Top 100 Quotes From Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

- Dumb droid. Take that!
- Get off! Get off! Get off! Get off!

- Viceroy, we have captured the queen.
- Ah. Victory.

Qui: There's always a bigger fish.

- Huh? [SNIFFS]
- Pee yousa!
- Be safe.
- I will, Mom. I promise.
- Uh-oh. [CHUCKLES]

- It's beautiful.
- But I don't need this to remember you by.
- Many things will change when we reach the capital, Ani, but my caring for you will remain.
- I care for you, too, only I...
- Miss your mother.

- PILOT: Coruscant.
- The entire planet is one big city.
- There's Chancellor Valorum's shuttle.
- And look over there.
- Senator Palpatine is waiting for us.

Obi: The boy is dangerous. They all sense it, why can't you?

Yoda: Qui-Gon's defiance I sense in you. Need that, you do not!

Queen: Although we do not always agree, Your Honor, our two great societies have always lived in peace. The Trade Federation has destroyed all that we have worked so hard to build. If we do not act quickly, all will be lost forever. I ask you to help us... no, I beg you to help us.
[Amidala drops to her knees in front of the Gungan assembly]
Queen: We are your humble servants.
[One by one, everyone in Amidala's party gets on one knee in front of the Gungan assembly]
Queen: Our fate is in your hands.
Boss: Hmmmmm.
[rubs his chin in thought]

- You won this small toss, outlander, but you won't win the race!
- So it makes little difference!

Obi: Why do I get the feeling that we've picked up another pathetic life form?

- With all due respect, the ambassadors for the Supreme Chancellor wish to board immediately.
- Yes, of course.
- As you know, our blockade is perfectly legal, and we'd be happy to receive the ambassadors.

Governor: A communications disruption could mean only one thing: invasion.

- This is so wizard, Ani.
- I'm sure you'll do it this time.
- Do what?
- Finish the race, of course.
- You've never won a race?
- Well, not exactly.
- Not even finished?
- Kitster's right. I will this time.
- Of course you will.

- Your Majesty, it is our pleasure to continue to serve and protect you.
- I welcome your help.
- Senator Palpatine fears that the
- Federation means to destroy me.
- I assure you I will not allow that to happen.
- Wesa goin' ho-o-o-me!
Anakin: Come on, R2.

- Yousa point is well seen.
- This way. Hurry!
- How much further?
- Wesa goen underwater, okeyday?
- My warning you.
- Gungans no liken outsiders, so don't spect a warm welcome.
- Don't worry. This hasn't been our day for warm welcomes.

- Some kinda fight, mesa tinks.
- Do you think they have been taken to the camps?
- More likely they were wiped out.
- Mesa no tink so.
- Do you know where they are, Jar Jar?
- When in trouble,
- Gungans go to sacred place.
- Mesa show you. Come on.
- Mesa show you!

Senator: There is no civility, only politics.

- He's catching Sebulba!
- Careful, Ani. Careful, Ani!
- That little human being is out of his mind.
- ANNOUNCER 2: They're side by side!

- My guess is the viceroy's in the throne room.
- Red group! Blue group!
- Everybody, this way!
- Hey, wait for me!
- Stay where you are.
- You'll be safe there.
- But I...
- Stay in that cockpit.
- We'll handle this.
- We'll take the long way.

- I've called for a special session of the senate to hear your position.
- I'm grateful for your concern,
- Chancellor.
- There is a question of procedure, but I'm confident we can overcome it.
- I must speak with the Jedi Council immediately.
- The situation has become much more complicated.
- Ani, come on.

- Yousa no tinken yousa greater den da Gungans?
- Me-e-esa lika dis!
- Maybe wesa bein friends.

- Negotiation?
- We've lost all communications.
- And where are the chancellor's ambassadors?
- This is a dangerous situation,
- Your Highness.
- Our security volunteers will be no match against a battle-hardened
- Federation army.
- I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war.

- What has that got to do with anything?
- Everything.
- Fear is the path to the dark side.
- Fear leads to anger.
- Anger leads to hate.
- Hate leads to suffering.
- I sense much fear in you.

