Top 200 Quotes From Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Bulk: Watch where you're going! Who taught you how to drive?
Skull: No one! How am I doing?
Bulk: You drive like a maniac!
Skull: Thank you.

Rita: So, do you two think I should send the Green Ranger?
Squatt: I think I don't know what I think, your Evilness!
Scorpina: No! Send me, I wanna go!
Squatt: Well, I could go with Baboo.
Scorpina: Oh, shut up!

Rita: What I need now is a very special monster! Got any suggestions?
Baboo: Oh, no! I am not worthy to make a suggestion to you!
Squatt: How about a giant cucumber with bad breath?

Kimberly: Hey, Trini, you've got a mob scene huh? What a turnout.
Trini: I know, isn't this great?
Kimberly: Yeah, it's great!
Kimberly: For some people.

Jason: It's Morphin' Time!

Goldar: Do you even recognize yourself, Tommy? The Green Ranger, always willing to sacrifice, always ready. You must have saved your friends a hundred times, fighting Rita's monsters, you and your DragonZord. Behold the warrior you once were, Tommy! Because it's all over now! Hahahaha! Before I finish you, I want the pleasure of hearing you say I am your superior! Well, Tommy?
Tommy: Goldar... you are...
Goldar: Yes?
Tommy: ...out of your mind!
[Flies up and kicks Goldar down]
Tommy: Your little picture show reminded me of who I reallly am inside. Not as the Green Ranger, but as me... plain old Tommy.

Alpha: Aye yi yi yi yi!

Bulk: Watch where you're going. Who taught you how to drive?
Skull: Nobody. How am I doing?
Bulk: You drive like a maniac.
Skull: Thank you.
Bulk: That was not a compliment, dimwit.

Tommy: I can't believe it! Santa's house!
Aisha: This is cool!
Tommy: Cool? It's freezing!

Tommy: If you're like me, you can't be evil.
Tommy: Let's face it - we all have our dark sides.
Tommy: My dark side's faded with the Green Ranger's powers.
Tommy: I am the Green Ranger! Only I'm more powerful than you, White Ranger.

Kimberly: Oh, no! You ruined my grandmother's spinning wheel! What is she gonna say?
Mr. Kaplan: Honestly, Bulk! Come on, kids, let's take a break before something else gets broken.
Bulk: Don't get so bent out of shape, Kimberly.
Kimberly: This happens to be very important to me!

Squatt: This will make Rita so happy, she'll probably give me that glow-in-the-dark toothpaste I've been wanting.

Rita: Those little twerps have done it again! You told me that monster was invincible! You dunces! I should have my head examined for believing you!
[hitting Squatt]
Rita: You don't know the time of day!
[hitting Baboo]
Rita: You don't even know what day of the week it is! What made you think you were smart enough to create a monster?

Lord: [while spying on Kimberley and Zack trying to write a song at the Youth Centre] So, the Pink Ranger likes to write songs on the guitar, does she? Hah! Then it shall serve as the perfect instrument for her and her fellow Rangers' demise.
[laughs evilly]
Goldar: But your Evilness, a guitar is wood. It's not alive. You can't make a monster.
Lord: [pushes Goldar aside] Where there is wood, there are insects.
Baboo: Insects! Lovely! Cicadas...
Lord: A cicada. Perfect. With it, I will create my Guitardo monster. It will sing a spellbinding melody that will lure the Rangers' into my control and they will dance to a different tune... mine.

Rito: Y'know, picking out a present for you has never been easy. Remember when Mom and Dad got you that little fire-breathing dragon, but you really wanted that cute little planet, so you used the dragon to burn the house down?

[upon watching the Power Rangers defeat the fake versions of themselves]
Rita: [sobbing] Oh, Those Power Rangers are doing it again. I can't stand it! I just can't stand it!

Zordon: May the Power protect you.

Lord: Z-E-D-D! My name is LORD ZEDD!
Rito: Oh, it's "Zedd!" I got it, Ed.

Bulk: [to Skull, after unpacking an exaggeratedly large lunch] Quit staring. Your ugly mug is making me lose my appetite.

Bulk: Hey. They're gone.
Skull: Seven...
Bulk: What'd you do with 'em?
Skull: I can't hear you!
[Bulk takes the bandana off his face]
Skull: Hey! They're gone!
Bulk: Nothing gets past you.

Lord: Ah, look, sheer terror and desperation. I love it. Ha ha, this is better than big-time space wrestling! A monster on Earth and not a Ranger in sight.

Rita: Ah! I'm free! I'm free!
[Bulk and Skull turn around and sees her on the workbench]
Rita: What are you looking at, you blithering pickleheads?
[they faint]
Rita: Ah, great! Just what I need - a human Squatt and Baboo.

Tommy: What's wrong, Kim?
Ernie: She's worried about her grandmother's spinning wheel.
Kimberly: It's just that it's always been very special to her. What am I gonna do if it's really broken?
Tommy: Hey, don't be so bummed out. I bet you I can fix it.
Kimberly: You really think that you could?
Tommy: Sure. Let's go take a look at it.

Zordon: There is too much danger in what you propose.
Kimberly: Zordon, what about our city? We have to stop it from being destroyed.
Zack: Not to mention rescuing all those people trapped in Rita's dimensional vortex.
Trini: They're safe right now, but if we have to wait twelve hours, it may be too late.
Zordon: What are you are asking has never been tried before. If the Zords' backups fail, you and everything in the morphing grid could vanish forever. Do you really want to try this?
Jason: You know we do, Zordon.

Rita: Zedd baby, you may be ugly, but you sure know how to show a ghoul a bad time!

Jason: It's Morphin' time!

Rita: And now, Morph into The Green Ranger!
[Tommy becomes the Evil Green Ranger]
The: To the fall of Zordon and the destruction of the Power Rangers!

Billy: I's coming togeter
Zack: Oh man.
Jason: No way!
Trini: Kimberly look.
Kimberly: I don't belive it. Tommy?

Rita: [Congratulating Finster for restoring her to normal size] You did it, my little dingbat.

