The Best Amy Hollis Quotes

Amy: Mel? Why would you do that? Why would you go on national radio and talk about him like that?
Mel: I think you know why.
Amy: Because you're lonely and bitter? Because you can't bear to see him happy?
Mel: I've always liked you, Amy. I've always thought you were smart, ballsy. I even admire the fact that you're here right now. But that interview went out under 24 hours ago, and already I've had five emails from women I knew nothing about -- and I knew about a lot -- talking about his sexual taste, his voracious appetite, the things he used to ask them to do. That stuff online about him and that poor girl scared them. And it scared me, and, I'm sorry, but it should scare you.
Amy: What are you going to do with them, the emails?
Mel: Send them to the police, of course, what else? That's why I did the interview.