The Best Special Agent Kristen Chazal Quotes

Assistant: So, what are we looking at? At least two gunmen, one sounds American. What else do we know? Let's put this video under the microscope, see what else we can find.
Special: He looks tall. 6'3", 6'4? Skin says he's Caucasian.
Kelly: The way he handles that AR points to military or police training.
Special: Hey, check this out. Look at his glove. That's just hanging latex. He's missing his pinky finger.

Jess: Now, what about this bus? What, did it head south, east, west?
Special: We've been scrubbing as much surveillance video as possible, but so far, no luck.
Special: Yeah. It could be anywhere.
Jess: And Givens' girlfriend?
Assistant: What... what girlfriend?
Jess: I don't know who she is or where she lives, but I know that he's got one.
Assistant: You-you-you... you do? How?
Jess: Givens was an orphan. He's constantly seeking strong women to take care of him.
Assistant: Oh, right. Be... okay.
Jess: It's true.
Assistant: Uh... all right, w-we need hard evidence here, Jess. The clock's ticking, we don't have time to play shrink.
Jess: Well, we don't have any hard evidence. All we have is to play shrink.

Special: I may have something.
Assistant: Yeah?
Special: A report from Givens' probation officer. He did an unannounced home visit, and in it, he stated that Givens was there with a woman.
Special: This woman have a name?
Special: Terri Prader.
Assistant: Uh-huh.
Jess: [seeing Terri's driver's license picture] That's her. That's Givens' girlfriend.
Assistant: Based on?
Jess: Based on the fact that it looks like his birth mother. He used to carry a picture of her in his wallet.