150 Best Tom Hardy Quotes

Alfie: You are behaving like a f*****g child. This is a man's world.

Tom: I'm serious. We train. That's it. I don't wanna hear a word about anything but training, you understand? You wanna tell your war stories, you can take 'em down to the VFW. You can take 'em to a meeting, or church, or wherever the hell it is you go nowadays.

CIA: [to three prisoners] The flight plan I just filed with the agency lists me, my men, Dr. Pavel here but only one of you! First one to talk gets to stay on my aircraft!
[grabs a hood]
CIA: Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
[No answer, the agent fires his gun away from the prisoner's head]
CIA: He didn't fly so good!
[pulls the hood back into the plane]
CIA: Who wants to try next?
[grabs another prisoner]
CIA: Tell me about Bane! Why does he wear the mask? A lot of loyalty, for a hired gun!
Bane: Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man, before throwing him out of a plane?
CIA: At least you can talk. Who are you?
Bane: It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
[the Agent removes the hood]
Bane: No one cared who I was until I put on the mask.
CIA: If I pull that off, would you die?
Bane: It would be extremely painful.
CIA: You're a big guy!
Bane: For you.
CIA: Was getting caught part of your plan?
Bane: Of course... Dr. Pavel refused our offer in favor of yours, we had to find out what he told you.
Dr. Pavel: Nothing! I said nothing!
CIA: Well, congratulations! You got yourself caught! Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Bane: Crashing this plane... with no survivors!

Eddie: So, what culinary delights will tickle the pickle tonight?
Venom: Tater tots and chocolate.
Eddie: Right. Okay, no problem.

Imperator: You never gonna have a better chance.
Max: At what?
Imperator: Redemption.

[Bane's men announce their entry into the stock exchange, as the food delivery man shoots down a trader, while the shoeshiner and janitor fire their guns into the trading screen. As the screens shut off, Bane comes in and walks over to one trader]
Trader: This is a stock exchange! There's no money you can steal!
Bane: Really? Then why are you people here?
[Bane drags the trader by his tie across the floor to a computer terminal, slams his head against the table, and uses his security card to log-in and start the application on the shoeshiner's laptop]

Arthur: Eames, I am impressed.
Eames: Your condescension, as always, is much appreciated, Arthur, thank you.

Alfie: [knocks "the bakery" worker out cold] He'll wake up. Probably won't have any teeth left but he'll be a wiser man for it, and the last thing he'll remember is your funny little joke.

Dr. Dora Skirth: Drake is using his personal rockets to scout real estate.
Eddie: You know, it's a really interesting story, but we need to just get to the part where he's killing people.
Dr. Dora Skirth: Drake sent a ship on a recon mission. On the way back, they found a comet.
Eddie: A comet?
Dr. Dora Skirth: Onboard computers indicated the presence of life, of millions of organisms.
Eddie: Wait, wait, wait, when you say "millions of organisms", what do you mean?
Dr. Dora Skirth: We brought back some specimens.
Eddie: You're talking about aliens? Like, aliens?
[imitates E.T]
Eddie: E.T. phone home. Aliens, yeah.
Dr. Dora Skirth: Yes. But we don't call them that. Well come them Symbiotes.
Eddie: Symbiotes?
Dr. Dora Skirth: And they cannot survive in our environment without help. Drake believes that the union between human and Symbiote is the key of our survival, but not here on Earth.
Eddie: Drake is trying to put human beings and aliens together? So they can live in space?
Dr. Dora Skirth: We call them hosts.
Eddie: That's nuts, isn't it? That's completely insane.
Dr. Dora Skirth: Yes. There's no protocol for this thing. He's just feeding them in. If the match isn't exact...

Eddie: I found something very bad. And I have been... taken.

Smith: I'm sorry.
Eversmann: You have nothing to be sorry about. You saved Twombly, you did it perfect.
Smith: You okay Twombs?
Twombly: Yeah, I'm okay, Jamie.
Eversmann: See, you did what you were trained to do. You should be proud of that, be proud of that.
Smith: Ev?
Eversmann: Yeah.
Smith: Do me a favor, okay? Tell my parents that I fought well today. And tell them that I... that I... that I fought hard.
Eversmann: You're gonna tell them yourself okay, Jamie?
Smith: Are... are the humvees here?
Eversmann: They're coming, Jamie. They're coming. You just gotta hold on for a little longer. Can you do that?
Smith: I can, I can. It's nothing. It's nothing.

Eames: If we are gonna perform Inception then we need imagination.

Bane: [to Batman] Peace has cost you your strength! Victory has defeated you!

John: You all right there kid? Your head in the right place?
Bridger: I guess... I can't help thinking about whether we did the right...
John: No! Ain't our place to wonder. The good Lord got us on a road whether we choose it or not.
John: My pop, he weren't a religious man, you know? If you couldn't grow it, kill it, or eat it, he just plain old didn't believe in it, that was it. And this one time he head on up the old Saba hills... San Saba hills? He joined a couple Texas Ranger buddies of his to hunt you know? pretty routine, he done it like a hundred times before, should have been a three-day kill but, on the second day, it all went fucked. Somehow that night he lost his buddies, and to top it off, them Comanches went and took the horses so, he was starving and delirious... and he crawls up into this mott, this... this group of trees out in the middle of nowhere just sticking up in this ocean of scrub and he found religion. At that moment he told me... he found God. And it turns out that God... He's a squirrel. Yea. A big, old meaty one. "I found God" he used to say. "And while sitting there and basking in the glory and sublimity of mercy... I shot and ate that son of a bitch".
John: Yeah. You might want to close your eyes kid.

