The Best Rutledge Quotes

Randall: [drilling the "0" out of Engine 40's sign] Almost got it.
[Grainger walks out and sees Mouch]
Greg: A little to the left.
[Mouch nods]
Greg: [walks to Casey standing by Truck 81] Captain.
Matthew: Lieutenant. Mouch assured me any property damage would be negligible.
Greg: Cool, and if my men ask, I tried to stop this.
Matthew: Noted.
Greg: Hey, quick question. That blonde paramedic in your house-- I think her last name is Brett?
Matthew: What about her?
Greg: How does she feel about firefighters? I know some women don't like dating inside the CFD. I'll cut to the chase-- is she seeing anyone?
Matthew: No. No, she's not.
Randall: That should do it.
[Gallo laughs]
Rutledge: [walks out of the firehouse] The hell you doing, McHolland?
Randall: Oh, I just thought since you'd rather eat doughnuts than help out your fellow firefighters, you should have the right signage.
[takes a picture of his vandalism and Rutledge]
Rutledge: What? That the best you got?
[Mouch shows Kidd and Gallo his picture]
Stella: Oh, nice filter.
Blake: Now just click share.
Randall: And... Boom! Okay, guys, we're done.
Rutledge: Oh, you're not done, McHolland. You're finished.
Randall: [laughs as he walks away, not taking Rutledge's warning seriously] Uh-huh.