The Best Arnold Keeler Quotes

Scorby: OK, start talking.
Doctor: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart had perfect pitch, he...
Scorby: What happened to him?
Doctor: Who?, Wolfgang Amadeus M... oh him? He died
Arnold: How did that happen?
Scorby: It happened because of a pod.
Arnold: A pod?
Scorby: Doctor, there's already one corpse in here, I can easily double that number.
Sarah: Look, he's telling you the truth.
Scorby: [to Sarah] Stay where you are.
Arnold: There's been an accident, one of the men was infected.
Doctor: By the pod?
Sarah: He went mad.
Doctor: Yes. You could say he's not quite himself.
Scorby: Where is he now?
Scorby: We don't know. Somewhere out there.
Arnold: Oh you mean we have a homicidal maniac on the loose?
Doctor: Oh much more dangerous than that. And he's desperate for food and warmth. And there's only one place he can find food and warmth.
Scorby: You mean this camp?
Doctor: It's a comforting thought, isn't it? I think we should lock all the doors and windows.