Eddie: You know, I used to be a reporter. I was... I was pretty successful, as well, you know? My job, it required you to... You know, to follow people that did not want to be followed and hide in plain sight. I mean... You have to know how to disappear. I was pretty good, but, you know, you...
[looks at Dora]
Eddie: Whoever you are, you suck.
Dr. Dora Skirth: Okay. My name is Dora Skirth.
Eddie: Hmm.
Dr. Dora Skirth: I need your help. I work at the Life Foundation.
Eddie: You do?
Dr. Dora Skirth: Yes.
Eddie: Wow. Good for you. We're done.

Venom: Eyes, lungs, pancreas. So many snacks, so little time.

- Hello...
- Listen, all I am saying is that, every man, he craves certainty.
- He craves the certainty, even if that certainty of yours, right...
- Well, I mean...
- It's fucking fanciful mate, innit?
Alfie: Eh?

Brendan: That's Tess. And that's Emily and Rosie. They're your nieces, Tommy.
Tom: Don't know 'em.
Brendan: I know you don't know them. Of course you don't know them.
Tom: Why am I looking at pictures of people I don't know?
Brendan: Because that's my family.
Tom: And who are you exactly?
Brendan: I'm your brother, man.
Tom: You were in the Corps?
Brendan: What?
Tom: I said I didn't know you were in the Corps.
Brendan: I wasn't in the Corps.
Tom: Then you ain't no brother to me. My brother was in the Corps.

Eddie: I am going to die!
Venom: You are not going to die!

Tom: I think I liked you better when you were a drunk.

Yurek: [Looks at Nelson strangely] What's wrong with him?
Twombly: Oh, he's deaf. My fault.

Dapper: Hey. Don't give up on her. Either of you.
Eddie: We won't.
Venom: Who was that guy?
[notices the dog]
Venom: Wait, this thing looks delicious.


Bane: [addressing media reporters outside the prison] Behind you is a symbol of oppression. Blackgate Prison, where a thousand men have languished under the name of this man,
[holds up a picture of Harvey Dent]
Bane: Harvey Dent, who has been held up to you as the shining example of justice!
John: [to Gordon, at Blake's apartment] Commissioner, we need to keep you moving until we can get you in front of a camera.
Bane: You have been supplied with a false idol to stop you from tearing down this CORRUPT CITY! Let me tell you the truth about Harvey Dent from the words of Gotham's police commissioner, James Gordon.
[holds up Gordon's speech papers and begins to read]
Bane: "The Batman didn't murder Harvey Dent, he saved my boy then took the blame for Harvey's appalling crimes so that I could, to my shame, build a lie around this fallen idol. I praised the mad man who tried to murder my own child but I can no longer live with my lie. It is time to trust the people of Gotham with the truth and it is time for me to resign."
[calls to prisoners]
Bane: And do you accept this man's resignation? Do you accept the resignation of all these liars? Of all the CORRUPT?
[prisoners roar with approval]
John: Those men locked up for eight years in Blackgate, and denied parole under the Dent Act, based on a lie?
Jim: Gotham needed a hero...
John: It needs it now more than ever. You betrayed everything you stood for.
Jim: There's a point, far out there when the structures fail you, and the rules aren't weapons anymore, they're... shackles letting the bad guy get ahead. One day... you may face such a moment of crisis. And in that moment, I hope you have a friend like I did, to plunge their hands into the filth so that you can keep yours clean!
John: [disgusted] Your hands look plenty filthy to me, Commissioner.

Thomas: Good morning Alfie.
Alfie: Yeah, it is, it is. Why is everybody in fucking bed?

Cobb: [notices that he's being followed] That price on my head, was that dead or alive?
Eames: Not sure. See if he starts shooting.

Eames: They come here every day to sleep?
Elderly: [towards Cobb] No. They come to be woken up. The dream has become their reality. Who are you to say otherwise, son?

Alfie: What have you heard, Alfie?
Alfie: I heard a cop got shot. Who shot him?
Thomas: My kestrel.
Alfie: Right, oh, up the stakes, very good.
Thomas: Where are the Sicilians?
Alfie: They're still using Sabini for vehicles and for places to stay.
Thomas: Mm-hmm. And reinforcements?
Alfie: Ah, no, they're Sicilians, aren't they, they don't trust nobody who ain't fucked a goat on the morning of their first pubic hair, they've got traditions.
Thomas: How many are here?
Alfie: Eleven. Enough to drop a man who wrapped his balls in an O.B.E., 'til they fell off.
Thomas: The real question is, Alfie... which side are you playing for, eh?
Alfie: [chuckling] Fucking hell. What kind of world is it to bring up children when your own mate can ask you that question, eh? But the truth is, Tommy, you're gonna be fucking dead soon, yeah? And then your starlings, right, they will peck out your blue eyes, won't they? And the jackdaws, they will steal your gold and your medals, and pretty soon it'll be as if you never even fucking happened, mate.

[Max proposes turning back and claiming the Citadel]
Keeper of the Seeds: I like this plan... we could start again, just like the old days!
Max: Look, it'll be a hard day.
[points to the horizon]
Max: But I guarantee you that a hundred and sixty days ride that way... there's nothing but salt.
[points back]
Max: At least that way we might be able to... together... come across some kind of redemption.
[He holds out his hand. After a pause, Furiosa takes it and clasps tight]

Anne: Oh, no. I just bit that guy's head off.
Eddie: I know, I know. I've been there, too. It's not fun.

Hugh: We got to get off this boat.
John: You wanna get off the boat? Then what we gonna do, huh? We gonna take our furs and sit out there amongst the weed like a bunch of god damn ducks?
Hugh: The safe thing to do is track a new course back up on land.

One: Bob, I know all your girlfriends, all of them.
Handsome: I told you, you wouldn't understand!
One: What, I wouldn't understand that you're a fucking homo? You're Handsome Bob! You're Handsome Bob, the fucking lady-killer, that's who you are! Do you hear me, Bob? I mean, I've had showers with you, man. You've seen my fucking cock!