Bulk: [Bulk and Skull have tried and failed to expose a trick or treater as a Power Ranger] Nice idea, bozo.
Skull: My idea. It wasn't my idea. It was your idea, Bulky.

Bulk: Yeah, get this, she thinks she's the mayor.
Lt. Jerome Stone: That's because she IS the mayor, you BRICK HEADS!
Skull: [laughs A Bit]
Lt. Jerome Stone: You're gonna be washing the mayor's car for 5 years, then you're gonna be washing my car for 5 years then all the cars in Angel Grove!

Rita: What a pretty package wrapped up so nice and neat. And it's not even my birthday.
Lord: Perfect, isn't it? The Aquitian Rangers alone in the center of town, the Power Coins destroyed, what more can we ask for?
Rito: How about a monster attack?
Lord: I can't believe it. Twice in one day your brain is proven operational.

Zordon: Good work, Power Rangers. And Trini, you did the honorable thing. You tried to be fair.
Trini: Thanks, Zordon.
Kimberly: It's not your fault Rita cheats.
Billy: At least all your practicing paid off.
Jason: Hey, we're teammates. We'll always be there to watch your back.

Rita: [angrily, yells] I can't believe they beat us back!
Baboo: [hits Squatt in the head three times] This is all your fault, Squatt! You should have help!
Rita: Goldar, you failed!
Goldar: It won't happened again, empress!
Rita: Shut up! I've got a headache!

Bulk: Hey, what's going on in here?
Skull: [taking a flyer off the wall] "Fourth... annual fair." Heh! If it's a fair, where are all the rides?
Bulk: [taking the flyer] It's a science fair, drumhead.
[a man in a lab coat walks by]
Bulk: Oh. Man, we are in a room full of nerds.
Skull: [covering his nose with his jacket] Let's get out of here. I don't want to catch any, uh... nerd-itis.

Katherine: We're not gonna let you do this!
Rito: Oh! Big words for someone in pink tights!

Lord: Everything is going as planned. I have Kimberly's power coin to siphon off Ninjor's power combine it with the Falconzord's technology and bring out new Zords to life. Then all I'll need is six pilots to command them.
Rito: Just like the Power Rangers.
Lord: Yes, of course - the Power Rangers. Rito, being around me is really starting to pay off for you. You've done it again.
Goldar: He has?
Lord: Who better to pilot the new Zords than the Power Rangers themselves?
Rito: Yeah!
Rita: You've been hanging around my brother too long, Zeddy.
Lord: Think with your brain instead of your mouth, for a change.

Skull: [thinking Kimberly is her evil twin] So, we still on for tonight?
Kimberly: [groaning in disgust] Ugh. Get real, eel.

Rita: Make our monster grow!

[Season 1 intro beginning]
Rita: Ahh! After 10,000 years, I'm free! It's time to conquer Earth!
Zordon: Alpha, Rita's escaped! Recruit a team of teenagers with attitude.

Scorpina: He who fights and runs away...
Goldar: ...Lives to fight another day!
[Scorpina and Goldar then vanish]
Tommy: Yeah! Run away, Goldar! You'll never defeat us.

Kimberly: [after Ninjor has refused to help them] I can't believe *he's* the one who created the Power Coins. What are we gonna do? The world's gonna be destroyed and we can't stop it because we don't have any powers.
Tommy: But we do. We still have the power within ourselves. The knowledge of what's right and true. Lord Zedd can never destroy that.
Billy: You're right, Tommy. We'll just have to do whatever we can. Come on.
[they start to walk away]
Ninjor: Oh. Wait a minute. Your hearts speak with truth. You have convinced me that you do not seek this power out of greed. If the power of Ninjor lives within your souls, we've really got something here.

Master: You always were an ungrateful, rotten, little brat!
Rita: You never understood me!
Master: Whatever.

Tom: So that's the way you want it, huh? The Green Ranger versus the White Ranger.
Wizard: Now!
Tommy: It's morphin' time!
Tom: I was hoping you'd say that.
Tommy: Tigerzord!
Tom: Dragonzord!

Goldar: [on Earth] I am the greatest warrior of all time.
Lord: [on the Moon] I can't believe that dimwit just said that.

Lord: Once again you've ruined any chance we had of destroying those meddlesome teenagers.
Rita: Me? Listen, radiator face - If you'd only keep out of it...
Lord: Radiator face? How dare you!
Rita: It's true, you piece of New York rare steak!
Lord: At least I'm not a hog dog like you!

Jason: [in the school play] And you'd better spin all of this straw into gold, or else.
Skull: Yeah. Or... else.
Kimberly: Now there are three piles of straw to spin into gold. Oh, woe is me. Where's Rumpelstiltskin?
[no response; scattered audience laughter]
Kimberly: Oh, where's Rumpelstiltskin?
[still no response; more scattered laughs]
Trini: [Bulk stumbles in] Hurry up. Get out there.
Bulk: I'm going, I'm going. Take a chill pill, will you?

Tommy: I'm at the end, guys.
Kimberly: Tommy, don't say that.
Tommy: My powers are almost gone. It's what my dreams have been telling me. It's what I've been feeling inside.
Jason: Man, you've been through it before. You came back stronger.
Tommy: Not this time. It's different. This time it's for good. Lord Zedd's had it in for me ever since the beginning. And he's closing in...

Billy: Zordon, what about all the people? Where are they?
Zordon: My sensors indicate that they are all safe, but out of reach in Rita's dimensional vortex.
Jason: We're their only hope.
Zordon: That is correct, Rangers. Because if you lose this battle, they will all be trapped in Rita's vortex forever.

Jason: Lokar's out of control.
Zack: It looks like Rita's reconstructed Cyclopsus.
Kimberly: Zordon, what are we gonna do?
Zordon: Nothing, until your Zords are re-energized. Only then can you battle Lokar.
Zack: So if we stop him, we stop Rita and the others, right, Zordon?
Zordon: Yes, Zack. Alpha is scanning the computer memory for more data on Lokar. It should provide a clue to help you defeat him.

Rita: Gather 'round, fools. I have the perfect plan to conquer that pathetic little planet Earth.
Squatt: Oh, good!
Rita: Yes, it's so devious, it's sinister, even for me.

