The Best Sherwin Caine Quotes

Sherwin: Beverly North.
Lt. Adam Tobias: Where'd you see her last?
Sherwin: Oh, several months ago. We were very close for a while. Such a lovely girl. I'm not entirely surprised, though. She was very unpredictable. Especially when she drank.
Lt. Adam Tobias: Any particular reason you stopped seeing her, Mr. Caine?
Sherwin: No. It just happened.
Joe: Her idea or yours?
Sherwin: I don't have to talk to him. You know?
Kevin: Look, Lieutenant, if you don't mind, Mr. Caine and I have work to do.
Lt. Adam Tobias: Sure, Mr. Archer.
[Archer nods]
Lt. Adam Tobias: Thanks for your cooperation, Mr. Caine. Joe.
Joe: You know, Mr. Archer, you really should do something about the people who work for you.
Kevin: Why? I'm satisfied.
Joe: After those two foul-ups today? And the garage and on the road? You are easy to please. It's the old story, Mr. Archer. If you want something done right, you just have to do it yourself.
[Archer smiles]
Joe: Good night, gentlemen.
[he and Tobias leave]
Sherwin: He's just trying to needle you. He hasn't got anything; nothing at all.
Kevin: No. But he's right. I haven't got one good man. Not one who can find his nose with both hands. There's only one sure way to get rid of Mr. Mannix.
Sherwin: Careful, Kevin. That temper of yours is going to get you into trouble. Just like it did Saturday night.
Kevin: I told you about that. Now, nobody walks out on me. I told her if she got out of that car, it'd be the last thing she ever did.
Sherwin: Well, I don't know. Going after Mannix yourself.
Kevin: Oh, don't be stupid. Just get someone who knows what he's doing.
Sherwin: Hm. In the meantime, Mannix is going to be busy.
Kevin: Yeah. He's contacted everyone except George Bowman. He'll get there sooner or later.