The Best Tom Milanovich Quotes

Phil: Hey commander, what's going on?
State: There's nothing going on. We're closing the road. Big blizzard moving in.
Phil: What blizzard? It's a couple of flakes.
State: Don't you listen to the weather? We got a major storm here.
Phil: I make the weather! All of this moisture coming up out of the Gulf is gonna push off to the east and hit Altoona.
State: Pal, you got that moisture on your head. Now you can go back to Punxsutawney, or you can go ahead and freeze to death. It's your choice. So what's it gonna be?
Phil: [pauses] I'm thinking...

Heddo: This one's for MOMMY, MOMMY, MOMMY!
[Mary Waving]
Mary: HONEY!