The Best Walda Bolton Quotes

[after killing his father Ramsay leads Walda and and her newborn son into the kennels, quiets the dogs andopens the dors]
Walda: Where is Lord Bolton?
Ramsay: I am Lord Bolton?
Walda: [She realizes what he has done and what he is about to do, swallows and looks at her wailing child] Ramsey. Ramsey, please. I'll leave Winterfell. I'll go back to the Riverlands. Please! Ramsey. He's your brother.
Ramsay: I prefer being an only child.

Roose: Walda and I have some good news as well, since we're all together.
[Roose nods to Walda]
Walda: We're going to have a baby.
[Ramsay's smile freezes]
Sansa: I'm very happy for you.
Roose: From the way she's carrying, Maester Wolkan says it looks like a boy.
[Ramsay empties is cup, clearly displeased to hear the news that may deny him of being Roose's heir]

[after killing his father, Ramsay leads Walda and and her newborn son into the kennels, quiets the dogs and opens the doors]
Walda: Where is Lord Bolton?
Ramsay: I am Lord Bolton.
[Walda realizes what Ramsay has done and what he is about to do, swallows and looks at her wailing child]
Walda: Ramsay. Ramsay, please. I'll leave Winterfell. I'll go back to the Riverlands. Please! Ramsay. He's your brother.
Ramsay: [icily] I prefer being an only child.
[Ramsay whistles]