Senator: And Queen Amidala, has she signed the treaty?
Nute: She has... disappeared, my lord. One Naboo cruiser got past the blockade.
Senator: I want that treaty signed!
Nute: M-my lord, it-it's impossible to locate the ship. It's out of our range.
Senator: Not for a Sith.
[Darth Maul appears alongside Darth Sideous in the hologram]
Senator: This is my apprentice, Darth Maul. He will find your lost ship.
[the hologram disappears]
Nute: This is getting out of hand! Now, there are two of them!

- Is he nervous?
- He's fine.
- You Jedi are far too reckless.
- The queen is not...
- The queen trusts my judgment, young handmaiden.
- You should too.
- You assume too much.
- ANNOUNCER 2: Start your engines.

Queen: You're a slave?
Anakin: I'm a person and my name is Anakin.

Qui: Remember, concentrate on the moment. Feel, don't think. Trust your instincts.

Jar: Ooh, mooey mooey, I love you!
Qui: You almost got us killed! Are you brainless?
Jar: I spake!
Qui: The ability to speak does not make you intelligent. Now get out of here.

- Now, stay here and keep out of trouble.
- Hello, boyos.
- There's the blockade.

- with that incredible racing machine, the Vulptereen 327.
- And hoping for a big win today,
- Ody Mandrell, with his record-setting pit droid team.
- And a late entry, young Anakin Skywalker, a local boy.
- I see the flags are moving out onto the track.

Jar: Good going, Ani!
- We owe you everything, Ani.
- It's so wonderful, Ani.
- You have brought hope to those who have none.
- I'm so very proud of you.

Qui: He can see things before they happen. That's why he appears to have such quick reflexes. It's a Jedi trait.

- This invasion will gain you nothing.
- We're a democracy.
- The people have decided.
- Take him away.
- My troops are in position to begin searching the swamps for these rumoured underwater villages.
- They will not stay hidden for long.

Senator: Wipe them out, all of them.

- Whoa.
- Oops.
- We're losing power.
- There seems to be a problem with the main reactor.
- Impossible!
- Nothing can get through our shield.
- Let's get outta here.

- There's no doubt the mysterious warrior was a Sith.
- Always two there are.
- No more, no less.
- A master and an apprentice.
- But which was destroyed?
- The master or the apprentice?

- If we win, you keep all the winnings, minus the cost of the parts I need.
- And if we lose, you keep my ship.
- Either way, you win.
- Hmm...
- Deal!

- I'm sure Qui-Gon doesn't want to put your son in danger.
- We'll find some other way.
- No.
- There is no other way.
- I may not like it, but he can help you.
- He was meant to help you.

- Mesa, Your Highness?
- Yes. I need your help.
- I have one battleship on my scope.
Obi: It's a droid control ship.
- PANAKA: They've probably spotted us.
- We haven't much time.

- Looks like a few Tusken Raiders are camped out on the Canyon Dune turn.
- Ooh. There goes
- Quadinaros' power coupling.

- We're hit, R2!
- I'm trying to stop! I'm trying to stop!
- Everything's overheated.
- Oops. This is not good.

- Skywalker's been forced onto the service ramp!
- It's Skywalker!
- Sebulba!
- Amazing! A quick control thrust, and he's back on course!
Jar: Did he crash-ed?

Qui: [mumbles, as Obi-Wan sits him up after battle with Darth Maul] Uhh, it's too late, it...
Obi: No!
Qui: Obi-Wan, promise... Promise me you will train the boy.
Obi: Yes, master.
Qui: [wiping a tear from Obi-Wan's right cheek] He is the chosen one. He will bring balance. Train him.
Obi: [nods, cries over Qui-Gon Jinn's body]

- Halt!
- Starting up the shield.

- My fate will be no different than that of our people.
- Captain.
- PANAKA: Your Highness.
- Ready my ship.
- Please, Your Majesty, stay here where it's safe.
- It is clear to me now that the Republic no longer functions.
- I pray you will bring sanity and compassion back to the senate.

