50 Best Knives Out Quotes

- I knew Harlan wouldn't just kill himself.
- Yes, Fran, you were right.
- I knew you were guilty as shit.
- And now you're gonna pay for it!
- Don't you come near me.
- Don't come near me!
- I'm warning you!

Ransom: [Driving away with Marta] I think this could be the best thing to happen to *all* of you!
Richard: [With the rest of the family] What does he mean by that?

Benoit: Why is grief the providence of youth? I don't know. But I'd imagine that age deepens all feelings.

Benoit: This is a twisted web, and we are not finished untangling it, not yet.
Ransom: What is this, CSI: KFC?

Marta: I've never been to a will reading before.
Benoit: You'd think it'd be like a game show, but think of a community theatre production of a tax return.

- Joni, have you seen Richard?
- No, I was, uh, just done with the, um...
- Okay, thanks.
- No.
- Damn it. Richard!
- Richard?

- I think this could be the best thing to happen to all of you!
- What does he mean by that?
- Richard, why didn't you stop her?
- What am I supposed to do?
- Grab the bumper with my teeth?

Walt: [shouting to Geatnana Wanetta] Do you want dinner Nana? Dinner? To eat? Nana?
Linda: Walt, she's fine. She ate the entire salmon spread already.

Benoit: But the complexity and the gray lie not in the truth but what you do with the truth once you have it.

- If you miss your chance to get this tox report, it's all over.
- Oh, my God.
- Whoa!
- Whoa!
- Why... Why are we stopping?
- Why are you stopping in the middle of the road?

- "And its purpose was not to sow
- "greater discord in the family,
- "quite the opposite.
- "Please accept it with grace and without bitterness,
- "but do accept it,
- "it's for the best. Dad."

Linda: [to Marta] Were you boinking my father?

- I was Harlan's research assistant for a summer.
- But what kind of blackmail scheme is this?
- I mean, the actual evidence is sitting up the street, at the crime lab.
- There's no demands, there's no meeting place.
- What's the point in sending you this?

- It's Harlan's son.
- Hi, Walt.
- Hi, Marta, it's Walt.
- Mmm-hmm.
- Would you mind coming to the house early?
- The police have a few more questions for everybody.
- What?

- anything suspicious or out of the ordinary.
- You'll know it when you see it.
- Oh, my God.
- Sweet beans!
- Well...
- Good morning, Mrs. Thrombey.

- And yet, be it cruel or comforting, this machine unerringly arrives at the truth.
- That's what it does.
- Always?
- Tomorrow at 8:00.

- and if it reveals itself, the fog would lift, the arc would resolve, the Slinky become unkinked.
- Do you mind if I stop for a second?
- I need to pick something up.
- It'll be very quick.
- Sure.

Marta: What was that about will readings being boring?
Benoit: The exception that proves the rule.

Benoit: You have a regurgitative reaction to mistruths.

Walt: I am not eating one iota of shit!

Lieutenant: That... was the dumbest car chase of all time.

Alan: [Opens Harlan's Will] Wow this will be quick.
[reads will]
Alan: I, Harlon Thronby, being of sound mind and body, yada-yada-yada. I hearby direct all my assets both liquid and otherwise, I leave in its entirety to Marta Cabrera. My entire ownership of Blood like Wine Publishing company I leave to Marta Cabrera and the copyright of it's catalog I leave in its entirety to Marta Cabrera.

[Marta and Harlan are playing "Go"]
Harlan: I don't know how you beat me at this every time.
Marta: I'm not trying to beat you. I'm creating a beautiful pattern.
Harlan: That's elder abuse. I'm calling the AARP.
Marta: Don't make me get the belt, Abuelo.

Benoit: [to Marta] I want you to know that you didn't win the game by playing it Harlan's way, you won it by playing it your way. Because you have a good heart.

- Morning,
- Mr. Thrombey.
- Mr. Thrombey? You up there?
- Mr. Thrombey,
- I'm coming in.
- Shit!

Walt: [Being questioned] My son Jacob, he's 16, very politically active.
Richard: [Cut to Richard being questioned] The boy is literally a Nazi.
Meg: [Cut to Meg being questioned] He's an alt-right dipstick troll.
Walt: [Cut to Walt being questioned] Kids today, with the internet, it's amazing.

Walt: [to Ransom, shouting] How about some more cookies, Hugh? You want some more cookies? Hey, maybe Harlan left you a cold glass of milk in his will, asshole!

