The Best Peter Pan Quotes

Peter: [after landing on the pirates' ship suspended in air] Miss me?
Captain: More than you'll ever know.

Captain: [duels Peter Pan] Just like old times.
Peter: All your times are old, Captain!

Peter: Is this everything you've dreamed of?
Wendy: I could never have dreamed of this!

Peter: Very bad form, Captain Hook.
Captain: All my bad form, I learnt from you.
Peter: Don't flatter yourself. You've always been rotten. A stinking, rotten codfish!
Captain: You've stabbed me in my heart with your words... . for the last time. Now, I will repay in kind with my sword.
Peter: Strike then, if you've got the courage. And strike true. For to die will be...
Peter: An awfully big adventure!

Captain: Do you know what really hurts about getting old? It's not the creaking bones, or the dashed dreams, or even the sense of death drawing ever nearer. It's knowing your best friend can stare you in the eyes, and not recognize you.
Peter: You're the one who wanted to leave!
Captain: I was a child!

[Hook stumbles on his ship, and falls...]
Peter: [holds onto Hook's hook] Gotcha! James, just think a happy thought!
Captain: Peter... I haven't got any.
[falls into the sea, leaving Peter holding the hook]

Wendy: How are you real? I thought you were just a bedtime story.
Peter: Why can't I be both?

Peter: Dark and sinister man, prepare to meet thy doom!
Captain: Proud and insolent youth, have at thee!

[Peter holds a sword to Hook]
Captain: Go ahead, boy. Go ahead. But imagine a Neverland without the two of us, without our battles and wars. Without you, the fire that fuels me will go out. And without me, you'd have no choice but...
Peter: To be a real boy?
Captain: Yeah. You're going to have to learn to grow up to be a real...
Peter: I apologize!
Captain: [laughs] Apologize? For what?
Peter: For hurting you. For being a rotten friend.
[drops his sword]
Peter: I'm sorry I did what I did, Captain Hook. I'm sorry I hurt you, James.
Captain: No. No! I need you to fight!
Peter: This isn't fun anymore!
Captain: [draws his sword] It's not supposed to be fun!
Wendy: [steps in] Captain, grow up.

Peter: I'm Peter Pan. I don't ever need help.
Wendy: You have a magical fairy that makes you fly, a gaggle of children to do your bidding, a princess who cleans up after you while you're off gallivanting with pirates. Do you really think that you could beat Captain Hook on your own?