Bulk: The two things I hate most: Books and dweebs.

Skull: Hey, Bulky, looky what we have here.
[Trini tries to grab the banner back]
Skull: Whoa! Whoops. A birthday party. Awwww.
Kimberly: Yeah, well, we would have invited you, but animals aren't allowed.

[Master Vile has permenantly defeated the Power Rangers]
Lord: I can't believe the old coot did it! You know what this means, don't you? I'll never hear the end of it! He'll just go on, and on...
Rita: Don't fret, Zeddy! Why not think of this as a learning experience? Now, let's get into the act before we miss all the fun!
Lord: Yes, I guess you're right, my dear. It IS time we had some fun, isn't it? Without those Power Rangers in our way, this world is ours for the taking!

["Bulk": to discover the identities, of the POWER RANGERS! They're on a stakeout, in Angel Grove Park, when four people appear - out of nowhere! "Bulk" & "Skull" realize that the POWER RANGERS have teleported, close enough, for them to discover their TRUE IDENTITIES - leaving "Bulk" & "Skull" flabbergasted...]
[the "Scatterbrain" monster attacks "Bulk" & "Skull", robbing them of their memories, of discovering the POWER RANGERS' TRUE IDENTITIES, as the POWER RANGERS regain their memories - and 'Morph' - just in time, to battle the "Scatterbrain" monster! The POWER RANGERS check on "Bulk" & "Skull"...]
Eugene: [confused:] POWER RANGERS! Did you saved us?
Tommy: [confused:] Huh? Are you kidding? YOU'RE the ones, who saved US!
[Back at the Angel Grove Youth Center, "Bulk" & "Skull" are embellishing their heroic tale, of rescuing the POWER RANGERS, when Kimberly and Aisha walk in! Realizing that they owe them their lives, Kimberly and Aisha decide to 'listen' to the tale, that "Bulk" & "Skull" are weaving - and 'thank' them...]
Kimberly: [cheerful:] Hey, "Bulk" & "Skull", there you guys are! We've been looking all over, for ya!
Farkas: [disappointed:] Yeah! You and the rest of this lynch mob!
Aisha: [proudly:] So... you guys saved the POWER RANGERS!
Farkas: [disappointed:] Go ahead and laugh, but we did!
Kimberly: [cheerful:] No, we believe you!
Farkas: [puzzled:] You do?
Kimberly: [cheerful:] Yeah!
Farkas: [cautious:] Why?
Kimberly: [stammering:] Uh... Because... Besides... the fact... that... you're strange... um...
Aisha: [supportive:] You come through, in a pinch!
Kimberly: [proudly:] Yeah! And... and, you're courageous, and honorable!
Farkas: [over-inflating ego:] ... And honest... and upright!
Eugene: [over-inflating ego:] ... And intelligent... and responsible... and... available?
Farkas: [eagerly:] Do you want to go out?
Kimberly: [backpedaling:] Alright, you guys! Let's not carry it away, that far!
Eugene: [after Kimberly and Aisha leave:] We'll meet, again!
Farkas: [to the owner:] Hombre? Two ice creams!

Lord: I am Lord Zedd, Emperor of all I seek!

[Billy notices Trini while she is drawing]
Billy: Her mastery of complex illustrated characters is most impressive.
[Jason gives Kimberly a puzzled look]
Jason: What did he say?
Kimberly: Don't look at me. I don't speak Billy.
Trini: He says I draw a good cartoon. Thanks, Billy.

Jason: This Rita is a real witch.

Zack: Join the hip hop kedo club, it's the hop that won't stop.

Zordon: Teleport to us five overbearing and over-emotional humans.
Alpha: No, not that! Not... teenagers!

[Red Ranger is knocked onto his back on the ground and blocks King Sphinx's staff with his Power Sword]
King: You're nothing without your friends! Why don't you give up?

Jason: If you were Bulk and Skull... where would you go?
Kimberly: Ugh, don't even mention such a horror.

Rita: Maybe we should attend this little party, too.
Squatt: Ooh!
Baboo: Suppose there will be any little Swedish meatballs?
Goldar: Quiet, you bubbleheads. We're not going for a social visit. We're going to destroy the Power Rangers.

[a boy is lost in the park]
Alpha: Looks like trouble. Better contact the Rangers. Wait. I don't need the Rangers to save a little boy. I can do it by myself! Pasta la pizza, baby! Alpha Ranger to the rescue!

Zack: Hey, Angela. Hey, why don't we get together tonight and go out? I'm serious.
Angela: Oh, Zack. If you were a Power Ranger, I would say yes in a minute. Keep trying.
Jason: [sympathetically patting his shoulder] Nice to feel appreciated, huh?

Lord: When is a Ranger not a Ranger? When his image is scattered to bits. And a Ranger is in danger when his memory is on the... on the...
Squatt: ...On the fritz?
Lord: I would've gotten it!
Squatt: Yeah, in a couple of million years, maybe.

Bulk: Did you hear that?
Skull: Yeah. Sounded like a dog.
Bulk: No, numbskull. That geek Billy invented a machine that can read people's minds.
Skull: People's minds?
Bulk: If you had a mind to read.

The: We're not gonna let you do this.
Rito: Oh! Big words from somebody in pink tights.

Kimberly: Come on, Bulky, wake up. Are you guys okay? We heard you screaming.
Skull: [waking up] What happened?
Trini: Why don't *you* tell us what happened?
Bulk: [pointing behind himself] Oh... Uh, don't... look... behind us.
Skull: [also pointing] There's a little witch.
Kimberly: What are you guys talking about?
Bulk: [finally looks] It's gone!
Skull: Where'd that little creature get to?
Kimberly: What little creature?
Skull: No little creature.
Bulk: Everything's fine.
Skull: Yeah. Just... fine.

Tommy: Why am I here?
Goldar: It's simple. If you serve Rita, you can keep your powers. If not, you'll lose them when the candle burns out.
Tommy: What candle?
Goldar: [unveiling it] The green candle. It's made of very special wax. When it burns out, Rita will have stolen your powers!

