Top 50 Quotes From ADA Connie Rubirosa

Connie: Goodwin's agreed to a meeting. I got to tell you, Mike, I think the judge made the right call.
Michael: Ever since she pushed Amelia into that pool, Sandra Talbot's done nothing but lie and obfuscate, and now her reward's a green light to maim her child.
Connie: It's not our business anymore. Besides, there are no clean hands here.
Michael: Sometimes it's hard to know what justice is, but you have to do something. You just have to try and save who you can save.

Adam: Hey, do you like sangria?
A.D.A. Connie Rubirosa: Your tie? Really, really stupid.

Cedric: This guy's not even a lawyer. Can he even make a deal?
Connie: Yes, he can, Mr. Stuber. And if you have any doubts, I'm here for your peace of mind.
Cedric: [sarcastic] Oh, that's sweet of you.
[sitting down]
Cedric: So what do you got?
Michael: Man one. Twenty years.
Cedric: [derisive laugh] Screw that.
Emily: Come on, Mike. You can do better than that. If he is going to blow trial, the minimum is fifteen years.
Connie: Everyone in this room knows he won't get less than twenty-five to life after a conviction for a hate crime.
Cedric: You know what? I'm sick of this hate crime crap. It's not like he was a black guy or a spic.
Michael: Our offer just went up to twenty-five.
Emily: Mike.
Michael: Go to trial if you don't like it.
Emily: How about our motion for dismissal? How about your law license?
Michael: You can have my license! It'll free me up to testify about the hate speech your client just spewed in here. And after he's convicted of murder in state court, I'll walk across to the U.S. Attorney's office and have your client prosecuted for violating the Matthew Shepard Act. Hate murder against gays is a federal offense now. Are you ready to do back to back life sentences, Mr. Stuber? You will die in jail.

Michael: If you were planning on demolishing one of our witnesses, you might have, you know, mentioned it to me.
Connie: Well, sometimes the only way to get your attention is to actually do something.
Michael: You got that stuff from Lupo?
[Connie nods]
Michael: Okay. So we forget this witness. But that doesn't mean this isn't murder.
Connie: Even if Bunny was facing Green?
Michael: Even if Bunny fired first, if Green wanted him to.
Connie: Wanted somebody to shoot at him?
Michael: Well, what if he did? He knew Bunny was gonna be arrested, and he didn't want him opening his mouth about their history. So Green ditches his partner, goes after the guy without backup, which makes it more likely that a hothead like Bunny will draw his gun. It's dark, Bunny's caught by surprise, and he's not a marksman, but Green is and he's ready. So on the surface, it's self-defense, but Green's intent makes it murder.
Connie: That's arguable.
Michael: Well, I'm pretty good at arguing. That's how I got this job.

D.A. Jack McCoy: Dr. Stronach?
Michael: Our next witness - expert on child sex abuse.
D.A. Jack McCoy: Clinical psychiatrist, University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Stronach's research was condemned by a Congressional resolution...?
Connie: Don't look at me! Stronach wasn't my idea.
Michael: Katherine Waxman wants the jury to believe her crime was caused by her sexual abuse as a teenager, I want to give the jury another point of view.
D.A. Jack McCoy: Dr. Stronach's research will certainly do that. It might also make the jury want to string you up.

[last lines]
A.D.A. Connie Rubirosa: Until we dug up the dirt on the Quinlans, I would've bet on a "not responsible" verdict.
Jack: It was a good catch, Connie.
A.D.A. Connie Rubirosa: And what if Tory was a well-adjusted kid from a good family?
Jack: Not our facts. Hope you never have to try that case.
A.D.A. Connie Rubirosa: I take it you'll be recommending the minimum?
[Jack nods]
A.D.A. Connie Rubirosa: It was a good win, Jack.
Jack: Nobody won.

Executive A.D.A. Michael Cutter: You having fun?
A.D.A. Connie Rubirosa: I am gonna kill you, and then I'm gonna kill McCoy.
Executive A.D.A. Michael Cutter: On camera?
A.D.A. Connie Rubirosa: It... it doesn't matter. I'd be better off in prison.

Jack: What are you doing about the Bipolar Roller?
Connie: We dropped our opposition to bail and his brother in California posted bond.
Michael: [to Cutter] Fax from forensics for you.
[pause, then to Connie]
Jack: Skater posted bond? He's out?
Connie: Mm-hmm.
Michael: A couple hours ago. Why?
Jack: That old knife sheath of his the police found? It had no connection to the current murders, but it had DNA inside that matches five of the serial killer's previous victims.
Michael: Jonah Applebaum is the Boxcar Basher?
Jack: You just put an insane serial killer back on the street.
Connie: He doesn't know that we know that. We... we can still pick him up.
Jack: You damn well better. This could be Willie Horton all over again.
Michael: Willie Horton? You're not worried about the election, are you?
Jack: I'm worried about everything. About him killing someone else. About the way this office is run. A serial killer in our hands and then released. Am I being too picky?

Connie: I prepare for court, I prepare for church.

