30 Best Rookie of the Year Quotes

Henry: Oh, my god... It's Billy Frick!

Mary: Hi, Chet, I'm Henry's ma!
Chet: Hi, Henry's mom!

Cliff: i just figured out why the cubs lose every year we have more talent in the stands thsn on the field

Phil: Sometimes you just gotta put the pedal to the metal and live the fantasy! Rock and roll!

Martinella: Way to go, Runamucker!

Martinella: BRICKMAN!
Phil: [Talking softly] I'll be right back!

Larry: Reporters are foaming at the mouth for a piece of the kid.
Mary: Which piece?

George: Let's go back to our dull lives and search for meaning.

Cliff: [after Henry throws a ball from the bleachers to home plate] I just figured out why the Cubs lose every year. They've got more talent in the stands than they do in the field.

Larry: Hey, kid! How'd you like to play for the Chicago Cubs?
Henry: Great! But I gotta ask my mom first.

Phil: Hey, your mom has a pretty good arm! I ain't seen the floater pitch since Scuffy McGee!

Martinella: I'm looking for Henry Rulenfurter.
Henry: Henry Rowengartner?
Martinella: Yeah.
Henry: I'm Henry!
Martinella: [*confused, apparently because he had no idea Henry was a kid*] ... I might be looking for your father.

Chet: You big ugly piece of shit!

Phil: The key to being a big league pitcher is the 3 R's: readiness, recuperation, and conditioning! You see, after the game, a lot of guys like to ice up their arm. Still, other fellas think that heat is the way to go. But I have discovered the secret, Henry: hot ice! That's right: hot ice. I heat up... the ice cubes! It's the best of both worlds!

Phil: I wrap the cake up in my vomit bag, and voila!... Breakfast!
[pounding the airplane tray table]
Phil: Conservation, Managing resources... that is the key to Baseball.

[after Henry accidentally throws a fielded ball over the outfield fence]
George: Is that play legal?

Carson's: Hot dog here! Get your...
Bob: Four hot dogs, please.
Carson's: All right sir, coming right up. Here you are... .
Bob: [hands the vendor $1] Thank you!
Carson's: What, are you kidding, Mac? You're eleven bucks short! They're three bucks a piece!
Bob: [surprised] Three dollars for a hot dog?

Bob: You're the best thing to happen to baseball since Cracker Jack!

[repeated line]
Henry: Pitcher's got a big butt!

[repeated line]
Henry: Nanny nanny nanny!

[once taken out of the cast, Henry's arm snaps around and hits Dr. Kersten in the nose]
Dr. Kersten: [muffled, with hands over his face] Funky, buttloving...!
George: Did he say "funky buttloving?"

[after Chet Steadman gives up a home run]
Cliff: Well, that's going to bring Rocket's earned run average to about, uh, three hundred or so. Which equals the attendance here today. What a team.

Edith: Carrie, Harold told me that Becky Fraker doesn't think you're very ugly.

Ernie: Mr. Carson's last year as team owner, he must be really depressed.
Bob: Oh boy, Fish, look a decoder ring... I got it out of the Cracker Jack box... look it fits on your finger.
Larry: Yeah, yeah, that's great, Uncle Bob.
[Whispers to assistant]
Larry: That man is turning into a cracker jack.

Chet: Do me a favor, Henry. Don't take this game too seriously.
Henry: Why not?
Chet: Because one day it'll all be over. Your gift will be gone.

Clark: They're sending Henry in!
George: Yeah, we're gonna go sit closer so you can see better.
Mary: Come on, let's go get seats.
Bob: Seats? You mean down on the field level?
Mary: Yeah.
Bob: No, no, no. Please, that's too dangerous.
Mary: Why?
Bob: Me, the owner of the Cubs sitting down with the fans? They'd kill me.

Henry: Hey! We want a pitcher, not an underwear snitcher!

Chet: Henry, don't take this serious. But its nothing to joke about. But one day, your gift will be gone.

Phil: Hey! Your Mom's got a pretty good arm! I haven't seen the floater pitch since Scruffy McGee!

Cliff: Sweet meat pies! Rowengartner's going to bat!