The Best Tony Quotes

Tony: [grabbing hold of Sammy Jo] I saw the way you looked at me this afternoon.
Sammy: Let go of me!
Tony: In this neighborhood, sweetheart, it doesn't work like that. No, in this neighborhood what you show, you owe.

Tony: [re promotional material] What if I need more than one?
Sammy: You can take as many as you like.
Tony: You know what I'd really like?
Sammy: Why don't you do us both a favor and keep it to yourself?

Sammy: [that guy again] The office is closed.
Tony: Yeah, that's why I stopped by. This can be a pretty rough neighborhood at night.
Sammy: Well, that's very nice of you. But I'll be fine.
Tony: [scoffs] You don't look like the political type to me.
Sammy: And just what exactly is the political type?
Tony: Hey, hey, I didn't mean anything by it. You're beautiful, you know that? Really beautiful.
[his hand snakes to her shoulder]
Sammy: [shrugs him off] Please don't do that.
Tony: Hey, what's the matter?
Tony: I'm not gonna hurt you or anything. I like you. I... It's just I've never met anybody like you before.
Sammy: Would you please leave?
Tony: Hey, what the hell is this, the brush-off? You're all the same, aren't you? You little rich girls,
[his hand on her cheek]
Tony: you bring it down here, you flaunt it around.
[she slaps his hand away]
Tony: I saw the way you looked at me this afternoon.
Sammy: Let go of me!
Tony: In this neighborhood, sweetheart, it doesn't work like that. No, in this neighborhood, what you show, you owe.
[she slaps him through the face]
Tony: Ooh, rich and hot, I like that!