A.D.A. Connie Rubirosa: What kind of pathological prosecutor would actually charge him?
[Cutter slowly raises his hand]

A.D.A. Connie Rubirosa: And what profession are we talking about here?
Dawn: Thank you. It's always so nice to be called a whore.

Jack: That's why I'll never get married again.
A.D.A. Connie Rubirosa: Whoa, she's your...
Jack: Second ex-wife's attorney.

Jack: Take a walk with me.
Jack: [Scene changes to Connie's desk] Connie has asked to be transferred to the white collar crime bureau.
Executive A.D.A. Michael Cutter: If that's what she wants.
A.D.A. Connie Rubirosa: That's what I want.
Jack: Well, it's not what I want. I'd have to pull someone out of that bureau, and find a place for them somewhere else. Then I'd have to find someone to second chair with Mike. Much as you'd like to believe otherwise, people aren't lining up for that exalted position. I used to expect people to be consistent, that pro-lifers would oppose capital punishment, that champions of human right would claim some for the unborn. I don't expect that anymore. It's a big messy world. Work it out.

Jack: Is there any particular reason why this office is flying gay prostitutes in from all over the country?
Michael: It's the Cody Larson trial.
Jack: He's entitled to a jury of his peers; that's fellow citizens, not fellow hustlers.
Michael: It's not for the jury, Jack. We have a witness problem.
Jack: And these men are the solution?
Connie: [entering] Hey. She's here.
Michael: [to Jack] Stay. Watch. Learn.
Jack: Rooted to the spot.
Jack: [afterwards] You just gave the defense three alternate theories of the crime. If they're all Sweetie Ness, they all had motive to kill Mr. Marks. Oh, I stayed. I watched. What is it I was supposed to learn?

Ed: [finding a hand-held crank at the crime scene] See, they used it to crank open the door when the power went out. But the question is why'd they take it with them?
Cyrus: Yeah, and why would Conlan have two in his garage?
Connie: Well, the answer is he wouldn't, would he?
Ed: Nick and Rory brought this one. They probably didn't leave it behind because they knew it can be traced back to them.
Connie: And how did they know they were gonna need this thing to open the garage door in the first place?
Ed: Exactly.

Michael: Request for interviews from "Out" magazine, "The Advocate", and I've been invited to speak at the next LAGLA convention.
Connie: Well, I hear they have the best parties
Jack: [entering] Hold up on the self-congratulations. The Hudson University Innocence Coalition is taking on Cedric Stuber's defense. They've just filed a motion to set aside the verdict.
Michael: What, within hours of Stuber's conviction?
Jack: Apparently they found new evidence they're claiming we overlooked in our overzealous rush to judgment. And guess who signed the motion.
Michael: Emily Ryan.
Connie: The head of the Innocence Coalition.
Michael: My old law professor and mentor.
Jack: Guess she's not done schooling you.

Connie: Greentree County just issued an arrest warrant for Michelle for child abandonment. The DA just flew in to take her into custody.
Michelle: They're gonna take me back to Boyd Canyon?
Connie: Only to Greentree County and they'd have to send you back here to testify against Landon.
Michelle: You don't understand. The police back home do whatever Wyatt says. If you hand me over, they're never going to let me go.

Connie: You don't win, Jack, I'm out of here into private practice.
Jack: I'll join you. McCoy and Rubirosa, no client too guilty.
Connie: Er, Rubirosa and McCoy
Michael: Can't I come too?
Jack: [Shaking his head] Someone has to watch the store.

Connie: I turned up a police report filed by Dr. Ziering about anonymous threats left on his office voicemail. It's dated two weeks before Amelia was pushed into the pool. Maybe that's what Amelia's call to Ziering was about. She was leaving another threat.
Michael: Threat about what?
Jack: Bird in the hand, Mike. Next time a defendant wants to plead guilty, let 'em.

Marielle: I know what people think of me. I... I know what you may think of me, but I never lied to you. And I loved my husband.
Connie: I believe you.
Marielle: [taking her hand] Thank you. For everything.

Jack: [about Michelle refusing to testify against Wyatt Landon] Landon is the devil she knows.
Michael: He'll annihilate her.
Connie: She's doing this for her kids.
Michael: We can't let her.
Jack: Yes, we can. This may be the last decision she makes of her own free will and we'll honor it. We have Caleb Friendly's murderer. Dismiss the charges against Wyatt Landon and his co-defendants. It's over.

Jack: Ask me how I sleep at night.
Consuela: How do you sleep at night?
Jack: Like a baby.

Jack: From a crane collapse to a jealous wife.
Michael: Cops just followed the facts. This is where they led us.
Jack: To a crime with no witnesses and no forensic evidence.
Connie: Not quite. The defense asked us to produce a float pole from the pool. I had the police check it and they found Sandra's prints on one of the pole and Amelia's partials on the other.
Michael: The lawyer's gonna argue Sandra used the pole to fish Amelia out of the water after pushing her in. It's mitigation.
Jack: It's worse than that. They'll argue renunciation. Sandra Talbot had a change of heart after trying to drown Amelia. She could get away scot free.
Michael: Renunciation's no defense if it's motivated by a fear of getting caught. Amelia didn't drown right away, Sandra was worried somebody'd walk in, so she fished her out.
Jack: Good luck proving that. Gary Talbot is a key witness in our crane case. Try not to muddy that up.