- I had to find a way to stop them trying to kill me.
- You made a serious mistake.
Bane: Not as serious as yours, I fear.
- Bane.
Bane: Let's not stand on ceremony here...
- ...Mr. Wayne.

Alfie: Intelligence is a very valuable thing, innit, my friend? And usually it comes far too f*****g late.

Alfie: Fucking hell, it smells of pig round here, don't it? Definitely not kosher. Come to Small Heath, you will go to hell... for fucking breathing.

- This is a stock exchange.
- There's no money you can steal.
Bane: Really? Then why are you people here?

Toast: [Max returns after killing the Bullet Farmer] Are you hurt?
Max: Huh?
Toast: You're bleeding.
Imperator: That's not his blood.

- He's dead.
Bane: So show me his body.
- The water runs to any one of the outflows.
- We'd never find him.
Bane: Follow him!
- MERCENARY 2: Follow him?

Bane: Theatricality and deception are powerful agents to the uninitiated... but we are initiated, aren't we Bruce? Members of the League of Shadows!
[Lifts Batman by the neck]
Bane: And you betrayed us!
Batman: You were excommunicated... by a gang of psychopaths!
[Bane viciously beats Batman and throws him to the ground]
Bane: I AM the League of Shadows, and I'm here to fulfill Ra's al Ghul's destiny!
Bane: You fight like a younger man, with nothing held back. Admirable but mistaken.
[Batman uses an EMP device to cut the lights]
Bane: Oh, you think darkness is your ally. But you merely adopted the dark; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but BLINDING!
[grabs Batman from the shadows and continues to beat him]
Bane: The shadows betray you, because they belong to me!
[repeatedly punches Batman in the face, breaking his cowl]
Bane: I will show you where I have made my home while preparing to bring justice. Then I will break you.
[hits detonator, blowing a hole into the bottom of Wayne Enterprise]
Bane: Your precious armory, gratefully accepted! We will need it.
[Batman desperately stands and swings at Bane]
Bane: Ah, yes... I was wondering what would break first...
[lifts Batman high]
Bane: Your spirit, or your body?
[slams him on his knee]

Alfie: Come on, Tommy, there is an honorable reason now to pull that trigger, so what...
Thomas: Alfie! Alfie, look at me!
Alfie: Fucking get on with it!

Eddie: Oh, Jesus! You can take this guy, right?
Venom: He has got shit you have never seen.
Eddie: What does that mean? What are our chances?
Venom: Hmm. Pretty much zero.
Eddie: Oh, fuck it. Well, let's go save the planet.

[Eddie rapidly knocks on neighbor's door]
Noisy: Yeah?
Eddie: Hey, can you turn your music down, please? 'Cause I'm having a really hard time.
Noisy: Whatever.
[Eddie, as a semi-mutated Venom, growls at him]
Noisy: Yeah, sure, man. Yeah. I'll just turn it right down. Sorry.
Eddie: Thank you. Thank you.

John: They're torturing that poor bastard, the proper thing to do will be finish him off quick.

John: We had a deal, Glass! I tried to tell your boy! Alright? I tried to tell him what was happening, but wouldn't listen and he kept on screamin'. And he was gonna get everybody killed! But you and me, we had a deal. Y'all know what happened out there. On my soul, the Lord, HE knows what happened out there.
Hugh: There was no deal. You killed my boy.
John: Or may be you shoulda raised a man... instead of some girly little bitch.

John: Captain, we got us a swarm of tree niggers out here waiting to finish the job.
[On the boat after the battle with Arikara]

Yusuf: Brain function in the dream will be about twenty times to normal. When you enter a dream within that dream, the effect is compounded: it's three dreams, that's ten hours times twen...
Eames: I'm sorry, uh, maths was never my strong subject. How much time is that?
Cobb: It's a week the first level down. Six months the second level down, and... the third level...
Ariadne: ...is ten years! Who would wanna be stuck in a dream for ten years?
Yusuf: Depends on the dream.

Bane: Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

- I don't think we should skinny-dip.
- You have to pay the bill.
Venom: What is happening? No!
- No, we just got here!
- No, not again!
- And there he goes.
- Without paying the bill, no tips, nothing.

Forrest: Have you met Howard?

Venom: You come in here again... In fact, you go anywhere in this city, preying on innocent people, and we will find you and we will eat both of your arms and then both of your legs. And then we will eat your face right off your head. Do you understand?
Shakedown: [stammering] No. No. Please...
Venom: Yes. So, you will be this armless, legless, faceless thing, won't you, going down the street like a turd in the wind? Do you feel me?
Shakedown: What the hell are you?
Venom,18960: WE... are Venom.
[glances at the thug's head]
Venom,18960: On second thought...
Shakedown: [Terrified] Please...
[screams as Venom eats him]
Mrs. Chen: [a shocked Mrs. Chen is gaping at him] Eddie? What was that?
Eddie: Oh... I have a parasite. Yeah. Good night, Mrs. Chen.

Riot: Traitor!
Venom: Have a nice life.
[explodes spaceship, kills Drake/Riot]

Venom: The one with Drake is Riot.
Eddie: Who's Riot?
Venom: Riot is what you call a team leader. He has an arsenal of weapons.
Eddie: Drake's got his own Symbiote.
Venom: He is unstoppable.
Anne: Oh, great.
Venom: We have to got to go!
Eddie: Go where? Where we going?
Anne: Well, I'm coming with you.
Venom: No! It's going to get ugly.
Eddie: Well, she can fight ugly. Trust me.
Anne: Yeah, I can fight ugly.
Venom: [emerges] Not today.
Anne: Oh, that's bullshit!

Venom: [looking out a high-rise window] Jump.
Venom: [Eddie takes the elevator] Pussy.

