The Best Alicia Quotes

James A. Corry: You mock me, you know that? When you look at me, when you talk to me, I'm being mocked.
Alicia: I'm sorry.
[rubbing her hand]
Alicia: You hurt me, Corry.
James A. Corry: Hurt you? How can I hurt you?
[grabs her arm]
James A. Corry: This isn't real flesh. There aren't any nerves under there, there aren't any muscles or tendons.
[throws her to the ground]
James A. Corry: [pointing to his car] You're just like this heap. A hunk of metal with arms and legs, instead of wheels. But this heap doesn't mock me the way you do. It doesn't look at me with make believe eyes or talk to me with a make believe voice. Well, I'm sick of being mocked by the memory of women. And that's all you are. A reminder to me that I'm so lonely I'm about to lose my mind.
[Corry sees that Alicia is crying and dries a tear from her eye]
Alicia: I can feel loneliness, too.

Alicia: My name's Alicia. What's your name?
James A. Corry: Get out of here. Get out of here! I don't need a machine. Go on, get out of here!
Alicia: My name's Alicia. What's your name?

James A. Corry: Alicia, show them! Talk to them, show them! Talk to them, Alicia. Show them. Alicia, show them!
Captain: [drawing out his gun] I don't have any choice, Corry. I've no choice at all.
Alicia: [startled] Corry?
James A. Corry: No! NO!
[Allenby fires on Alicia's face]
Alicia: Corry... Corry...
[lowers in pitch]
Alicia: Corry... Corry... Corry...
[Alicia's face is shown to be a mass of wires and circuits]

Alicia: I brought you some water.
James A. Corry: Put it over there.
Alicia: It'll get warm just sitting there.
James A. Corry: [snickers] How would you know?
Alicia: I can feel thirst.
James A. Corry: Yeah? What else can you feel?
Alicia: I don't understand.
James A. Corry: Can you feel heat?
Alicia: Yes.
James A. Corry: And cold?
Alicia: Yes.
James A. Corry: And hunger?
Alicia: [Alicia nods]
James A. Corry: How bout pain? Can you feel pain?
Alicia: That, too.
James A. Corry: How? You're a machine, aren't you?
Alicia: Yes.
James A. Corry: Why would... Why didn't they build you to look like a machine? Why didn't they build you out of metal with bolts and wires and electrodes and things like that? Why'd they turn you into a lie, cover you with something that looks like flesh, give you a face?
James A. Corry: [turns to face Alicia] A face, that if I... if I look at long enough, makes me think, makes me believe that...
[Alicia caresses Corry's cheek]
James A. Corry: [grabs her hand and throws it away] It's a lie!