[a powerless Jason is trapped fighting Goldar]
Goldar: Rita has given you to me as a reward for my faithful service to her, like tossing some meat to a hungry lion!

Kimberly: [referring to the reigning champions of a ninja tournament] What obnoxious clods!
Tommy: Obnoxious, but undefeated.

The: We'll take that orb, Rito.
Rito: Hey! Who invited you?
The: You can't win. Give it up.
Rito: You know, you guys are getting on my nerves.
The: Good! Give us the orb, and we'll leave.
The: Whatever your game is, you're gonna lose
Rito: Really? Then maybe we should play a little "pin the tail on the Tenga."

Zack: Can you believe that our enemy this time is another ranger?

Kimberly: But Zordon, how? I mean, I thought Tommy's powers were gone for good.
Alpha: Not Tommy's. The Green Ranger's powers were gone for good!
Zordon: That is correct. However, Tommy has proven himself to be worthy and true. His courage, strength, and honor allowed us to choose him to be the new White Ranger. This time, his powers have been created by the light of goodness and can never be taken away by the forces of evil.

Jason: Back off, fang-face!
Zack: The good guys are here!
Billy: Get off our planet!
Trini: 'Cause we're the Power Rangers!
Kimberly: And we're not backing down!

Goldar: [On Earth, trying to snatch a photograph from two kids] Give me that photograph, now!
Lord: [On the moon] You're seven feet tall, lamebrain! Just take it from them!

Lord: Blast that worthless Goldar! He couldn't capture the Power Rangers' grandmothers!

Bulk: Well! If it isn't the king geek himself.
Billy: Don't you feel a little out of place here? After all, an IQ is required.

The: Long live Empress Rita!

Bulk: There's something funny going on here?
Skull: Yeah they've been in high school a little bit too long

Alpha: That Rita Repulsa really fries my circuit boards.

Bulk: [Trying desperately to make his monster come to life after Skull messes it up] Live, my glorious creation! LIVE!
[Back on the moon]
Lord: Yes! My wanderous creation! Live!
[Zaps the poor excuse of a homemade monster with his Z staff]

Red: Is your species ticklish?
[tickles the Tenga's foot]

Bulk: Look at that guy. 5' 11", heavy accent, gray hair. Anyone interesting fit that description?
Skull: [imitating Bill Clinton] The President of the United States?
Bulk: Besides him.

Zordon: Goldar! Rito! I order you to leave at once!
Goldar: We were just on our way out.
Rito: Yeah, and so is the Zeo Crystal! Ciao, baby!

Billy: My calculations would suggest a 98% probability that our coins are in... this direction.
Jason: All right. Let's get started.
Goldar: Yes, let's get started... with an illusion for Kimberly's confusion.
Kimberly: [seeing Bulk and Skull dressed like angels] No way! I don't believe this.
Bulk: Hold, my good friend. I spy a defenseless forest creature in need of our assistance.
Skull: Thou speakest truly, monsieur Bulk. And 'tis a fine example of genus tartarus colonia. I must come to its aid and with great haste.
Bulk: Au contraire, my noble Skull. Never in my bliss-filled dreams would I ever consider troubling you. Allow me?
Kimberly: Bulk and Skull... being nice?

Bulk: [In a dream] It's Morphin time... Burgersaurus!
Skull: Dogasaurus!

Zoltar: Welcome, humans.
Jason: So, who is that?
Kimberly: Like, what is that?
Alpha: That is Zoltar. An intra-dimensional being caught in a time warp. My name is Alpha 5, his trusted assistant.
Zack: Yeah, right. And I'm a Ninja Turtle.

Kimberly: [Kimberly and Billy sit down on a bench] Wow, I am really thirsty.
Billy: Oh, here.
Kimberly: [Billy hands Kimberly a glass] Thanks.
Billy: Bottoms up.
[they take a drink]
Kimberly: Bleh!

Pablo: The legend says that there is a crystal in the volcano above our village. Its magic is very powerful. No one has ever been brave enough to climb the volcano and claim it.

Skull: You know, I've got the mind of a pilot.
Bulk: Oh, yeah? What makes you think that?
Skull: Because Mr. Kaplan says I'm an airhead.

Lord: I know what you're thinking, so don't even say it.
Rita: Don't say what? That all your friends are a bunch of losers that couldn't beat a drum if they had to, huh?

Goldar: How would you like a knuckle sandwich?
Rito: Thank you, but no. I'm full now. I couldn't eat another bite.

True: Do not give in to worry, Tommy. Be strong. You're running out of time. If you do not find the crystal, it will be lost forever.

Kimberly: So, what happened to you, um, the other day after school? I thought we were gonna meet.
Tommy: Something came up.
Kimberly: Oh. You know, I just got kinda worried...
Tommy: Hey, I'm a big boy, Kimberly. I don't need you to worry about me.
Kimberly: Is something wrong? Because you're totally acting like...
Tommy: Like what?
Kimberly: Like you're upset with me?
Tommy: Has it ever occurred to you that I might have other things on my mind? Newsflash, Kimberly. You are not the center of everyone's universe.
Kimberly: Well, excuse me for living!

Rita: I can smell victory already.
Goldar: Are you sure you're not just smelling Rito?
Rito: Hey, what do you mean? I don't smell. I took a shower last month.

Ninjor: What do you want? Make it quick. You've got five seconds.
Tommy: Our leader Zordon sent us on a quest for new powers and Zords. Lord Zedd destroyed our old ones.
Ninjor: Time's up. What a lovely story. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Rocky: Wait, we're the Power Rangers!
Ninjor: Which means... what?
Adam: Will you just listen? The world's in incredible danger!
Ninjor: [sing-song] Not my problem! Go away please.
Aisha: Come on guys, it's obvious this guy doesn't have a clue about kindness or decency.
Adam: I guess the legend of Ninjor really is a myth.
Kimberly: I can't believe he's the one that created the Power Coins... what are we gonna do? The world's gonna be destroyed and we can't stop it because we don't have any powers.
Tommy: But we do - the knowledge of what's right and true. Lord Zedd can never destroy that.
Billy: You're right, Tommy. I guess we'll just have to do whatever we can.
Ninjor: [groans] Ho, boy... wait a minute! Your hearts speak with truth. You have convinced me you do not seek this power out of greed. If the power of Ninjor lives within your souls, we've really got something here!

