20 Best Violet Mikami Quotes

Blake: Okay, so where are you and Eric planning on going in Europe?
Darren: We're talking Portugal and then maybe the Italian coast.
Violet: Oh, I went to Positano when I was just out of high school, it is amazing.
Christopher: Okay, uno, dos, tres.
Darren: Obrigado.
Christopher: If you say so.
[Violet laughs]
Darren: You know, this was a really great idea you had, Herrmann.
Christopher: Ah, Molly's Patio?
Darren: Yeah, it totally worked.
Christopher: Yeah, except for free drinks for life guy over here, I'd agree.
Darren: Okay. Here's an idea. I was talking to Herrmann earlier about my need for additional income.
Blake: Okay.
Darren: We're young, we're cool. We've got 48 hours between shifts.
Violet: Yeah?
Darren: We need our own side hustle. Herrmann and Mouch have this joint. Casey's in construction. Cruz has the Slamigan. We should put our minds together and find a business for the three of us to go into together.
Violet: I'm interested.
Blake: Yeah. I mean, yeah. It sounds like a great idea.
Violet: What should we do? And don't say hand-tossed pizzas.

DeWitt's: I was hoping to schedule something for Wednesday morning, so that Mr. Dewitt isn't... you know...
Violet: Drunk.
DeWitt's: I was going to say working.

Darren: All right, so let's meet at the brewery after shift, and we can load up supplies for WinterFest.
Blake: Oh, I rented a truck.
Darren: How many beers do we have to give away?
Blake: 100 of each style. And a dozen of your IPAs.
Darren: Oh. No, I was just monkeying around with that recipe.
Blake: No, I tasted it.
Darren: And it was my first attempt at brewing.
Blake: No, it's awesome.
Darren: Well, maybe we shouldn't include it.
Blake: What? No, forget that. It's in. You got the all clear.
Violet: Minus one appendix, but plus one amazing wristband.
Darren: You do know you can cut that off the moment you leave the hospital.
Violet: It's a fashion statement now. Oh, and I spoke to the WinterFest coordinator, and apparently, we got an amazing location for our booth. They said our association Charles DeWitt scored it.
Darren: That's great.
Violet: Or maybe Cara took care of it for us?
Blake: That's, that's, um... That's not, uh...
Violet: Oh, the jump bag was lying out behind the ambulance unzipped for some reason.
Sylvie: Oh, shoot, that was me. I was replacing the ACE bandages and I got distracted.
Violet: I figured. I zipped it up and put it back. It's fine.
Sylvie: My brain is all over the place. I have the oversight panel presentation on Friday.
Randall: For full funding.
Sylvie: It either passes, and paramedicine is officially in business, or they put the kibosh on the whole thing.
Violet: Well, you will rock it like you always do.
Sylvie: Oh, I don't know. I tried calling Chief Hawkins to get his support, but he hasn't returned my call. Do you think he's ducking me?
Randall: He will back the program publicly. You watch.

Kelly: Can I come in?
Violet: I'm really bad company right now, but...
[Severide walks in and sets down some beers on Violet's kitchen table]
Violet: Let me guess, Stella is stuck working at Molly's so she sent you to bring me a beer and try to cheer me up?
Kelly: No, this is my idea. I wanted to tell you about a girlfriend I had before your time at 51: Anna.
Violet: Yeah. Stella has told me about her. I mean, I don't know much, but I... I know she died.
Kelly: The two toughest things I've ever been through were losing Shay and losing her. And for the longest time after Anna died, I felt like a boat cut loose from the dock, just lost, nothing to hold on to.
Violet: Yeah, that's... Yeah, that's pretty much exactly it.
Kelly: I don't like to think about how low a bottom I might've hit if I hadn't gone back to work. That's just my take, having been where you are.
Violet: I appreciate it, I really do, but the... the difference is... I'm scared if I go back to work, I'll see Evan everywhere. It was his work too.
Kelly: You can't avoid it that way, I'm sorry to say. I saw Anna wherever I went, too, for the longest time. But what I saw even clearer, right in front of me, was my crew at 51, always bugging me, checking in on me. And I wanted to kill them half the time. But I knew that if I started to drift, they'd hold on tight.