Cobb: Inception. Now, before you bother telling me it's impossible...
Eames: No, it's perfectly possible. It's just bloody difficult.

[Eddie/Venom beats up Dr. Drake's men]
Venom: Outstanding. Now, let's bite all their heads off, and pile them up in the corner.
Eddie: Why would we do that?
Venom: Pile of bodies, pile of heads.

Andrew: What happened?
John: We did what we had to do. He was buried right.

John: What makes you go on?

- You're a big guy.
Bane: For you.
- Was getting caught part of your plan?
Bane: Of course.
- Dr. Pavel refused our offer in favor of yours.
- We had to find out what he told you--
- Nothing. I said nothing.

Max: How much more can they take from me? They got my blood, now it's my car!

Eddie: Hey, you know what... You know what night it is tonight, right?
Anne: Date night.
Eddie: Mmm-hmm. So, I will pick you up around, uh, 6:00. And please do not forget your helmet.
Anne: Oh, I'm glad that you like it, 'cause I plan on wearing it at our wedding.
Eddie: That's hot.

Tom: So you gonna ask about her, or you just gonna sit there all sober?
Paddy: I know.
Tom: Oh you know. What do you know? You know it wasn't enough to drive west to get away from you? When we hit the water we drove north, too.
Paddy: When I get sober I hired a man to find you.
Tom: Is that one of the 12 steps? Or does a guy like you get 24?

Eddie: Are you gonna eat anybody else?
Venom: Most likely.
Eddie: Oh, God.
Venom: That is why WE are here. Cooperate, and you just might survive. That is the deal.

[first lines]
Paddy: [arriving home] Tommy? Jesus! What are you doing here?
Tom: I was just passing through. I figured why not have a belt with the old man.

- Eight minutes.
Bane: Time to go mobile.
- MERCENARY 1: Everybody, up!
- You two, move!
Bane: Thank you.
Foley: Steady.

- Gave proof through--
Bane: That's a lovely, lovely voice.
- --That our flag was still there
- Oh, say does that star-spangled banner
- Yet wave
- O'er the land of the free
- And the home of the brave

Max: I am the one that runs from both the living and the dead. Hunted by scavengers, haunted by those I could not protect. So I exist in this wasteland, reduced to one instinct: survive.

Forrest: What I'm trying to say is, the course of your life it is changing. You don't even see it.
Mugger: What are you talkin' bout?
[Forrest punches him with iron knuckles, knocking mugger unconscious]
Howard: Yeah, that's what he's talking' bout.
Howard: [Looking at a shocked Jack Bondurant] You alright there, Jack?
Jack: Caught me off guard is all.
Howard: You still good to drive?
[Forrest laughs]
Jack: Fuck you, Howard.

- So it might be a good time to get around?
- Mr Shelby will give you a 20% cut if you put Goliath down in the fourth round.
Luca: So you're gonna take my boys and you're gonna bring them to the ring as seconds.
Alfie: Yeah, Tommy Shelby was right about you. Wasn't he?

[She-Venom appears behind Treece]
Eddie: I guess it pays to be a specialist, huh? You know, it doesn't matter if you kill me anyway, because there's something way bigger afoot in this world than you and me. Much bigger than me. And it's much, much bigger than you. Karma's a bitch.
Security: I don't believe in karma.
[She-Venom grabs Treece and bites his head off]
She: Hi, Eddie.

John: God giveth, God taketh away.

Eddie: No! We do not eat policemen!
[Anne screams and runs off]
Eddie: Annie! Annie, wait! Wait, please.
Anne: Oh, what the hell was that?
Eddie: That's not me. I've been infected.
Anne: Eddie, what's happening?
Eddie: He's inside me.
Anne: "He"?
Eddie: Yes. I know it sounds crazy, but...
Anne: You're sick. Eddie, you're really sick.
Eddie: No, I am scared! And I need help.
Anne: Hospital. Right now.

Thomas: I once told you, Alfie, that for business reasons, or in bad blood, I would kill you. I have no business reasons. It seems you have retired.
Alfie: So is it all purely for bad blood, is it, Tommy?

Bane: Gotham...
- ...take control.
- Take control of your city.
- Foley.
- Jesus, Blake.
- Every cop in the city's in those tunnels.
- Not every cop.

Yurek: Dude, where the fuck have you been?
Twombly: Never mind. You brought NOD, right?
Yurek: No. No, I didn't bring it, and you wanna know why? Because you said: "You're not gonna need that, dude. We'll be back in a half-hour."
Twombly: Well, I wasn't saying it to you.

[last lines]
Brendan: Tommy, what are you doing?
Tom: Shut Up! Come on
Brendan: Come on? What are you that crazy?
Referee: Lets Go To War!
Brendan: What are you doing? It's over Tommy! Tommy You don't have to do this! Don't make me do this Tommy! I don't want to do this!
Tom: Whats the matter?
Brendan: [pinning him] I'm sorry Tommy! I'm sorry... Tap out Tom! It's OK! It's OK! I Love You! I Love You Tommy!

Venom: Goodbye, Eddie.
Eddie: Venom, NO!

Thomas: Hello, Alfie.
Alfie: Yeah, did you, did you look through the binoculars?
Thomas: Yeah.
Alfie: I watch ships. No two are the same. Yeah. That is how God sees us both in his eyes.
Thomas: God, eh?
Alfie: Yeah, sort of, I mean, you know, someone who's responsible for all this fucking mess. Now, how soon did you know that I was not dead?
Thomas: You wrote me a letter, Alfie.
Alfie: Did I?
Thomas: Yeah, you asked about your dog.
Alfie: Oh, they, they gave me a lot of drugs at first, yeah, all right. I was lyin' out there, and the tide come in, and it woke me up. I remember lookin' around and thinking, you know, "Fuck... if this is hell... then it looks a lot like Margate."
Thomas: Maybe that's just what hell looks like, eh?
Alfie: [picking up a copy of the Torah] No, no, not accordin' to this holy book right here, yeah? It gives a very, very vivid description. You and I are both fucked, mate.

