The Best The Last Kingdom, Season 3, Episode 3 Quotes

- He's made his choice.
- And I have made mine.
- You made no choice.
- If you had not killed the monk, you would still be Alfred's oathman.
- Then I'm glad I killed the monk.
- I am Dane.

- where he shall pray every hour of the day and night...
- I wish to remain at the palace.
- Until god grants him the sense to realise that being king is not a pastime, not a choice, but a duty.
- Your wife will be dealt with.
- You shall never dare put at risk all that I have achieved.

- You gave her up to save yourself...
Bloodhair: She is mine.
- If I have to kill you, then that is what I will do.
- Right here.
- You are a guest of my brother, so I will ignore you this once.
- But threaten me again and I'll feed your guts to the pigs.

- from the temes to the sea.
- "Valhalla in this life."
[Laughs] Yes. "Valhalla in this life," yes, he said that.
- How proud would he be if together we marched a great army and we took that land?

- For the sake of the saxons, you must take Alfred's place.
- Only you can unite the two tribes.
- What Alfred could only wish for can be yours.
- Ours, my lord, my king.
- What I want is to be your queen.

- His purse is full, his fyrd number is
- 1,000 men or more and fortunately, his daughter is both fair and in good health.
- The king will approve.
- He will?
- Send for aethelhelm.
- Visit him if you must, but do not dwell on the matter.

- Ispoke...
- Of opportunity.
- To do what?
- To declare himself king of mercia, to enrage Alfred, to cause division, to help our cause.
- To kill his wife?

- She was my prize, but she holds me under her spell.
- The world is in crisis and Alfred's daughter, the lady of mercia is threatened by her own husband.
- I want her dead.
- It would be of great comfort to know that I could call upon you again.
Uhtred: Destiny is all.

[Quietly] We cannot go against the men of wessex.
- Be quiet now.
- They are our people, finan, are our friends.
- Osferth; Be quiet.
- Come on!

- Have them brought to Winchester.
- Arrange for their welfare and education.
- Introduce them to god.
- Rest well, father beocca.
- Yes, lord.
- Rest well.

- Sable, the letters. You know what to do.
- I do, lady.
- God will be with you.
- See no one but father beocca.
- Yes, lady.
- You have the will of a queen.

- How? By doing what?
- By travelling to the nunnery myself?
Sable: There is a second letter.
- I am to give it to you only if you agree with my lady's reasoning for not telling the king.
- It is a solution.

- Is she well?
- Oh, she is well.
- And she is loud.
- Some privacy.
- Sit yourself down, father.
- We all need to piss.

- I will say no more.
- Had I remained in wessex and refused to swear to Edward...
- Alfred would have had me killed.
- It was for aethelflaed that I came here.
- You are free to choose your own path.
- May god bless you and guide you.

- And you can fight for the witch...
- To the death.
- Agreed.
- Lord, say nothing.
- Agreed.
- We fight.

- You would kill me, arseling?
- And men like me?
- Leave us.
- Lord, I cannot.
- Brida would have my balls.

- I am.
- I pray you are wrong.
- But I know the sight of you alone, would strike at the heart of both the doubters and heathen.
- Alfred, you will never leave me.

- You will need me.
- That leaves uhtred.
- My sword is my brother's. No doubt.
- Then it is settled.
- The kingdom of wessex will surrender...
- Or burn.

- What?
- Aethelflaed has arranged a ship.
- It is waiting for us on the temes.
- She thinks it will be both quicker and safer.
- To take us where?
- To take us north, dear.
- To the solution.

- There will be no argument, I swear.
- Open the gate!
[Man] Open the gate!
- They are here for one thing only.
- To speak of war and of Alfred.
- Lord. Aethelwold.

- We are not the same and never shall be.
- There is no backward step, my friend, for either of us.
- Birds have flown, horses have bolted.
- Kings will be made and kings will die.
- Because of you.

- Such a long way from beamfleot?
- What is it?
- Traders maybe.
- One man, one woman.
- Unbar the gates.
- Let us take a look at them.

- You Grant him three trees, lady, and he invites you to share food with him and his wife.
- Then he will wield you like a sword.
- Telling all the country that you and him are the best of friends.
- Unless he's paying you handsomely, your trees deserve better.

- He has taken my woman, my seer, he shames me. I'd like to slit his belly.
- Now is not the time.
- I would accept the fight of skill, with staffs. Skade as the prize.
- Bloodhair, now is not the time.
- My answer is no.

- This is no storm.
- My mother and I came to this land on a ship that lost half of its crew to the sea.
- Waves taller than a barn swept them to their death.
- This is not a story I wish to hear.
- The real storm you will face will come at dunholm.

- No doubt.
- You...
- You have made this possible.
- By abandoning Alfred, by leaving wessex, you have made this possible.
- It is fate, no doubt.

- Then choose.
- Do you stand with us, with each of us, or not?
Bloodhair: You will give your answer,
- Dane-slayer.
- Let us hear you.

- He would play games every day if he could.
- Is there spit in your hands?
- Good earth beneath your feet?
- Come on! Get on with it, ragnar!
Finan: Come on! Let's do this!
- Pull!

- Warriors.
- How many?
- Forty or 50. I don't recognise them.
- Spears and arrows to the walls until we know who they are and what they want.
- Hold your aim until I command it.
- Finan.
- Bar the gates!

- The memories will overwhelm you.
- It was a different life, beocca.
- I am a different woman.
- I'm with you, always.
Beocca: Riders.
- We should hide ourselves.

- Hiding from who?
- Her husband.
- He plans to have her killed.
- This is not my worry.
- She has guards, she has the king, she has steapa, even...
- She has asked for uhtred.

- Indeed.
- As is uhtred.
Aethelwold: Father beocca.
- Welcome to dunholm.
- It comes as no surprise to see you here.
- Amongst friends.

Aldhelm: [Aethelred executes a messenger] Lord, you cannot simply execute your subjects as you please. This is the ninth century.

- You do not understand.
- She's not a woman to own.
- It is she that must own a part of you.
- Her blood becomes your blood.
- We will speak again, I'm certain.
- Thank you, lord.