Darren: Okay, enough. I can't take the two of you arguing anymore, so I'm gonna need to-...
Violet: [Look smiling at each other, cross arms and look at Ritter]
Darren: Oh, you already made up.
Blake: Ah, look at this guy.
Darren: Yeah, look, I swear: if this happens again, I'm stepping off this roller coaster.
Violet: Well, roller coasters are a blast.
Darren: Not this one.

Violet: Hey, we just landed at the hostage scene.
Kelly: Is Boden there?
Violet: I see Chief Walker talking to the police up by TAC Command, but it's not Boden
Kelly: Is his buggy in the parking lot? Back by the shopping cart return?
Violet: Yeah, it is.
Kelly: Okay, thanks, Violet. We're on our way. Roll rigs to the hostage scene! Now!
[everyone gets into their respective rigs and drives to the hostage scene]
Kelly: Dispatch, this is Squad 3, Truck 81, Engine 51. We're rolling out to 424 South Archer for additional support.

Darren: I think I have a way we can brainstorm ideas without us getting into a war.
Blake: Okay.
Darren: We write our ideas down on a slip of paper, and pull them out of a hat and discuss them anonymously.
Blake: [Talking to Violet] I gave you a birthday card a couple years ago. You know my handwriting.
Violet: Oh. If I ever did, I forgot it. Trust me.
Blake: Well, yours isn't very memorable either.
Darren: Seriously?

Violet: Hey, guys.
Blake: Hey.
Darren: Hi.
Blake: It's fine, we're not at work anymore.
Violet: Just wanted to let you guys know, I'm full time at 51 now. Really looking forward to working with you.
[walks away]
Darren: You're gonna have to pull yourself together. You know that, right?
[Gallo chuckles]
Darren: This is gonna be a disaster.

Violet: Any guy who provides painkillers and bubbly water is A-okay in my book.

Blake: What's up?
Paramedic: You texted me five times in the last 24 hours.
Blake: Yeah. You didn't text me back and I was wondering what was up.
Paramedic: What's up is that we aren't in a serious relationship. Which means sometimes we might go a little while without texting or talking and there's no reason to freak out.
Blake: I'm not freaked out.
Paramedic: The last text asked if I was dead.

Sylvie: What's this?
Violet: Here you are, going through it, and all you think about is making *my* day better. So I made you a failed attempt at Asiago cheesy bread.
Sylvie: Do I eat it or...?
Violet: No, you can throw that right away, but I wanted you to see my effort and to say thank you again for lunch today.
Sylvie: Look, Violet, I really appreciate you saying that and baking me this, but I'm fine. I... I've been thinking a lot about the fact that I had this call a few years ago. This woman had been stabbed by her neighbor in her bedroom, and I got there too late and she died in front of me. At the time, it really got to me. And I ended up bawling my eyes out in my car later, completely shattered. But this job, this life... It forges you in steel. I'm a lot stronger now. And when I was attacked on that para medicine run, my mind wasn't saying, "Get out of here! Run! Get help!" It was saying, "Stay cool and handle this, Sylvie." And with Matt, I can either bawl my eyes out, or I can get back to work and get better at living every day. That's what I choose to do.

