The Best Arraignment Judge Phillip Franks Quotes

Arraignment: Do we have a plea?
Steven: Not guilty, your Honor.
Arraignment: Paul?
A.D.A. Paul Robinette: The defendant savagely murdered an elderly woman, your Honor.
Arraignment: Wait, wait, wait, wait: it says here now that Mrs. Spiegleman was 61.
A.D.A. Paul Robinette: That's correct your honor.
Arraignment: My 61st birthday, you were cramming for a torts exam. I'd advise you to choose your adjectives a little more courteously. Counsel?
A.D.A. Paul Robinette: The People request bail at 500,000.
Sally: My client can hardly afford cab fare to Brooklyn your Honor. Why not make it a million?
Arraignment: Why not?
[pauses and smiles]
Arraignment: And they say the elderly lose their sense of humor.
A.D.A. Paul Robinette: [grins wryly]
Arraignment: Bail is set at 250 cash or bond. Next.