The Best Trini Kwan Quotes

[Billy notices Trini while she is drawing]
Billy: Her mastery of complex illustrated characters is most impressive.
[Jason gives Kimberly a puzzled look]
Jason: What did he say?
Kimberly: Don't look at me. I don't speak Billy.
Trini: He says I draw a good cartoon. Thanks, Billy.

Jason: Hey, guys, look up ahead.
Trini: It's Squatt.
Kimberly: What is he doing?
Zack: Whatever it is, it can't be good.

Trini: Hey, Rita! You have to better than that if you want to beat us!
Rita: You nincompoop! Your monster was worthless!
Finster: But, I warned you, he wasn't my best work!
Baboo: This is all your fault!
[hits Squatt in the head three times]
Squatt: My fault?
Baboo: I don't know how! But, you've always messed everything up! You do!
Finster: Now now, my queen! Please don't yell at me and turn me into a toad or something! Please, my queen! I beg you!
Baboo: I'm sensitive to dissatisfaction!
Rita: I'm feeling sick again and it's all your fault! And as for you two, shut up! How can anyone conquer the world, with these nitwits?

Billy: I's coming togeter
Zack: Oh man.
Jason: No way!
Trini: Kimberly look.
Kimberly: I don't belive it. Tommy?

Kimberly: Come on, Bulky, wake up. Are you guys okay? We heard you screaming.
Skull: [waking up] What happened?
Trini: Why don't *you* tell us what happened?
Bulk: [pointing behind himself] Oh... Uh, don't... look... behind us.
Skull: [also pointing] There's a little witch.
Kimberly: What are you guys talking about?
Bulk: [finally looks] It's gone!
Skull: Where'd that little creature get to?
Kimberly: What little creature?
Skull: No little creature.
Bulk: Everything's fine.
Skull: Yeah. Just... fine.

Bulk: Hey! You, get out of my chair.
Jason: Do I see your name written on it?
[Bulk moves Jason's binder and reveals his name is on the desk, spelled with two "U's"]
Bulk: Yeah. Right there. See? B-U-U-L-K!
Trini: It's not even spelled right.

Kimberly: I thought I said I didn't want to watch the parade.
Tommy: But you have to.
Kimberly: Is that my float?
Jason: Surprise!
Trini: Tommy put it back together in time.

Jason: I remember Rita's secret dimension. That's one bad place.
Kimberly: The important thing, Tommy, is that you're okay.
Tommy: Am I? According to Rita, my power's gonna to be gone soon.
Trini: She's just bluffing, Tommy. Trying to scare you. How would she be able to take away your power?
Zordon: I'm afraid it is possible, Rangers.
Tommy: Zordon, then you found out something about the green candle I told you about.
Zordon: Yes. Rita has a special form of wax from the Gamma-Tri system. Once touched, it retains a person's body energy.
Tommy: But I never touched anything.
Zordon: You did when you worked for Rita.
Kimberly: No way! And she's been saving the wax all this time?
Zordon: Yes. And now she has made a candle from the wax and cast a spell over it connecting the Green Ranger's power with its flame.
Tommy: Then Rita wasn't bluffing. Once the candle burns out, I'm history. The Green Ranger's... finished.

Zordon: Good work, Power Rangers. And Trini, you did the honorable thing. You tried to be fair.
Trini: Thanks, Zordon.
Kimberly: It's not your fault Rita cheats.
Billy: At least all your practicing paid off.
Jason: Hey, we're teammates. We'll always be there to watch your back.

Jason: [in the school play] And you'd better spin all of this straw into gold, or else.
Skull: Yeah. Or... else.
Kimberly: Now there are three piles of straw to spin into gold. Oh, woe is me. Where's Rumpelstiltskin?
[no response; scattered audience laughter]
Kimberly: Oh, where's Rumpelstiltskin?
[still no response; more scattered laughs]
Trini: [Bulk stumbles in] Hurry up. Get out there.
Bulk: I'm going, I'm going. Take a chill pill, will you?

