Top 100 Quotes From Resident Evil

Kaplan: Well, where did they come from? Why didn't we see them on the way in?
Rain: When you cut the power, you unlocked the door; you let them out!

- WOMAN ON PA: All Umbrella staff must wear their identity tags at all times.
- All radiation badges will be collected at 5:00 p.m. this afternoon.
- Thank you! God!
- Some people.
- Yeah.

- The door won't open!
- And this water isn't going anywhere.
- What?
- It's a sealed room.
- Help me with the door!
- Oh, fuck the doors!

Kaplan: You're going to have to work for your meal.

- Who are you?
- Move!
- Don't touch me! Stop!
- Get away from me!
- Down!

Spence: [J.D. enters a code to open a secured door] You got it?
J.D.: See how easy that was?
Kaplan: [the door opens only to find a room extremely full of the undead flesh-eating zombies] Shit!
Rain: [yells] J.D., no! Grab my hand and hold it real tight!
J.D.: Don't let me go!
J.D.: [the zombies pulls J.D. back; Rain lets him go] RAIN! FUCK! NO!
[zombies chomping and devouring; J.D. screaming]

- Halon!
- Stop it!
- Stop it! Stop!
- Help!

- I want you to go. Now!
- Please.
- Just do it.
- Just do it now!
- Please.
- Go!

[first lines]
Narrator: At the beginning of the 21st century, the Umbrella Corporation had become the largest commercial entity in the United States. Nine out of every ten homes contain its products. Its political and financial influence is felt everywhere. In public, it is the world's leading supplier of computer technology, medical products, and healthcare. Unknown, even to its own employees, its massive profits are generated by military technology, genetic experimentation, and viral weaponry.

- I've got one in the breech and an extra mag.
- Lisa.

- Stay down.
- I'm warning you, stay down!
- She's crazy.
- Come any closer, and I'll fire.
- I mean it!
- Damn you.

- Come on.
- Give me your arm.
- Up over my shoulder.
- Ready? There we go.

Kaplan: [surrounded by zombies, Kaplan contemplates suicide and finds one bullet left in his gun] That's lucky.

- And we finally have the proof.
- That way
- Umbrella can't get...
- Get away with this.
- What is it?
- You're infected, but you're gonna be okay.
- I'm not losing you.

Rain: Here.
Alice: Rain?
- Rain?

- Kaplan?
- The bitch wouldn't open the door, so I had to fry her.
- Move.
- What the fuck was that?
Alice: It's a long story.

- Now, how many fingers am I holding up?
- Three.
- Good.
- Now tell me your name.
- I don't know.
- He's fine. Memory loss, just like the other one.

Mr. Grey: [being pushed] Thank you!
Ms. Black: Some people.
Mr. Grey: Yeah.

[last lines]
Dr. William Birkin: I want her quarantined - close observation and a full series of blood tests. Let's see if she's infected. Take her to Raccoon City facility. Then assemble the team. We're reopening the hive. We want to know what went on down there. Just do it.

Red: Just one bite, one scratch from these creatures is sufficient. And then, you become one of them.

Alice: Watch the tank! The tank!

- Watch the tank! The tank!
- Let's go!
- Hurry up!
- Wait!
Rain: Come on, let's go!
- Move!
- Keep moving! Come on!
- Move!

- She'll say anything to stop us from shutting her down.
- I implore you.
- Implore away.
- Please?
- Please?
- You're all going to die down here.

- A check of my systems indicates my main drive circuit breaker has been disabled.
- May I ask why?
Alice: Insurance.
- We need a way out of here.
- If you refuse to help at any time, we flip the switch.
- Understand?

[Alice points her gun at Rain]
Rain: I'm not dead yet.
[Rain takes the gun from Alice]
Rain: I think I'll take this back.
Alice: I could kiss you, you bitch!

- Power's down.
- So fix it.
- I'm on it.

- Has this happened before?
- We have to get out of here.
- We have to get out of here!
- Take it easy.
- You take it easy!
- Quiet!
- Quiet.
- What is that?

Matt: [held down] You can't do this!
Rain: [removing gas mask] Blow me.

Red: The T-virus is protean, changing from liquid to airborne to blood transmission, depending on its environment. It is almost impossible to kill.

- Oh, my God.

- FEMALE SOLDIER: Should I secure him here?
- No. We take him with us.
- You can't do this!
- Blow me.
- Hey!
- Prep for entry to the Hive.

- Secondary effects are varied, but can include acute memory loss.
- For how long?
- Subjective.
- An hour, day, week.
- So you're saying this place was attacked?
- I'm afraid things are a little more complicated than that.
- Sir! We've breached the Hive.