- We didn't hit it.
- Now, this is Podracing.
- Look, one of ours, out of the main hold!
- Whoo!
- Whoo!
- Yeah!

Queen: I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war.

- I'm sorry I wasn't able to finish you,
- 3PO, give you coverings and all.
- I'm gonna miss working on you.
- You've been a great pal.
- I'll make sure
- Mom doesn't sell you or anything.
- Sell me?
- Bye.
- Oh, my.

Anakin: Are you an angel?
Queen: What?
Anakin: An angel. I've heard the deep space pilots talk about them. They live on the moons of Iego, I think. They're the most beautiful creatures in the universe.
Queen: You're a funny little boy. How do you know so much?
Anakin: I listen to all the traders and star pilots who come through here. I'm a pilot, you know, and someday I'm going to fly away from this place.

Yoda: Master Qui-Gon. More to say have you?
Qui: With your permission, my master, I have encountered a vergence in the Force.
Yoda: A vergence, you say?
Mace: Located around a person?
Qui: A boy. His cells have the highest concentration of midi-chlorians I have seen in a life-form. It was possible he was concieved by the midi-chlorians.
Mace: You refer to the prophecy of The One who will bring balance to the Force. You believe it's this boy?

- The shield generator's been hit!
- How wude!

Qui: I can only protect you, I cannot fight a war for you.

- Mesa caused mabbe one, two-y lettle bitty axadentes, huh?
- Yud-say boom da gassar, den crashin der boss's heyblibber, den banished.
- Oh!
- Big gooberfish! Huge-o teeth!

Jar: Wesa got a grand army. That's why you no liking us meesa thinks.

Qui: Keep your concentration here and now, where it belongs.

- Activate the droids.
- Yes, sir.
- Ouch time.
- Fire!

- I will not cooperate.
- Now, now, Your Highness.
- In time, the suffering of your people will persuade you to see our point of view.
- Commander.
- Yes, sir.
- Process them.
- Captain, take them to Camp 4.
- Roger, roger.

- Roger. Roger.
- I thought the battle was going to take place far from here.
- This is too close.
- Ani, find cover.
- Quick!
- Get to your ships!

- We don't have time for this, Captain.
- Look! There they are.
- That's where the autopilot's taking us.

- If we do not act quickly, all will be lost forever.
- I ask you to help us.
- No, I beg you to help us.
- We are your humble servants.
- Our fate is in your hands.
- Hmm.

- Senator Palpatine will need your help.
- Either choice presents great danger to us all.
- We are brave, Your Highness.
- If you are to leave, Your Highness, it must be now.
- Then I will plead our case to the senate.
- Be careful, Governor.

- That's absolutely right.
- And a big turnout here from all corners of the Outer Rim Territories.
- I see the contestants are making their way out onto the starting grid.
- ANNOUNCER 2: I see Ben Quadinaros from the Tund system.
- ANNOUNCER 2: Two-time winner Boles Roor.
- Sebulba!

- Horrible.
- Head for that outcropping.
- Oh, boy.

- The reading is off the chart.
- Over 20,000.
- Even Master Yoda doesn't have a midi-chlorian count that high.
- No Jedi has.
- What does that mean?
- I'm not sure.

- No giben up, General Jar Jar.
- Mesa tink of something.
- Hands up.
- My give up.
- My give up.

- Promise...
- Promise me you will train the boy.
- Yes, Master.
- He is the chosen one.
- He will bring balance.
- Train him.

Jar: Retreat! Retreat!
- Dis is nutsen.

- I don't care what universe you're from.
- That's gotta hurt!
- Here he comes! [WHOOPS]
- ANNOUNCER 2: At the start of the final lap,
- Sebulba's in the lead, followed closely by Skywalker!
- Go, Ani!

- Uh-oh. Big boomers.
- Uh-oh.

Anakin: You're a Jedi Knight, aren't you?
Qui: What makes you think that?
Anakin: I saw your laser sword. Only Jedi carry that kind of weapon.
Qui: Perhaps I killed a Jedi and took it from him.
Anakin: I don't think so. No one can kill a Jedi.
Qui: I wish that were so.

