!

D.I. Burnside: You're rancid.
P.C. Hollis: Yeah I fell in some puke, didn't I !

P.C. Hollis: I accept what you say sir, all I can do is apologise and ask you to put this one down to excessive zeal.
Ch. Insp. Conway: I wish I could put you down Hollis.

PC: [about Inspector Gold] I heard she murdered a bloke once.
PC: Oh yeah? What with?
PC: Bare hands probably...

P.C. Hollis: [referring to Bob Cryer] He's a nosy git, innit he?
W.P.C. Ackland: A good sergeant knows what's going on in his nick.