- Are you done yet?
- Stand clear!

[MUFFLED] Who's in there?
- Let me out!
- Let me out!
- Who's in there?

- Just do it now!
Alice: I can't!
Rain: Please.
- Do it.
- Kill her.
- Just do it.
- Kill her now!
- Kill her!

Rain: I don't want to be one of those things. Walking around without a soul.

- I'm missing you already.
- Okay, we're in business.
- Full power.
- We're leaving!

Rain: That homicidal bitch killed my team.
Alice: That homicidal bitch may be our only way out of here.

Rain: Why didn't you tell us about the antivirus?
Red: This long after infection, there was no guarantee it would work.
Rain: But there's a chance... right?
Red: I don't deal in chance.

- owned and operated by the Umbrella Corporation, the Hive houses over 500 technicians, scientists and support staff.
- They live and work underground.
- Their research is of the highest importance.
- Its nature is classified.
- Our position on the map is indicated by heat signature.

- J. D.: Got it.
- Halon content has dissipated.

Kaplan: [the team runs towards Rain after hearing gunshots] What was all the shooting?
Rain: We found a survivor.
Kaplan: And you shot him?
Rain: She was crazed. She bit me.

Spence: What happened here?
[Alice and Matt both look towards "One" rather anxiously for an answer as well]
James: Five hours ago Red Queen went homicidal, sealed the Hive and killed everyone down here.
Spence: Jesus!
James: When we realized what was happening, my team was dispatched to shut her down.
Alice: Why did she do it?
James: That we don't know, but outside interference is a possibility.

Spence: [points the gun at Matt] Please, I wouldn't wanna shoot you. I might need the bullets. Back off!

- What's taking so long?
- Red Queen's defenses are in place.
- She's making it difficult.
- Let's pack it up.
- You stay here.

- Oh, God!
- Just do it!
- I'm almost there.
- Come on!
- Shit!
- Got it.

[Matt and Spence are helping Rain]
Rain: When I get outta here... think I'm gonna get laid.
Matt: Yeah, you might want to clean up a little bit first.

Alice: There's a cure!
[to Rain]
Alice: You're gonna be alright!
Rain: I was beginning to worry.

Alice: I can help you get the virus.
- I have access to security codes, surveillance plans, the works.

- I'm not dead yet.
- I think I'll have that back.
- I could kiss you, you bitch.
- What's going on back there?
- Get us the fuck out of here!
- Any faster, we'll come off the rails!

- When I get out of here
- I think I'm gonna get laid.
- You might want to clean up a little bit first.
- Hey, wait.
- Are you okay?

- walking around without a soul.
- You won't.
- When the time comes you'll take care of it.
- No one else is gonna die.
- Okay?

Red: I implore you.
Kaplan: Implore away!

Rain: All the people that were working here are dead.
Spence: Well, that isn't stopping them from walking around.

Spence: In or out? In... or out?
Alice: I don't know what we had, but it's over.
Spence: [a female scientist zombie bites Spence] OH, GOD!
Spence: [Spence shoots the scientist; Matt fights Spence for the gun] Back... the FUCK off!
Spence: [to Alice] I'm missing you already.
[Locks Alice, Rain, and Matt inside the flooded research lab]

- I said keep it tight.
- Sorry.
- I'm not sure
- I want to remember what went on down here.
- I don't blame you.
- What do they keep in these things?
- How do I know?

- Spence?
- Spence?
- Thank you.
- Spence?

- Come on!
- Down! Get down!
- Look out!
- Something's killing them!
- Jesus! Come on, man.
- Don't do this to me!
- Medic! Medic!

Alice: I'm missing you already.

- You waited?
- Didn't know the code.
- Come on, come on.
- Shit!
- Come on.

- Fuck!
- Don't come any closer!
- They're behind us.
- Jesus!
- They're everywhere.
- They're everywhere.
- They're all around us.

- Transmitter in position.
Kaplan: Roger.
- Running the bypass.

Matt: Get over here!
- There's too many of them!
- Come on! Go, go, go!
- Go on!
- Go! Go! I can manage!
Matt: Gotcha!
- J. D.

- Shit!
- We lost the others!
- Keep moving!

Alice: I can help you get the virus.
- I have access to security codes, surveillance plans, the works.
- But there's gonna be a price.
- Name it.
- You have to guarantee me that you will bring this corporation down.

[Rain and J.D. have just fought off a zombie]
J.D.: I shot her five times. How was she still standing?
Rain: Bitch isn't standing now.