Brendan: God, man, I don't understand this. You won't forgive me, but you'll forgive Pop?
Tom: Shit. He's just some old vet I train with. He means nothing to me. From what I hear he means nothing to you, either, so you got balls talking about forgiveness.

[Bane wrecks the CIA plane and grabs Dr Pavel]
Bane: Calm down, Doctor! Now's not the time for fear. That comes later.

Max: You know, hope is a mistake. If you can't fix what's broken, you'll, uh... you'll go insane.

Arthur: So, once we've made the plant, how do we go out? Hope you have something more elegant in mind than shooting me in the head?
Cobb: A kick.
Ariadne: What's a kick?
Eames: This, Ariadne, would be a kick
[kicks the leg of the chair Arthur's swinging at]
Arthur: [finds his balance and glares at Eames]

Venom: Hmm. It is peaceful up here.
Eddie: I'm not very good with heights.
Venom: Your world is not so ugly after all. I'm almost sorry to see it end.

Eddie: I have absolutely no problem with you sticking around, but if you do, we're gonna have some ground rules, all right? You cannot just go around eating anybody that you want to.
Venom: I cannot?
Eddie: No, you cannot. All right, we need to... We need to reiterate this. There are good people in this world, a lot of them. And there are bad people. You have to tell the difference. The deal is, you will only ever be allowed to touch, harm, hurt, possibly, very possibly, eat very, very bad people, but never, never, ever good people. All right?
Venom: Fine. But how does one tell the difference?
Eddie: Well, it's super simple. I mean, you just have to... You can intuit it, you can sense it. Sometimes you can even feel it.
Venom: Whatever you say. But can we get something to eat now? Otherwise, your liver, it's starting to look really, really good and juicy.

John: That claw doesn't belong to you.

Maggie: You just gonna watch me forever?
Forrest: Um... uh, wait, what you doin'?

Max: Have you done this before?
Imperator: Many times.

- I am simply asking...
- Fabergé is not part of the deal.
- We would not offer you fabergé eggs...
- My jeweller here, he advises me to insist on fabergé.
Alfie: It's a deal-breaker, Tommy.

Tom: Not much of a woman's touch around here.
Paddy: No women for me anymore, Tommy.
Tom: Yeah. Must be tough to find a girl who could take a punch nowadays.

John: Life? What life are you talkin' about I ain't got no life! I just got a living and the only way I get to do that is through these pelts!

Carlton: This is the last time I'm asking you. Where is my Symbiote?
Eddie: I have no idea.
Riot: [emerges] WHERE IS HE?
Eddie: Oh, my God!
Eddie: That is the ugliest-looking thing I have ever seen.
Carlton: [turns back into himself] You know, Brock, I have no use for you.
[leaves the lab]
Carlton: Treece! Come and clean up your mess.
Eddie: Whoa, he has one up his ass, too.

Eames: [Shows up while Arthur is in a gunfight] You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.
[Pulls out a grenade launcher]

Eddie: Okay. Okay, I think I got this. You're saying that this whole place here, it's just tons of... superpeople.
Venom: And he has been saying it for hours.
Eddie: All right, tell me again. I'm sorry, I'm an idiot. There was a billionaire, and he had a tin suit and he could fly, right?
[the Bartender crosses his heart]
Eddie: Okay, and there was a really angry green man.
Bartender: Hulk.
Eddie: Hulk.
Venom: And you thought Lethal Protector was a shit name.
Eddie: Yeah, because it is. Now tell me again about your purple alien that loves stones. 'Cause I'll you what, man, aliens do not love stones.
Venom: Eddie, don't start. They don't.
Eddie: Know what aliens love? Eating brains. Because that's what they do. All right?
Bartender: Señor, he made my family disappear. For five years.
Eddie: Five years? That's a long time. Maybe I... Maybe I should go to New York and speak to this... Spider-Man.

Eddie: [Venom snarling inside Eddie as he tries to get the sticky black slime off of his hands] What is that?
Venom: Not "what"... who.

Saito: [thinking it's Eames shape shifted into Browning] Hey, I see you've changed.
Peter: [confused] Sorry?
Eames: [appears in the background and silently warns Saito it's not him]
Saito: Ahh... I'm sorry. I mistook you for a friend.
Peter: Well, good-looking fellow, I'm sure.
Eames: That's Fischer's projection of Browning. Let's follow him and see how he behaves.
Saito: Why?
Eames: Because how he acts will tell us if Fischer is starting to suspect him just the way we want him to.

Forrest: [to beaten up deputies] Now, you all oughta know better than to come around here when Hal's been on the stump whiskey for a few days.

Forrest: Jack, look at me. We're survivors. We control the fear. And without the fear, we are all as good as dead. Do you understand? - Do you?

Catwoman: I had no choice. I needed a way to keep them from killing me.
Batman: You just made a serious mistake.
Bane: Not as serious as yours, I fear...
Batman: Bane
Bane: Let us not stand on ceremony, Mr. Wayne.
[Catwoman appears shocked]

Luca: I'm Luca Changretta.
Alfie: Oh yeah, I know who you are. You're a bit of a failure, aren't you? You come all the way over here in this country to kill Tommy Shelby, but... I mean, well, he's not dead, is he?

Bane: We both know that I have to kill you now.
- You'll just have to imagine the fire.
- About the whole no-guns thing...
- ...I'm not sure I feel as strongly about it as you do.

