The Best Dominique Deveraux Quotes

Dominique: [after a viscous catfight] Anytime... anytime you want more of the same, I'll be waiting for you!
Alexis: And I'll be waiting for you to tell the world what a no-talent has-been you are!

Dominique: Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.

Alexis: Do make yourself comfortable, Dominique.
Dominique: I intend to. Just as I intend to make you *un*comfortable.

Dominique: Why, you dirty little...
Alexis: Don't choke on the word, spit it out. Or has the former nightclub queen become too much of a lady these days?

Alexis: Why are you here in Denver Ms. Devereaux?
Dominique: Merely to see in person what I have heard so much about.
Alexis: Such as?
Dominique: That Alexis Colby is one of the world's most ravishing beauties. I'd buy that. That she lives in a showplace penthouse. It is exquisite.
Alexis: Thank you - Anything else?
Dominique: You adore the south of France, even though you are prone to sea sickness on yachts.
Alexis: Only small yachts
Dominique: You were kicked out of a boarding school in Gstaad and spent several months as an artist's model in Hamburg of all places.
Alexis: Wrong it was Brussels of all places and all of this is pure trivia.
Dominique: Alright on a deeper level, you are extremely vulnerable when it comes to your children and extremely ruthless when it comes to your enemies. and there are quite of few of those hanging about.
[she takes a sip of champagne]
Dominique: It's burned!
Alexis: Is it?
Dominique: The champagne was obviously frozen in the bottle at some point.
Alexis: If the champagne is too burned for your taste, don't drink it. The caviar I trust is not burned.
Dominique: I really wouldn't know. You see that is Ostatrova and I prefer Petrossian Beluga.
Alexis: [angry] Who the hell are you, anyway?
Dominique: Who am I? You will find out very soon. Very soon.
[she rises and begins to leave]
Dominique: You said this wasn't going to be a social evening. So, whatever it was, I enjoyed myself thoroughly. Thank you, Mrs. Colby.
[Dominique turns and leaves. When she reaches the elevator, she turns back and says]
Dominique: Ciao... For now!

Dominique: Alexis, I didn't thank you for your present.
Dominique: [she slaps Alexis]
Alexis: [rubbing her newly slapped cheek] It is he you should slap, my dear... not I.

Alexis: Dominique. Good evening.
Dominique: Good evening, Alexis. I was sure you knew, this is a private party.
Alexis: Oh, I know. And I wouldn't dream of crashing it. But I was dining in the gourmet room and I wanted to give you a very special engagement present personally.
Dominique: There is nothing I want from you, Alexis.
Alexis: Oh, you'll want this, dear. Interesting man, your fiancee. Let's discuss him.
Dominique: Surely you understand that I'm not in the mood to discuss Garrett or anyone else with you.
Alexis: Oh, does that include his so-called first wife?
Dominique: Yes, that does include Jessica.
Alexis: Jessica. Ah, well, I think that I should tell you as a friend that there never was a Jessica. That your fiancee has never been married.
Dominique: Oh, good God, Alexis. Do your lies never stop?
Alexis: Are you calling me a liar? Oh, I find that very amusing. Well, I suggest that you check it out with Garrett Boydston yourself because he gives a new meaning to the word "liar."
Dominique: Alexis.
Alexis: Yes?
Dominique: I didn't thank you for your present.
[she hauls off and delivers the mother of all slaps to Alexis' face. And Alexis just smiles]
Alexis: It's he you should slap, dear. Not I.

Dominique: Alexis!
Alexis: What do you want?
Dominique: I've heard you don't care for my singing.
Alexis: That's right. It's the truth that hurts.
Dominique: The truth? I hope you say that when I sue you in court for libel.
Alexis: Oh, you'd only make a fool of yourself, Dominique. Everyone knows you're nothing but a... second-rate lounge act.
Dominique: I don't care what you say to my face, you viper! Retract this or I'll cram it down your throat!
Alexis: Will you?
[slaps newspaper out of Dominique's hand]

Alexis: [findng out Dominique is the executor of Tom's will] *You*! The executor of the legacy that Blake and I were going to leave for our children. I'll fight this travesty through every possible court and I'll *break* it.
Dominique: Just a moment, Alexis. Now, you loathe me and I despise you. But, it's time to face the fact; we're are one big *family* now.

Dominique: Don't you have any ideas, Adam? Because if you don't, what are you doing here?

Alexis: [to Dominique, who enters the bedroom suddenly] What do you want?
Dominique: I thought you did not care for my opinion.
Alexis: That's right... It's the truth that hurts!
Dominique: The truth? I'll hear you say that when I sue you in court - for libel.
Alexis: Oh, you don't want to make a fool of yourself, Dominique. Everyone knows that you're nothing but a second rate loan shark.
Dominique: I don't care what you say to my face, you viper!
[brandishing a rolled newspaper]
Dominique: Retract this or I'll ram it down your throat!
Alexis: Really?
[slaps the newspaper off Dominique's hand]
Dominique: Oh!
[slaps Alexis; they grab each other, and kick at their shins]
Alexis: Bitch!
[Alexis' Yorkshire terrier lifts her ears, then hides as fight goes on]
Adam: Dominique!
[holding her back]
Adam: Stop it!
Dominique: Any time, any time you want more of the same, I'll be waiting for you!...
Alexis: And I'll be waiting for you to tell the world what a no-talent-has-been you are!
Adam: Lin, take care of Mrs. Devereaux.
Dominique: [as Lin the waiter, lifts her up and away from the room] Slobbery! Slobbery!
Adam: What in God's name did you do?
Alexis: I was defending the freedom of the press!

Alexis: Dominique. Wasn't there a singing nun by that name?
Dominique: If there was, you'd better start praying to her.