- Sir, no go.
- The whole level's flooded.
- COMMANDER: All right, we're behind schedule.
- So let's move it.
- Come on.
- Poor bastards.

James: [One is holding one of his dying soldiers] Stay conscious. You're going into shock.
James: [the soldier closes his eyes] Stay awake!

- May be I won't show this time.
- Why not?
- Because I'm busy.
- It's nothing. Fire drill.

Kaplan: Bitch wouldn't open the door, so I had to fry her.

Red: I've been a bad, bad girl.

Matt: What the fuck was that?

Red: You're all going to die down here.

- Up on the pipes.
- Up on the pipes!
- Quickly, everyone!
- Let's go!
- Come on! There's a way up!
- Watch out! Keep them back!
- Go on up! Move it!
- Shit. Okay.

- Help!
- Help him.
- What are you doing?

- J. D., you and Rain keep the prisoner here and secure the exit.
- Sir, halon levels are nonexistent in this room.
- I think the system malfunctioned.
- All right.
- There may be survivors.
- Give me a search line, but keep it tight.
- Move it.

- had defense systems outside the Hive.
- In or out?
- In or out?
- I don't know what we had but it's over.
- Back...
- The fuck off.

- zero, three, one, nine, six, five.
Spence: Got it?
- See how easy that was?
- Shit!
- J. D., no!
- Grab my hand, man! Come on!
- Don't let go!

- What was that?
- Oh, Christ!
- It's the brakes! Get out!
- I can't move!
- MAN: We have to get out of here!
- Push her out of the way!
- Pull me back inside!
- Pull me back inside!

Kaplan: [they see the holographic representation of the Red Queen] It's a Holographic representation of the Red Queen, modeled after the head programmer's daughter. Don't listen to anything she says. She's only trying to deceive us... confuse us... she'll say anything to stop us shutting her down.

- Let's do it.
- Do what?
- We have to complete the mission.
- There is no way
- I'm going down there.
- Her defenses are down.
- Déjà vu, anyone?

- Open the doors!
Alice: Open the doors!
- Now!

- surveillance plans, the works.
- But?
- But there's gonna be a price.
- Name it.
- Who was she?
- My sister.

Spence: Nothing - ever - changes.

- When we realized what was happening, my team was dispatched to shut her down.
- Why did she do it?
- That we don't know.
- But outside interference is a possibility.
- Jesus!

- Kaplan, are you okay?
- Kaplan!
- No!
- No!
Alice: Oh, God!
- Hold on!

Alice: I'm not sure I want to remember what went on down here.
James: I don't blame you.

- ♪ I know why you plague me
- ♪ I know why you plague yourself
- ♪ I know why you blame me
- ♪ I know why you blame yourself
- ♪ I know why you blame yourself!
- ♪ I know why you blame yourself! ♪

- Do you remember anything from before this?
- No. Nothing before the train.
- And you?
- No. Nothing.
Kaplan: I found an alternate route, but it's gonna cost us time.
- We double back, cut through Dining Hall B, then we're right on track.

- You're going into shock.
- Stay awake!
- I am almost there.
- Sir! It's coming back!
- Open the door!
- I'm trying!
- Well, try harder!
- It's coming back!

- Start it up.
- I'll get the virus.

- J. D.!
- Rain!
- No!

- He's mutating.
- I want him in the Nemesis Program.
- Get off!
Matt: What's happening?
- Matt!
- Matt!

Kaplan: She was right. We are gonna die down here.

Rain: No pressure, guys.

- Can we go now?
- We're not going anywhere till the rest of the team get here.
- There's no one else coming.
- What the fuck are you talking about?
- Wait.
- Quiet.

- Because I was gonna steal it.
- I was your sister's contact.
- You betrayed her.
- I don't know.
- You caused all of this.
- I can't remember.
- The truth.
- I don't remember the truth.

Rain: She bit me, man. She took a chunk clean outta me.

Rain: Your boyfriend's a real asshole.

Red: Even in death the human body still is active. Hair and finger nails continue to grow, new cells are produced, and the brain itself holds a small electrical charge that takes months to dissipate. The T-virus provides a massive jolt, both to cellular growth, and to those trace electrical impulses. Put quite simply, it reanimates the body.
Rain: It brings the dead back to life?
Red: Not fully. The subjects have the simplest of motor functions. Perhaps a little memory, but virtually no intelligence. They're driven by the basest of impulses, the most basic needs.
Mr. White: Which is?
Red: The need to feed.