Kimberly: [after trying Billy's machine] Are... you feeling nominal?
Billy: Like, I think so.
[he takes off his glasses, and she puts them on]
Billy: Billy?
Kimberly: Kimberly?
Billy: Like, what happened?
Kimberly: The, uh, generator experienced diathermic overload.
Billy: What?
Kimberly: We've undergone spatial personality displacement.
Billy: Will you please, like, speak English?
Kimberly: My brain's in your body and yours is in mine.
Billy: What?
Billy: AHHHH!

Zack: [after an incident in Kimberly's dance class] My main brain, what's up?
Billy: Well, I'm intrigued by the rhythmic modulation, yet daunted by the coordinating movements of the appendages.
Zack: Say what?
Trini: He can't dance.

Rita: This should have been a sure thing! I can't believe they beat the sphinx! Destroy the world is all I ask, but do they do it? NO!

Rita: Finster! You know that monster you were talking about, Finster? The birthday present. I think we should pick out a particularly nasty one this time!
Squatt: What's it going to be this time, Your Putridness? A giant fruit fly with an attitude?
Rita: Shut up, crater face. I need a special beast. This time, it's no more Ms. Nice Guy.

Jason: You wear a green Ranger costume, yet your loyalty is with Rita.
Tommy: I am her Green Ranger, and she is my empress!
Jason: She's evil!
Tommy: Yeah, and so am I.

Rito: You guys should put up a sign. That last step's a doozy.
Rita: Rito Revolto! What are you doing here?
Lord: You know this klutz?
Rita: Know him? He's my brother.
Rito: How you doing, sis?
Squatt: Rita has a brother?
Baboo: Oh, no.
Goldar: I knew I smelled something rotting.
Rito: [sniffing] Oh, yep. Yep, that'd be me, all right.

Jason: Hang in there, Tommy. You'll get your powers back to full strength.
Kimberly: Yeah, you got your powers back before, you can do it again.
Tommy: No, not this time. This time it's different. I'm at the end of the ropes, guys. Lord Zedd's had it in for me since the beginning... and he's closing in...

Zordon: Congratulations, Power Rangers! Victory is yours! You have gone far beyond the call of duty, and saved your world from a terrible fate. The world is very lucky to have you, and so am I.

Lord: I will throw the world's greatest Halloween bash. It will be magnificent!
Baboo: Do we get to dress up? I've always wanted to be Little Bo Peep!

Snizard: Tonsil snakes, attack them!

Kimberly: [to Skull, who thinks they still have a date] Get your hands off me!

Kimberly: I thought I said I didn't want to watch the parade.
Tommy: But you have to.
Kimberly: Is that my float?
Jason: Surprise!
Trini: Tommy put it back together in time.

Finster: Sometimes I really hate being a badguy.

Zack: Can you believe that our enemy this time is another Ranger?

Magnet: North is south. Up is down. I'm about to trash this town!

Trini: Hey, Rita! You have to better than that if you want to beat us!
Rita: You nincompoop! Your monster was worthless!
Finster: But, I warned you, he wasn't my best work!
Baboo: This is all your fault!
[hits Squatt in the head three times]
Squatt: My fault?
Baboo: I don't know how! But, you've always messed everything up! You do!
Finster: Now now, my queen! Please don't yell at me and turn me into a toad or something! Please, my queen! I beg you!
Baboo: I'm sensitive to dissatisfaction!
Rita: I'm feeling sick again and it's all your fault! And as for you two, shut up! How can anyone conquer the world, with these nitwits?

Jason: Billy, what's the update on the Zords?
Billy: Still not fully re-energized. They took a real beating in the fight against Cyclopsus.
Alpha: The Zords need another twelve hours to be at full power.
Jason: We can't wait that long. We'll take 'em at half power.
Billy: Jason, if we do that, we risk doing serious damage to the Zords.
Jason: We don't have a choice.

Jason: [Tommy has just joined the Power Rangers after being under Rita's Spell] Alright then... IT'S MORPHIN' TIME!
Tommy: Dragonzord!
Zack: Mastodon!
Kimberly: Pterodactyl!
Billy: Triceratops!
Trini: Sabre Toothed Tiger!
Jason: Tyrannosaurus!
Jason: We're back! We're ready to morph into action!
Tommy: Six working together to fight evil!
Zack: And stop Rita!
Billy: And all her menacing monsters!
Trini: From destroying our planet Earth!
Kimberly: And ruling the universe with evil!
Jason: Look out, Rita, we're not backing down 'cause we're the
Jason,179791: [Together] POWER RANGERS!

Rita: She can't steal the coin with those people around.
Lord: We need that coin to get into the Ninjazord.
Rito: Well, create a diversion.
Lord: Brilliant. You've finally proven yourself to be more than just a bag of bones, Rito.
Rito: Well, you know, I'm always trying, Ed.
Lord: It's Zedd, you calcium-head!

Red: Sir, your food's here.
Slotsky: Did I order something?
Red: Yeah. A knuckle sandwich.

Lord: I take back what I said about your brother. He's not a fool, he's a brainless twit!

Skull: [waking up] Oh look, Kimberly's flying the plane.

Tommy: [spotting the other Rangers while exploring the Caves of Deception] Huh? Hey guys, what are you doing here?
Adam: Tommy, the battle's over. We lost.
Aisha: It's awful. Katherine's totally evil now.
Billy: Vile has agreed to spare us and our families, if we give him the Zeo Crystal.
Rocky: Tommy, you've got to join us! Surrender now!
Tommy: [gets into battle stance when the Green Ranger comes into view] My friends would NEVER surrender to Master Vile!
Green: You're right, Tommy. They'd join WITH him!
Tommy: NEVER!
[the Rangers run towards Tommy and vanish, revealing themselves to be more illusions to try and stop Tommy from getting to the Zeo Crystal]

[after King Sphinx has blown his wings and sent Pink Ranger and Black Ranger out of the theater]
Jason: Bring my friends back!
King: No way!