Kimberly: [after a Putty attack] Look at my model.
Zack: Man. They really demolished it.
Kimberly: Without this model, I can't build the full-sized float. Now it won't be able to be in the parade.
Trini: Oh, Kim. Cheer up. There will be other parades you can design floats for.
Kimberly: Yeah, but Rita will probably wreck them, too.
Billy: Well, perhaps we can simply reconstruct it.
Kimberly: All that time and effort for nothing.
Tommy: We can help you build a new one.
Trini: Yeah.
Kimberly: There's no way we can get more flowers in time. The model's due today.

Zack: [after an incident in Kimberly's dance class] My main brain, what's up?
Billy: Well, I'm intrigued by the rhythmic modulation, yet daunted by the coordinating movements of the appendages.
Zack: Say what?
Trini: He can't dance.

Kimberly: Hey, Trini, you've got a mob scene huh? What a turnout.
Trini: I know, isn't this great?
Kimberly: Yeah, it's great!
Kimberly: For some people.

[upon witnessing that the "Power Rangers" have joined the forces of evil]
Kimberly: I can't believe my eyes.
Trini: Or my ears.

Jason: Something's not right, guys.
Trini: Yeah. What is going on?
Zack: Skull thinks he has a date with Kimberly.
Billy: Not even Skull's that mentally deficient.

[as the teens are figuring out what to do in order to stop the fake Power Rangers from attacking Angel Grove]
Zack: Hey Skull, you want to see a magic trick?
Skull: Sure!
Bulk: Yeah, geek, show us something we haven't seen.
Kimberly: You mean like the alphabet?
Zack: Alright, alright, check this out: I can make us disappear.
Skull: No way!
Zack: Yes way! Alright, but first, cover your eyes.
Jason: And count backwards from ten.
[Bulk and Skull then cover their faces with their bandanas]
Trini: Now, plug your ears with your fingers and then count backwards.
[finally, Bulk and Skull plug their ears with their fingers and begin counting backwards]

Kimberly: [about the duo's damsel and dragon performance] Bulk and Skull, what are you guys doing?
Bulk: We don't want you geeks! Get out of here. We want the Power Rangers!
Skull: Yeah, scram! You're going to ruin everything!
Trini: You know, you shouldn't cry wolf.
Skull: Cry what?
Jason: It means you shouldn't cry help unless you need it.
Tommy: That's right, 'cause if you do it enough, one day when you really need help, no one's going to believe you.
Bulk: Nice try. Now beat it!
Skull: Yeah, hit the road, toads!
[the teens shake their heads in disgust and walk away]
Skull: Can you believe those dweebs? They think there's actually wolves around here.
Bulk: I don't see any wolves.

Zordon: There is too much danger in what you propose.
Kimberly: Zordon, what about our city? We have to stop it from being destroyed.
Zack: Not to mention rescuing all those people trapped in Rita's dimensional vortex.
Trini: They're safe right now, but if we have to wait twelve hours, it may be too late.
Zordon: What are you are asking has never been tried before. If the Zords' backups fail, you and everything in the morphing grid could vanish forever. Do you really want to try this?
Jason: You know we do, Zordon.

Jason: [Tommy has just joined the Power Rangers after being under Rita's Spell] Alright then... IT'S MORPHIN' TIME!
Tommy: Dragonzord!
Zack: Mastodon!
Kimberly: Pterodactyl!
Billy: Triceratops!
Trini: Sabre Toothed Tiger!
Jason: Tyrannosaurus!
Jason: We're back! We're ready to morph into action!
Tommy: Six working together to fight evil!
Zack: And stop Rita!
Billy: And all her menacing monsters!
Trini: From destroying our planet Earth!
Kimberly: And ruling the universe with evil!
Jason: Look out, Rita, we're not backing down 'cause we're the
Jason,179791: [Together] POWER RANGERS!