- without being seen.
- And the only way is to climb the side trellis and come in through the trick hall window.
- You gotta be kidding me.
- I am not. Do it.
- And for God's sake, don't make any noise!

Linda: We are the Thrombeys, goddamnit! This is still our house!

Linda: Were you boinking my father?
Meg: Boinking?
Jacob: You had sex with my grandfather you dirty anchor baby!

- And then, you're gonna give me my cut of the inheritance.
- Happy ending. Everybody wins.
- You, me...
- Harlan.
- Yeah.
- Deal?

Walt: Marta, is it your intention to rennounce the inheritance?
Marta: [Marta shrugs] This is what Harlan wanted.
Walt: Yeah, but... Harlan put you in a very hard position here. I mean, it was unfair of him. I, I mean you see the kind of press and scrutiny that this kicks up, and you
Walt: and you know with your mother.
Marta: My mother?
Walt: Yeah.
Marta: What did Meg tell you?
Walt: Oh this isn't about... you're missing the point. We don't want to attack you in this, but Marta, if your mother came into the country illegally, criminally and you come into this inheritance with all of this scrutiny that entails, I'd be afraid that could come to light and that's what we want to avoid here. We can protect you from that happening or if it happens.
Marta: So your saying that even if it came to light, with the family's resources you could help me fix it?
Walt: Yeah, yeah, with the right lawyers, you know, not these local guys, but New York lawyers. D.C. lawyers, with enough resources put towards it, yes. Not that that ever even needs to come up, but, yes.
Marta: Okay good.
Walt: Okay.
Marta: 'cause Harlan gave me all your resouces so that means with my resources I will be able to fix it so I guess I will find the right lawers.
Walt: Er, Marta, that's not...
[Marta slams the door on Walt]
Walt: ...you'd better be sure that's what you want.

Benoit: It's a weird case from the start. A case with a hole in the center. A doughnut.

- That he had to make do for himself from here on out.
- Exactly.
- Marta. The will. Harlan.
- "Do for yourself."
- "You won't get away with this."
- And a plan forms.

Marta: [On the phone] Hello, Walt.
Walt: Hello Marta, it's Walt.

Greatnana: [Sees Marta] Ransom? Are you back again?

- Elliott!
- We gotta go!
- We gotta go!
- Okay, baby driver.
- Oh, God.
- You regret helping me yet?
- I regret not taking the Beemer.
- Oh, shit.

Harlan: Why do men instinctively pull at loose threads on their parachutes?

- You were never anything but good to Dad and because of that we...
- You can count on us.
- Hmm?
- Yeah.
- I thought you should've been at the funeral, by the way, I was outvoted.

- the night of your son's party.
- But I'll happily wait.
- I'm in no rush.
- In fact,
- I find it quiet pleasant sitting here with you.

- Harlan, I have to get you help.
- You do as I say and everything will be just fine.
- No. No.
- I promise.
- But...

Linda: [questioned about Walt] If you think I'm dumb enough to shit-talk my little brother in front of a police detective and a state trooper...
Richard: [cut to Richard being questioned] Walt doesn't run shit!

- What?
- Copy...
- Stashed...
- What? What are you saying?
- You did this.
- Won't get away with this.
- Jesus, stop it!

Benoit: [of the novel Gravity's Rainbow] It describes the path of a projectile determined by natural law. Et voila, my method. I observe the facts without biases of the head or heart. I determine the arc's path, stroll leisurely to its terminus and the truth falls at my feet.

- All right.
- I'll round up the Thrombeys at the house, along with a police escort.
- For the arrest after.
- You can tell me your whole story on the drive over.
- I don't want any more surprises.

- on Washington Street.
- No force.
- Make sure you say "no force."
- No force.
- We got a possible murder suspect.
- I said that. I said that.
- Go. Go! Go!
- Are you flooring it?
- I am literally flooring it!

Lieutenant: I'm sorry this is an open and shut case of suicide and quite frankly Benny we are getting to the point where I have to ask you what we're doing here.
Benoit: The method? Throat slit? Typical for a suicide?
Lieutenant: Yes, I mean, that's dramatic, but look around. I mean, the guy practical lives in a Clue board.

Ransom: [quoting Linda's line when he revealed he was disinherited, to the family now they've learned they all are] This might be the best thing that has ever happened to you. My mother, ladies and gentlemen.

Marta: You're not much of a detective, are you?
Benoit: Well, to be fair, you make a pretty lousy murderer.

- So that means with my resources,
- I'll be able to fix it.
- So I guess
- I will find the right lawyers.
- Uh, Marta, that's...
- You better be sure that's what you want.