Young: Hey, Bulky. Do you think the Alien Rangers could beat Darth Vader?
Young: You dimwit! Darth Vader is just pretend. The Alien Rangers are real!
Young: Oh, right, I forgot.
Young: How 'bout a Klingon?

[as the teens are figuring out what to do in order to stop the fake Power Rangers from attacking Angel Grove]
Zack: Hey Skull, you want to see a magic trick?
Skull: Sure!
Bulk: Yeah, geek, show us something we haven't seen.
Kimberly: You mean like the alphabet?
Zack: Alright, alright, check this out: I can make us disappear.
Skull: No way!
Zack: Yes way! Alright, but first, cover your eyes.
Jason: And count backwards from ten.
[Bulk and Skull then cover their faces with their bandanas]
Trini: Now, plug your ears with your fingers and then count backwards.
[finally, Bulk and Skull plug their ears with their fingers and begin counting backwards]

Jason: We're back, and we're ready to morph into action!
Tommy: Six working together to fight evil!
Zack: And stop Rita!
Billy: And all her messy monsters!
Trini: From destroying our planet Earth!
Kimberly: And ruling the universe with evil!
Jason: Look out Rita, we're not backing down! 'Cause we're the...
All: Power Rangers!

Master: Excellent, Rito. I knew if I found the proper task, you could do something right.
Rito: Ah, Dad, thanks.
Goldar: We're not sure he didn't mess it up yet.
Master: You will be silenced, Goldar!
[Maser Vile zaps Goldar with a gag over his mouth]
Master: If you're quite through, the hour is upon us. Ultimate power, I command you: Arise and conquer with venomous sinew!
Lord: This sounds like the rerun of a very bad movie. I can't take much more of this.

Jason: Hey, guys, look up ahead.
Trini: It's Squatt.
Kimberly: What is he doing?
Zack: Whatever it is, it can't be good.

Kimberly: I wonder what Lord Zedd has planned for us next.
Zack: I have a feeling it won't be Pudgy Pig.

Zack: Always remember, the hand is quicker then the eye.

[last lines]
Zack: [to Bulk, who is curious about the teens' "magic trick"] Get a life.

Kimberly: I love fairy tales. I've always wanted to be a princess, and get rescued by a handsome prince on a white horse.
Tommy: Well... how about a white tiger?
Kimberly: That would work.

Kimberly: Tommy, I know. I know you're the Green Ranger.
Tommy: Well then, Pink Ranger, you should also know that you, and the other Power Rangers, will soon be destroyed.
Kimberly: Let us help you. We can break Rita's spell!
Tommy: Rita is my empress, and she will soon rule the world.
Kimberly: Tommy, please let us help you...
Tommy: You have been warned.

Tommy: [Tommy is about to kill Jason with the Sword of Darkness] For what it's worth, you put up a pretty good fight, but now the battle is at an end.

Jason: I remember Rita's secret dimension. That's one bad place.
Kimberly: The important thing, Tommy, is that you're okay.
Tommy: Am I? According to Rita, my power's gonna to be gone soon.
Trini: She's just bluffing, Tommy. Trying to scare you. How would she be able to take away your power?
Zordon: I'm afraid it is possible, Rangers.
Tommy: Zordon, then you found out something about the green candle I told you about.
Zordon: Yes. Rita has a special form of wax from the Gamma-Tri system. Once touched, it retains a person's body energy.
Tommy: But I never touched anything.
Zordon: You did when you worked for Rita.
Kimberly: No way! And she's been saving the wax all this time?
Zordon: Yes. And now she has made a candle from the wax and cast a spell over it connecting the Green Ranger's power with its flame.
Tommy: Then Rita wasn't bluffing. Once the candle burns out, I'm history. The Green Ranger's... finished.

Kimberly: [Tries to throw a bowling ball but it goes backwards and lands on some plates splattering food all over] Oh, I broke my nail!

Bulk: Wait a minute, what is this? Some kind of trick?
Billy: Hey man, you're not the baddest dude on the block anymore. So don't ask any stupid questions. Got it?

Skull: Hey, Bulk! The plan worked. We didn't get "D"s. No detention!
Bulk: Will you shut up?
Mr. Kaplan: Do you know what "F" stands for, gentlemen?
Bulk: Fun?
Skull: Far out?
Mr. Kaplan: No!
[he writes "forever" on the chalkboard]
Mr. Kaplan: Forever. Which is how long you'll be staying after school in my office.
Bulk: That was my next guess.

Billy: Guys! It's me, Billy. Hurry! We need your help! There's a monster headed this way!
Slotsky: Oh, there you are, Billy.
Billy: Correction. The monster's here.

Rito: What's she done this time, sis?
Rita: She and her disgustingly cuddly friends are building house for the homeless.
Goldar: Hey, can they built a house for Rito? Then he can finally move out.

Rocky: You're not going to get away with this!
Rito: What is it with you hero types? Always the same line!

Skull: Hey Bulk, remember the first time we faced danger together?
Bulk: Y'mean the time we tried to make ice cream and set your dad's mustache on fire?
Skull: Oh yeah, almost forgot about that...

Rito: Rito Revolto - party king and dancin' fool! Let's mambo!

Jason: So, who are you?
Kimberly: Like, what are you?
Zordon: I am Zordon, an interdimensional being caught in a time warp.
Alpha: And my name is Alpha 5.
Kimberly: Excuse me, but will, like, somebody come back to Earth and pick me up? Because I am totally confused.
Zordon: It's quite simple, my dear. This planet is under attack, and I have brought you here to save it.

Kimberly: [about the duo's damsel and dragon performance] Bulk and Skull, what are you guys doing?
Bulk: We don't want you geeks! Get out of here. We want the Power Rangers!
Skull: Yeah, scram! You're going to ruin everything!
Trini: You know, you shouldn't cry wolf.
Skull: Cry what?
Jason: It means you shouldn't cry help unless you need it.
Tommy: That's right, 'cause if you do it enough, one day when you really need help, no one's going to believe you.
Bulk: Nice try. Now beat it!
Skull: Yeah, hit the road, toads!
[the teens shake their heads in disgust and walk away]
Skull: Can you believe those dweebs? They think there's actually wolves around here.
Bulk: I don't see any wolves.