- Some indigenous tribes and scavengers.
- The few spaceports like this one are havens for those that don't wish to be found.
- Like us.
- Dissen berry berry bad.
- Oh! Icky icky goo!

- My... My mouth.
- Ani, I'm stuck.
- Hey. My tongue is fat. Ani!
- You're quite right.
- He's very odd indeed.
- Thank you.
- Go.

- I need parts for a J-type 327 Nubian.
[IN ENGLISH] Yes! Nubian.
- We have lots of that.
- My droid has a readout of what I need.

- The boy, then.
- Well...
- We'll let fate decide, huh?
- I just happen to have a chance cube here.
- Blue, it's the boy.
- Red, his mother.

- Qui-Gon, sir, wait! I'm tired!
- Anakin! Drop!
- Go! Tell them to take off!
- Qui-Gon's in trouble.
- Take off.
- Over there. Fly low.

- Go back?
- Qui-Gon told me to stay in this cockpit, so that's what I'm gonna do.
- I'll try spinning. That's a good trick.
- I know we're in trouble. Just hang on.
- Go!
- Ascension guns!

- The queen's a bein' grossly nice, mesa tinks.
- Pitty hot.

- Fighters straight ahead.
- Roger, Bravo Leader.
- Roger, Bravo Leader.
- Cease fire.
- Steady. Steady.

Qui: You must have Jedi reflexes if you race pods.
[Jar-Jar tries to grab a piece of fruit with his tongue, but Qui-Gon catches it]
Qui: Don't do that again.

Anakin: But what about mom? Is she free too? You're coming too, aren't you, mom?
Qui: I tried to free your mother, Anni, but Watto wouldn't have it.
Shmi: Son, my place is here, my future is here. It is time for you to let go.

Queen: I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die while you discuss this invasion in a committee!

Qui: [to Anakin] May the force be with you.

Shmi: There was no father. I carried him, I gave birth, I raised him. I can't explain what happened.

- I've sent Padmé on an errand.
- I'm on my way to the Jedi temple to start my training, I hope.
- I may never see her again, so I came to say good-bye.
- We will tell her for you.
- We are sure her heart goes with you.
- Thank you, Your Highness.

[R2D2 beeps]
C: I beg your pardon, but what do you mean, "naked?"
[R2D2 beeps]
C: My parts are showing? Oh, my goodness, oh!

Qui: Finding him was the will of the force, I have no doubt of that.

[first lines]
Qui: Captain.
Republic: Yes, sir?
Qui: Tell them we wish to board at once.
Republic: [to communication device] With all due respect, the ambassadors for the Supreme Chancellor wish to board immediately.
Nute: [on view screen] Yes, of course. As you know, our blockade is perfectly legal and we'd be happy to receive the ambassadors.

Qui: Greed can be a very powerful ally.

Qui: Anakin Skywalker, meet Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Qui: Remember: Your focus determines your reality.

Jar: Mesa cause one, two-y little bitty axadentes, huh? Yud say boom de gasser, den crashin der bosses heyblibber, den banished.

Queen: Senator, this is your arena. I feel I must return to my mine. I have decided to go back to Naboo.
Senator: Go back? But, your Majesty, be realistic. They'll force you to sign the treaty.
Queen: I will sign no treaty, Senator. My fate will be no different to that of our people.

- Jam the doors.
- Now, Viceroy, we will discuss a new treaty.

Anakin: Now this is pod racing!

Obi: But Master Yoda says I should be mindful of the future.
Qui: But not at the expense of the moment.

Anakin: Mom, you said that the biggest problem in the universe is no one helps each other.

- Are you brain-dead?
- I'm not going in there with two Jedi.
- Send a droid.
- Is it in their nature to make us wait this long?
- No. I sense an unusual amount of fear for something as trivial as this trade dispute.

- We're losing droids fast.
- If we can't get the shield generator fixed, we'll be sitting ducks.
- The shields are gone.
- The power's back!
- That little droid did it.
- He bypassed the main power drive.
- Deflector shields up at maximum.

Yoda: May the force be with you.