The Best The Dag Quotes

The: Angharad, is that just the wind or is it some furious vexation?

Toast: What are you doing?
The: Praying.
Toast: To who?
The: Anyone who's listening.

Toast: [counting their remaining bullets] Well, we've only got four for big boy here, so he's all but useless.
[holds up a tiny derringer]
Toast: But we can squirt off this little pinkie a raunchy twenty-nine times.
The: Angharad used to call them anti-seed.
Cheedo the Fragile: Plant one and watch something die.

[Max appears and heads off Furiosa, the Wives, and the Vuvalini. They brake to a stop, and Max shows Furiosa a map]
Max: [points to the Citadel] All right. This is your way home.
Imperator: [incredulous] We go back?
Max: Mmm.
Toast: [incredulous] Back?
Max: Yeah.
The: I thought you weren't insane anymore.

The: [about Max] He's a crazy smeg who eats schlanger!

The: [to her belly] Stay right where you are, little Joe. Kind of lost its novelty out here.
Keeper of the Seeds: You having a baby?
The: Warlord Junior... gonna be so ugly.
Keeper of the Seeds: It could be a girl.
The: You kill people with that, do ya?
Keeper of the Seeds: Killed everyone I ever met out here. Headshots, all of them. Snap! Right in the medulla.
The: Thought somehow you girls were above all that.
Keeper of the Seeds: [after a pause] Come here. Take a peek.
The: [gasping] Seeds.
Keeper of the Seeds: These are from home. Heirlooms, the real thing. I plant one every chance I get.
The: Where?
Keeper of the Seeds: So far nothing's took. Earth's too sour.
The: Ah, so many different kinds.
Keeper of the Seeds: Trees, flowers, fruit. Back then everyone had their fill. Back then there was no need to snap anybody.