Goldar: [after getting his wings back] Thank you your excellency, you won't regret this.
Lord: See that I don't.

Bulk: Hey! You, get out of my chair.
Jason: Do I see your name written on it?
[Bulk moves Jason's binder and reveals his name is on the desk, spelled with two "U's"]
Bulk: Yeah. Right there. See? B-U-U-L-K!
Trini: It's not even spelled right.

Finster: But, my queen, it wasn't my fault!
Rita: I can't believe, you messed up again!
Baboo: [hits Squatt in the head three times] I told you, you should have stayed at home! But, you didn't listen!
Squatt: What about you!
Baboo: What do you mean, me?
Finster: Temper, temper! I have nothing doubt!
[Goldar punches Finster]
Finster: Hey! I warned you!
Goldar: Can't you do anything right, for make me stop?
Rita: Get out of my way, you nitwits! Now, I've got to come up with another plan!

Bulk: Out of our way.
Skull: Yes, out of our way.
Kimberly: What are they doing in those costumes?
Jason: This, I've got to see.

Rita: [Watching Zedd snore] Yuck. How'd ya like to wake up to that every morning? Oh well. We all have to make sacrifices some times.
Rita: Bleh. Thanks to this little potion, when you awake, you will love me madly. Sleep well, Zedd. For I shall have my revenge upon you and the rest of the world.
[evil laugh]

Twinman: Mirrors, mirrors, all around: smash the Rangers to the ground!

Kimberly: Hey, Kaplan just took off. Now's our chance to sneak out.
Jason: Come on, let's follow her.
Bulk: I wouldn't. She'll be back.
Skull: Three, two, one...
Mr. Kaplan: [leading Kimberly back in] And stay in!
Bulk: Pfft. Amateurs.

Rita: I knew that brain of your wasn't just for show.

Kimberly: [after Bulk and Skull's prank] Listen, you bionic bean brains. What goes around, comes around.

Alpha: [shaken by an earthquake] Danger. Danger. It's the big one, I know it. We'll all be destroyed.
Zordon: Calm down, Alpha. It's Rita. She's escaped and she's attacking the planet.
Alpha: Ay-yi-yi. What do we do?
Zordon: Teleport to us five overbearing and over-emotional humans.
Alpha: No! Not that! Not teenagers!
Zordon: That's correct, Alpha.
Alpha: I was afraid of that.

Tommy: If you're like me, you can't be evil.
Tom: Let's face it. We all have our dark sides.
Tommy: My dark side's faded with the Green Ranger's powers.
Tom: I am the Green Ranger! Only I'm more powerful than you, White Ranger. So, are you gonna fight against yourself?

Tommy: Hey, I thought you knew what you were doing!
Saba: I do.
Tommy: Yeah? You sure could've fooled me.

Rita: I can smell victory already.
Goldar: Are you sure you're not just smelling Rito?
Rita: Ew... Uh.
Rito: Hey, what do you mean? I don't smell. I took a shower last month.

Rito: [looking through Rita's telescope backwards] Some kind of big ugly eye monster.
Rita: Take your bony paws off my telescope you creepy loser.
Rito: Who you calling a creepy loser? At least I didn't marry Ed.
Rita: His name is Zedd! ZEDD!

Rito: The way I see it, Ed, we need a fool-proof plan to defeat the Rangers.
Lord: Oh, is that the way you see it? And the names Zedd, nitwit!
Rito: Yes, sir. The way to stop the Power Rangers is to turn one of *them* into a monster and use him the destroy the others.
Rita: You blithering bumble head! That is the stupidest idea!
Lord: Hold on, my little chowder head. We have have stumbled on to a plan that might work. In fact, I can smell the Rangers' demise.
Rito: That's why you're the boss, Ed - Smarts.

Lord: Rito Revolto, weren't you going to put an end to the Power Rangers?
Goldar: I knew he'd mess it up
Rito: Well, I made a mistake. So sue me.
Goldar: You should be so lucky!

Lord: Walk this way.
Goldar: Okay, but I feel a little stupid.

Uncle: Kimberly, your friends are welcomed to go with us.
Kimberly: But...
Bulk: Hey, thanks... Uncle.
Skull: Yeah. Uncle.
Uncle: Why don't you guys just call me Steve?

Bulk: You know that they're planning that party for the Power Rangers in the park?
Skull: Yeah, yeah.
Bulk: [picking him up as he talks] We are gonna steal a little bit of their thunder. We're gonna show Angel Grove that the Power Rangers aren't the only superheroes in this city.
Skull: Yeah. They're not the only superheroes in this city.
[Bulk drops him]
Skull: They're not?
Bulk: Wait 'till they get a load of us.

[upon witnessing that the "Power Rangers" have joined the forces of evil]
Kimberly: I can't believe my eyes.
Trini: Or my ears.

Tom: Hello, Tommy. Allow me to introduce myself.
Tommy: What's going on? Who are you?
Tom: I'm the Green Ranger.

Jason: [to his friends] Ans you wanna give him tips on how to meet girls?
Zack: What can I say? It looks like a match made in Heaven.

[alarm sounds]
Alpha: Ay-yi-yi, Zordon. There's a major drain of external thermal energy in the area.
Zordon: You are correct, Alpha. My sensors are indicating that Lord Zedd is somehow tapping into the dimensional galaxy.
Alpha: Ay-yi-yi! He's pinpointing Aquitar.
Tideus: Zedd may be trying to find a means of teleporting us back home.
Aurico: Or of teleporting someone from home here.

The: Nobody snakes the Power Rangers!

Ernie: [watching the parade on TV] What is with the binoculars, Billy?
Billy: They make me feel like I'm there.

Goldar: [the Power Rangers have just formed the Megazord] Uh-oh!
King: Uh-oh!
Rita: Uhhh... Uh-oh!