John: You came all this way just for your revenge, huh? Did you enjoy it, Glass?... 'Cause there ain't nothin' gon' bring your boy back.

John: [to Glass] Look at me scalp.
Andrew: That's enough!
John: [to Glass] You're forgettin' your place, boy.
Hugh: As far as I can tell, my place is right here on the smart end of this rifle.

[first lines]
Max: [Narrating] My name is Max. My world is fire and blood. Once, I was a cop. A road warrior searching for a righteous cause. As the world fell, each of us in our own way was broken. It was hard to know who was more crazy... me... or everyone else.

John: What. The hell. Is going on?
Bane: Our plan is proceeding as expected.
John: Oh really? Do *I* look like I'm running Wayne Enterprises right now? Your hit, on the stock exchange, it didn't work, my friend! And now you have my construction crews going around the city at 24 hours a day! How exactly is that supposed to help my company absorb Wayne's?
Bane: [to Stryver] Leave us!
John: No! You stay here, I'm in charge!
Bane: [puts his hand on Daggett's shoulder] Do you *feel* in charge?
[Stryver leaves]
John: I paid you a small fortune.
Bane: And this gives you *power* over me?
John: What is this?
Bane: Your money and infrastructure have been important... 'til now!
John: What are you?
Bane: I'm Gotham's reckoning. Here to end the borrowed time you've all been living on!
John: You're pure evil!
Bane: I'm *necessary* evil!
[breaks Daggett's neck; Stryver flinches]

Forrest: It is not the violence that sets men apart, alright, it is the distance that he is prepared to go.

Max: Max. My name is Max. That's my name.

Alfie: Don't come in here and sit there in my chair and tell me that I'm losing my war to a f**king wop.

Bane: [after imploding the football field, Bane and his mercenaries appear, and Bane picks up a microphone off one of the coaches] Gotham, take control! Take control of your city.
Bane: [the bomb is wheeled in] This... this is the instrument of your liberation!
[His mercenaries bring Dr. Pavel forward and make him kneel in front of Bane]
Bane: Identify yourself to the world.
[holds microphone in front of Dr. Pavel, as if he is conducting a news interview]
Dr. Pavel: Dr. Leonid Pavel, nuclear physicist.
Bane: And what... what is this?
Dr. Pavel: It's a... fully primed neutron bomb, with a blast radius of six miles.
Bane: And who is capable of disarming such a device?
Dr. Pavel: Only me.
Bane: Only you. Thank you, good doctor!
[snaps Dr. Pavel's neck. The crowd screams in terror]
Bane: Now, this bomb is armed! This bomb is mobile! And the identity of the triggerman is a mystery. For one of you holds the detonator! And we came here not as conquerors, but as liberators to return control of this city to the people. And at the first sign of interference from the outside world, or for those people attempting to flee, this anonymous Gothamite - this unsung hero - will trigger the bomb. For now, martial law is in effect. Return to your homes, hold your families close, and wait. Tomorrow you claim what is rightfully yours.
[Bane drops the mike, turns, and leaves the playing field]

[a SWAT team points their guns at Eddie]
Eddie: Guys, you do not want to do this, trust me.
SWAT: Mask! Copy!
Eddie: Okay, okay, have it your way... Mask!
Venom: [emerges] Copy!

[from trailer]
Max: My name is Max. My world is fire. And blood.

Security: You have been a serious pain in the ass for me, Eddie.
Eddie: Well, you know, I am to please.

John: I'm not too crazy about that idea.

[talking about assassinating Mosley]
Alfie: Why do you want to shoot him?
Thomas: I need to organise a riot, Alfie.
Alfie: All right.
Thomas: And I hear you still have some... standing... in the Jewish community.
Alfie: Let me be clear, all right? Since my resurrection, I am considered to be a god, all right? In the Holy Land, someone has made an image of me out of rock embedded in the sand, so I am told, and I am planning to make a pilgrimage to stand in my own shadow.
Alfie: Are you gonna shoot him because this man is evil?
Thomas: I need men who can fight. Mosley uses men from Glasgow, so if the men causing the trouble are Jewish, it will be... explicable.
Alfie: Since when do you need explanations, Tommy?
Thomas: Since I entered politics.
Alfie: Oh, that's right, yeah, oh, yeah. And how has that been for you, Tom?
Thomas: Gangs, wars, truces. Nothing I didn't already know.
[Alfie snores sarcastically]
Alfie: So if you, if you kill him, you, you will kill the message, yeah?
Thomas: I will kill the man. Then I will kill the message.

Riot: Venom. Get in the rocket.
Venom: No. We won't let you destroy this world.
Riot: Then die.

[from trailer]
Tom: You had a choice, okay. You had a choice.

Forrest: I'm a Bondurant. We don't lay down for nobody.

Bruce: Why didn't you just... kill me?
Bane: You don't fear death... You welcome it. Your punishment must be more severe.
Bruce: Torture?
Bane: Yes. But not of your body... Of your soul.
Bruce: Where am I?
Bane: Home, where I learned the truth about despair, as will you. There's a reason why this prison is the worst hell on earth... Hope. Every man who has ventured here over the centuries has looked up to the light and imagined climbing to freedom. So easy... So simple... And like shipwrecked men turning to sea water from uncontrollable thirst, many have died trying. I learned here that there can be no true despair without hope. So, as I terrorize Gotham, I will feed its people hope to poison their souls. I will let them believe they can survive so that you can watch them clamoring over each other to "stay in the sun." You can watch me torture an entire city and when you have truly understood the depth of your failure, we will fulfill Ra's al Ghul's destiny... We will destroy Gotham and then, when it is done and Gotham is ashes, then you have my permission to die