Blake: Hey, morning.
Sylvie: Morning.
Violet: Hey.
Darren: Hey, it was good to see you last night at Molly's, Vi.
Sylvie: Yeah, it's been nice having you around more often.
Blake: Except when you kicked my ass at darts.
Violet: Well, I can't help my natural skill, Gallo. You know that.
Randall: Carver, why aren't you ever at Molly's?
Sam: I'm there now and then. I like to mix it up, that's all. Different night, different adventure.
Randall: Three months in, Carver's still an all-out mystery.
Blake: Hey, look.
[Carver has left his locker open. Gallo peaks inside]
Sylvie: Uh, don't do that! Invasion of privacy.
Blake: [scoffs] Come on, there's no privacy anymore.
Darren: He's not wrong.
Sylvie: I don't like this.
Violet: Ooh, does he have any pictures taped up in there?
Darren: Oh, I didn't see any.
Blake: I see deodorant, change of clothes, no pictures.
Darren: That's it?
Randall: Man could be a serial killer for all we know.
[alarm blares]
Emergency dispatch: Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambo 61, explosion reported. Wabash and...
Randall: That's Jeweler's Row, isn't it?

Violet: Okay, I'm trying not to freak out, but did whatever this is just go viral?
Sylvie: It'd be way more widespread.
Violet: I'm just saying, the same exact symptoms as her husband? It can't be a coincidence.
Sylvie: No, I agree, but why now, days later?
Violet: What if it's something new, something we don't have in our playbook? The next Ebola or COVID?
Sylvie: I don't know. I just keep thinking of what Marilyn said. They both had headaches, which we've been assuming is the first symptom, but what if it's the cause?
Violet: What do you mean?
Sylvie: If I remember right, they don't live too far from here.
Violet: Okay.

Violet: Whenever Gallo almost dies, for like two days, I stop feeling like I want to kill him.

Stella: Pryma?
Kelly: He's on the way to Med because of you.
Violet: Come on, come on, come on, come on.
Stella: My heart rate must be breaking records.
Sylvie: Yeah, it's a little elevated, but you're gonna be okay.
Stella: And my breathing feels shallow. Is it pneumothorax?
Sylvie: I don't think so. It could be the shock.
Violet: Out of the way! Move! You guys okay back there?
Kelly: Don't worry about us. Just keep driving.
Sylvie: I need you to keep pressure.
Kelly: I'm sorry. Yeah, I know.
Sylvie: You want something for the pain?
Stella: Yes. Hell yeah. Give me everything you got.
Sylvie: All right.
Stella: I can't... Okay.

Violet: What about the lady who calls 911 every time she needs a prescription refill?
Sylvie: Edna. Her grandson's been looking for a group home for dementia patients that they can afford, but it's been tough going. She actually hasn't called in a while. We should check on her.
Violet: Queen Cleopatra.
Sylvie: First on my list.
Randall: What kind of list are you two making?
Sylvie: All our frequent flyers. I'm trying to estimate how much time we spend with them each week.
Randall: How about Alan? That homeless vet who needs a Narcan shot at least two, three times a week. Poor guy.
Sylvie: Yeah, perfect. See, for people like him, instead of rolling out to keep putting a Band-Aid on the problem, we can link him to special services, like a rehab facility. And for Edna, maybe we can match her with a nearby senior center?
Violet: This could actually really help in so many ways.
Capp: [running through the hallway with a fire extinguisher] Fire. Fire. Fire! Fire!

Violet: You know how much I hate it when you almost die. Why did you do that?
Blake: My apologies. I really did screw that one up.
Violet: Oh, well, don't beat yourself up. That's my job.

Evan: Mikami, Brett. Did I hear we're bringing in Hazmat?
Violet: Oh, yeah, potassium fires are very hard to put out.
Evan: That so?
Violet: They generate their own oxygen so ABC extinguishers are useless. And, if you hit it with water, the hydrogen reacts with the potassium and...
[Imitates explosion]
Evan: Somebody's parents bought her a chemistry set.
Violet: I bought it myself.

Violet: Did you ever find out where Gallo and Cara went off to last night?
Darren: I... didn't think it was... my business to...
Violet: But it is our business. As co-owners of Fire Goat, we should know if he's sleeping with our investor, right? Or whatever she is.

Paramedic: Maybe we should break up.
Blake: Maybe we should get married!
Paramedic: You are out of your mind.