True: Listen to a tale told by my people for generations: "A stranger comes," so the story goes. "He shall come in search of the light," symbolized by rock. "A crystal, pure in power." Are you the one?

Tommy: The guys wanna take you out to lunch, but, uh, I gotta go and take care of something. Can I drop this stuff off at your house?
Kimberly: No. Just toss it. I don't need it around to remind me of the parade.

Kimberly: [after a Putty attack] Look at my model.
Zack: Man. They really demolished it.
Kimberly: Without this model, I can't build the full-sized float. Now it won't be able to be in the parade.
Trini: Oh, Kim. Cheer up. There will be other parades you can design floats for.
Kimberly: Yeah, but Rita will probably wreck them, too.
Billy: Well, perhaps we can simply reconstruct it.
Kimberly: All that time and effort for nothing.
Tommy: We can help you build a new one.
Trini: Yeah.
Kimberly: There's no way we can get more flowers in time. The model's due today.

Tommy: Dragonzord!
Zack: Mastodon!
Kimberly: Pterodactyl!
Billy: Triceratops!
Trini: Saber-Toothed Tiger!
Jason: Tyrannosaurus!

Bulk: Hey, Skull, how long have we been working?
Skull: About ten minutes.
Bulk: That's long enough. Time for our break.

Lord: Oh, Alpha. You can come out of hiding!
Alpha: I don't like you... Ed.
Lord: It's Zedd, you blinking bucket of bolts! Lord Zedd!

Rita: I can't believe it! We were this close to beating of the power geeks! If it wasn't for your monster, we've had done it! Shut up!
Goldar: It's all your fault!
[punches Finster]
Goldar: What do you think of that?
[punches him again]
Goldar: It's against those kids, your worthless, you coward!
Rita: All the bad guys in the universe and I have to get stuck with these nitwits!

Lord: And now, to finish off those pesky Power Rangers! Grow Pirantishead! Grow!

Master: You married Lord Zedd? You couldn't marry someone who had a skull?

Goldar: You ate my trail!

Rita: ZEDD!
Lord: Grah! Blasted woman... that voice of hers could peel paint!

Jason: Man, I'm glad we blew that bogus turtle into oblivion.
Kimberly: Ugh. If I never see another turtle again, it'll be too soon.

Kimberly: [Bulk and Skull taunt Zack and the others] You guys are, like, so funny. Why don't you just go back to the circus where you came from?
Skull: Hey, Bulk, is the circus really in town?
Bulk: That was an insult, bubble brain.

Rita: How long have we been married, anyway?
Lord: My unhappiness is so complete, it feels like a mere matter of moments. Does it feel that way to you my little sour apple?
Rita: Seems more like a century.

The: Yoo-hoo, Rita!
Rita: Ah! Not you again!
The: Afraid so, Rita.
The: We're, like your worst nightmare.
The: You'll never get rid of us.
[picks her up]
The: Nighty-night, Rita.
Rita: Put me down, you power geek!

Skull: [in the plane] Hey Bulk, are you scared of flying?
Bulk: Naaaah, I'm scared of crashing.

Jason: Something's not right, guys.
Trini: Yeah. What is going on?
Zack: Skull thinks he has a date with Kimberly.
Billy: Not even Skull's that mentally deficient.

[Fighting the Two-Headed Parrot]
Kimberly: Polly wanna MegaZord?

Skull: Y'know Bulky, I've been thinkin'...
Bulk: [gasps] Careful, you're not very good at it.

Ernie: Hey, you two. What do you think you're doing? You guys can't bring this pig in here.
[Rita's spell turns Norman into Pudgy Pig]
Bulk: It didn't say anything about that in the book.
Skull: Must have been something he ate.

Rito: Anyone with half a brain knows that we go THAT way.
Goldar: Uh-huh. Well, I guess that leaves YOU out.

Lord: I rule over a dominion of losers. None of you know how to defeat the Power Rangers. I'm disgusted with all of you!
Goldar: Me too!
Rita: He's talking about you, Goldbar!

Bulk: [Billy shows the others his lab mouse] Oh, look. The geeks have a new mascot.
Skull: [laughs] Yeah. A new mascot.
Zack: Well, he's smarter than some humanoids I know.
Skull: Hey. You can't talk about Bulk like that.
Zack: All I know is he never failed an IQ test.

Ernie: What's with the long face, Kim? This is not like you.
Kimberly: I just feel bad about my grandmother's antique spinning wheel.
Ernie: Why? What happened?
Kimberly: I don't know. It's stuck or something. Oh, Ernie, not only is this gonna ruin the play, but I'll never be able to face my grandmother again.

Rita: [to Finster] Well do you have my monster yet? The waiting is putting a strain on my natural beauty!

Tommy: Has it ever occured to you that I might have other things on my mind? News flash, Kimberly: You are not the center of everyone's universe.

Rito: He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day.

[Bulk and Skull have disguised themselves as sharks, only to be caught by Billy and Rocky]
Bulk: Hey!
[Billy gives them a disgusted look, shaking his head no]
Bulk: Why do you dweebs always have to mess everything up?
Skull: Yeah, the Power Rangers would've been here any minute.
Rocky: This isn't funny, you guys. The lake isn't a place to be fooling around.
Billy: Yeah, and you're lucky the Power Rangers didn't catch you. I don't think they'd appreciate being called into action if there's not really any monsters to deal with.
Rocky: Now you two stay out of trouble. I've got enough kids to look after.

Jason: [depending on if he'll retrieve the Green Candle or Save Tommy Oliver's life] If I don't get the candle in time, he'll lose his powers.
Zack: If we don't get to him in time, he'll lose his life!
Goldar: Which will you choose Red Ranger?

Rita: [Being observed inside the Space Dumpster from the Viewing Globe] 99 bottles of slime on the wall. 99 bottles of slime. You take one down. Pass it around. 98 bottles of slime in the wall.
Zordon: [the Rangers, Alpha and Zordon chuckle. Zordon mimics the song, amused] 99 bottles of slime on the wall. 99 bottles of slime.