Cobb: "I will split up my father's empire." Now, this is obviously an idea that Robert himself would choose to reject. Which is why we need to plant it deep in his subconscious. Subconscious is motivated by emotion, right? Not reason. We need to find a way to translate this into an emotional concept.
Arthur: How do you translate a business strategy into an emotion?
Cobb: That's what we're here to figure out, right? Now, Robert's relationship with his father is stressed, to say the least.
Eames: Well, can we run with that? We could suggest to him breaking up his father's company as a "screw-you" to the old man.
Cobb: No, 'cause I think positive emotion trumps negative emotion every time. We all yearn for reconciliation, for catharsis. We need Robert Fischer to have a positive emotional reaction to all this.
Eames: Alright, we'll try this, umm... "My father accepts that I want to create for myself, not follow in his footsteps."
Cobb: That might work.
Arthur: Might? We're gonna need to do a little better than 'might'.
Eames: Oh, thank you for your contribution, Arthur.
Arthur: Forgive me for wanting a little specificity, Eames.
[Eames appears confused at the word]
Arthur: Specificity?

Mrs. Chen: How you doing, Eddie?
Eddie: Ah, aches and pains, you know, aches and pains.
Mrs. Chen: You look like shit.
Eddie: Excuse me?
Mrs. Chen: You look like shit.
Eddie: And you look as beautiful as ever. Jesus.
Mrs. Chen: Mind is body, Eddie. Have you been meditating like I showed you?
Eddie: No, I have not. And it does not work.
Mrs. Chen: It doesn't work, because you don't give it a chance.
Eddie: No, it doesn't work, because I bought a DVD off your cousin, and it was in Mandarin.
Mrs. Chen: [speaks Mandarin]
Eddie: Yeah, I don't understand that, either. See, that right there, I don't understand what you just said. That is the problem.

Eddie: You bit somebody's head off.
Venom: Fuel in the tank.

Max: [to Nux] That's *my jacket...!*

- Feel the fire of 12 million souls you failed.
- Goodbye, my friend.
Bane: Goodbye.
- Keep moving forward!
- Flank them at the stairs!
- Shoot them.
- Shoot them all.

Bane: [Listening to the national anthem before the Gotham football game] What a lovely, lovely voice.
[Song ends and football game begins]
Bane: Let the games begin!
[hits detonator and bombs go off across Gotham]

Aberama: Mr. Shelby! Come to talk purse for the fight.
Alfie: [to Tommy] Your kestrel? Hm? Tommy, when a pikey walks in with hair like that, you gotta ask yourself, "Have I made a mistake?"
Aberama: Who the fuck are you?
Alfie: Who the fuck am I?
Aberama: [to Tommy] Who the fuck is this?
Alfie: I, my friend... I am the uncle, and the protector, and the promoter of that...
[he jabs his cane at Goliath]
Alfie: ... fucking thing right there, in whose shadow nothing good nor godly will ever fucking grow. That there, right, is the southern counties' welterweight champion. He is of mixed religion, therefore he is godless. He was adopted by Satan himself before he was returned out of fear of his awkwardness. But he's impossible to marry off due to his lethal dimensions. His mother, terrified, she's fucking abandoned him. And there he is, stood before you like the first of some brand-new fucking species! Any man that you put before him, right, it'd be like entering a fucking threshing machine, mate. Now, will you offer your son?
[tense pause; Aberama turns to Bonnie]
Bonnie: [confidently] Name the day, Mr. Shelby.

Bane: [Sewer thugs have captured Jim Gordon, who is barely conscious] Why are you here?
Sewer: [thug kicks Gordon, who groans] Answer him!
Bane: I was asking you.
Sewer: It's the police commissioner.
Bane: And you brought him down here?
Sewer: We didn't know what to do.
Bane: You panicked, and your weakness has cost the lives of three others.
Sewer: No he's alone...
[Bane grabs the thug and crush his throat, he drops dead to the ground]
Bane: [to the second thug] Search him, then I will kill you.
Sewer: [Jim Gordon throws himself over the balcony into the running sewer water, the thugs shoot at him] He's dead.
Bane: So show me his body.
Sewer: The water runs to any one of the outflows. We'll never find him.
Bane: [Bane puts a GPS in the thug's pocket] Follow him!
Sewer: Follow him?
[Bane shoots the sewer thug]

Venom: [to Eddie] You should apologize to her. You may not live to get another chance.

Tom: Tiptoeing around here like a beggar - with your little cup.

Max: [pointing at his Interceptor car being driven by a War Boy] That's mine!

Venom: Parasite?
Eddie: Yeah. It's a term of endearment, that's all.
Venom: Apologize!
Eddie: No.
Venom: Apologize!
Eddie: All right, fine. I'm sorry. So, what do you want to do now?
Venom: The way I see it, we can do whatever we want.

Bane: We both know that I now have to kill you. You'll just have to imagine the fire!

[a: Eddie arrives at a prison to interview the serial murderer Cletus Kasady. Kasady, handcuffed and held at a small pen, turns his head and smiles at Eddie]
Cletus: Hi, Eddie.
Eddie: Hey.
Cletus: Do you mind if we forego the whole creepy serial killer thing?
Eddie: Sure, it's good with me.
Cletus: I mean, I can turn it on if you want. I can talk about the Dadaist patterns of arterial spray.
Eddie: I bet you can.
Cletus: Tough to see you in this light, Eddie. Come on over.
[Eddie approaches]
Eddie: All right. I'm here.
Cletus: When I get out of here, and I will...
[Kasady takes deep breath]
Cletus: ...there's gonna be carnage.
[Kasady smiles nastily]

Eddie: What do you want from me?
Venom: You'll find out.

- Well, congratulations, you got yourself caught!
- Sir?
- Now what's the next step of your master plan?
Bane: Crashing this plane...
- ...with no survivors.
- PILOT: Mayday, Mayday!

John: What about his little half-breed son? And what kind of savage you think his Mama was?

One: Let's go get those papers from your boyfriend. And drop me off on the way. I'm going back to bed.
Handsome: Can I come?
[One Two slaps him]

[Max appears and heads off Furiosa, the Wives, and the Vuvalini. They brake to a stop, and Max shows Furiosa a map]
Max: [points to the Citadel] All right. This is your way home.
Imperator: [incredulous] We go back?
Max: Mmm.
Toast: [incredulous] Back?
Max: Yeah.
The: I thought you weren't insane anymore.

Carlton: You're too late. This is the next stage in...
Eddie: [kicks him] You talk too much.

John: The way I see it, I done saved your life twice now, boy... I ought' to be God to you.

Bane: Turn it on.
- I only need one other board member.
- There are eight others waiting.
- I won't do it.
Miranda: All right, stop.
- Lucius, you'll kill this man, and yourself...
- ...and you'll barely slow them down.

Paddy: Come on, kiddo. I've been there. I've done it. I've seen it. You can trust me. I'll understand.
Tom: Spare me the compassionate father routine, Pop. The suit don't fit.
Paddy: I'm really trying here, Tommy.
Tom: You're trying? Now? Where were you when it mattered? I needed this guy back when I was a kid. I don't need you now. It's too late now. Everything's already happened. You and Brendan don't seem to understand that. Let me explain something to you: the only thing I have in common with Brendan Conlon is that we have absolutely no use for you.

Thomas: You read the papers, Alfie?
Alfie: No, don't be silly.
[he casually pulls out a pistol, cocks it, and aims it at Tommy]
Thomas: But you've heard.
Alfie: What, fascism, yeah?
Thomas: Three... two... one... bang.
[Alfie doesn't shoot]
Thomas: No? All right.
[Alfie lowers his gun]
Alfie: Good Lord, your fucking condition has got worse, mate. Mine, on the other hand, I, I've been livin' the dream. Sometimes I will shoot at the side of a ship, and sometimes I'll sit here, I may shoot at the ol' seagull.
Thomas: Alfie... I'm gonna shoot Oswald Mosley.
Alfie: Right, well, I hope you do a better job on him than the one you done on me, yeah? I mean, what, what were you thinkin'? Was your mind somewhere else, Tommy?
Thomas: Yes, it was, actually.
Alfie: Yeah. All right. Oh, look. A ship.
[he makes a show of looking through his binoculars]

Paddy: The devil you know...
Tom: ...is better than the devil you don't.

Arthur: What about his security? It's gonna get worse as we go deeper.
Cobb: I think we run with Mr. Charles.
Arthur: No.
Eames: Who's Mr. Charles?
Arthur: Bad idea.
Cobb: The second we get in that hotel with Fischer, his security is gonna be all over us. We run with Mr. Charles like we did on the Stein job.
Eames: So you've done it before?
Arthur: Yeah, and it didn't work. The subject realized he was dreaming and his subconscious tore us to pieces.
Eames: Excellent. But you learned a lot, right?

Thomas: Stay and watch the fight, Alfie.
Alfie: No, you're all right. I already know who wins, don't I?

Max: That's my head!

Eames: Great. Thank you. So, now we're trapped in Fischer's mind battling his own private army, and if we get killed, we'll be lost in limbo till our brains turn to scrambled egg.

Bane: I broke you. How have you come back?
Batman: You think you're the only one who can find the strength to escape? Where's the trigger?
Bane: But I never escaped.
Batman: But the child... the child of Ra's al Ghul made the climb.
Miranda: [from behind Batman] But he's not the child of Ra's al Ghul
[She stabs Batman with a knife. He reels in pain and shock]
Miranda: I am. And though I'm not ordinary, I am a citizen.
[She reveals the trigger]
Batman: [anguished] Miranda... why?
Miranda: Talia. My mother named me Talia before she was killed, the way I would've been killed if not for my protector: Bane.

John: All I'm sayin' is, a savage is a savage.

Bane: No! They expect one of us in the wreckage, brother.
- Have we started the fire?
Bane: Yes, the fire rises.
- Calm down, doctor.
- Now is not the time for fear.
- That comes later.

Alfie: All right, the problem, right, between rum and gin, yeah, is that gin, right, it leads to the melancholy, whereas rum incites violence, you know? And it also allows you to be liberated from your self-doubt. Now, I hear you're probably more in need of the ol' rum at the moment rather than gin, mate, hmm?
[a bird flies past]
Alfie: Oh, dear, Tommy, you've got fucking starlings, mate, you know that? That shit'll rot your pipework.
[he pulls out a pistol]
Alfie: These bastards only understand one language.
Thomas: It's all right, Alfie. No need. It's all right, I'm, uh, I'm getting a kestrel.
Alfie: I hear that you've got Italians, mate. You got a kestrel for them and all?
Thomas: Yes. I'll have a kestrel for them, as well.
Alfie: Well, everything is confirmed, innit? Yeah, weakness behind the eyes. Didn't blink too much, all right? You smell of smoke, and coal, and horses. Hmm? You are back where you belong, Tommy.
[Tommy pours a glass of gin and hands it to Alfie]
Thomas: I know you don't touch it, but you have a good nose.
Alfie: Right, well, you gotta ask yourself seriously, though, you know, did I even want to piss and shit indoors, or was I actually born, you know, to defecate in the fields and the outhouses? This is a serious issue, though, Tommy, you know? 'Cause your people, your class, and my religion is quite similar actually, because you just cannot wash it out, right, because it, it come out your mother's tits.
[he dips a finger in the glass, sniffs it, and puts it under Tommy's nose]
Alfie: Hmm. No. The Americans want it sweeter.

Mrs. Chen: How are you, Eddie?
Eddie: Ain't nothing change but the weather. You know?
Mrs. Chen: No.