Judge: A sawbuck says... there's no need to ask for a plea.
Malcolm: Not Guilty.
Judge: Ah! I should get on a bus to Atlantic City.
Bernie: Your Honor...
Judge: Oh, lighten up, Counselor.
A.D.A. Connie Rubirosa: People request bail in the amount of one million dollars.
Bernie: Mr. Yates is a student who can barely afford his rent.
Judge: Let's cut that in half.
A.D.A. Connie Rubirosa: It's fine by me, Your Honor.
Judge: So what do you say, Mr. Adler? Deal... or no deal?
Judge: I'm sorry, I just can't resist.
Bernie: Do I have a choice?
Judge: Not really.

Jack: I can't believe the police allowed these people to come near this case in the first place.
Connie: These people did identify the biker in the video before the police did, and they found two damning pieces of evidence.
Michael: Neither of which we'll be able to use. Fat lot of good it does us.
Jack: Do what you can about the motion to suppress, but if any evidence falls out, make a deal.
Connie: What, a plea bargain for killing a baby? How can you defend that?
Jack: By acknowledging that no reasonable person could have anticipated that a woman and her baby had been allowed to spend the night in a recruitment center.
Michael: Nice fig leaf.
Jack: It covers enough.

Connie: My friends and I started a rumor that nearly got our vice-principal fired. When they traced it back to us, we cried, we said we didn't mean it and we got off with a slap on the wrist.
Jack: So you do have a checkered past.
Connie: We knew *exactly* what we were doing.

Connie: [seeing Lupo and Bernard questioning a suspect] Why are they talking to him? Didn't he call a lawyer?
Anita: Yes, but he waived his rights. He can't help himself; he likes to hear the sound of his voice.

Jack: You know what I don't get is Galt Michaels, they're a top notch firm; why bring in a ringer from out of state?
Jack: Does this ringer have a name?
A.D.A. Connie Rubirosa: Alissa Goodwin, from Miami.
Jack: Alissa. And she's the queen of darkness. She went from New York court to street divorces to standard bearer for women's issues nationwide.
A.D.A. Connie Rubirosa: [noticing someone a few feet away] Is that a friend of yours?
Jack: [turning and seeing an attractive woman, who nods at him] Definitely not. And did I mention she was gorgeous?

Connie: We're putting you on first to give the bare bones of the case.
Kevin: It's not going to be much of a trial, is it? He has no defense.
Connie: Well, his lawyer's going for a verdict of manslaughter instead of murder, on the grounds that Stokes acted in a state of extreme emotional disturbance.
Kevin: So he could get out in ten to twenty years? Why didn't you just allow him to go the feds? He doesn't deserve to go on living, no matter how disturbed he is.
Connie: Detective, when I heard Stokes was arrested, you were the one who gave him CPR, who saved his life. Why, if you wanted him dead?
Kevin: I'm a cop. I'm not the executioner.
Connie: Neither am I.

Connie: [to Cutter] We just delivered the lamb to the lion.

[last lines]
Jack: I gather things weren't looking so good when your star witness tried to murder the defense attorney.
Michael: Well, we recovered. I let the jury see how much Felner hated his wife, and then... he fell into the old pink handcuff trap.
Jack: Just like Mr. Di Napoli used to, I imagine.
Connie: [entering] The widow sent me a, uh, thank you gift for helping to convict her husband's killer.
Jack: Diamond studs?
Connie: It's her husband.

Connie: Matthew, chapter 24. God will do what God will do, on His own schedule, and we must do what we must do.

Attorney: These people put Trekkies to shame. Motion to suppress the backpack and the bricks from my client's tool shed.
Connie: Wow, you have high hopes.
Attorney: Well, you know what they say about being known by the company you keep.
Connie: You're the one with a baby killer as a client. Live long and prosper, Mr. Wilson.

Michael: [to Rubirosa] We're amending the complaint to add a charge of conspiracy to assault Lacy Talbot. Unindicted coconspirator: Gary Talbot. Overt act: payment for the surgery.
Connie: Mike, were you not here when Jack said focus on established crimes?
Michael: Well, if the judge buys my argument that the operation is a crime, then Jack won't have anything to complain about, will he?
Connie: You just want to stop them from doing this procedure on their daughter. I don't have kids, and I am not in the Talbots' shoes, but I'm not convinced.
Michael: Stick around.

Michael: Katherine accepted fifteen to life. That jury loved her. We caught a break.
Connie: Well, the next time I say "slam dunk", drop it on my foot.

Michael: What's so funny?
Jack: You're having your head handed to you by a pro.
Michael: We put a gun in Bradley's hand that proved his wife was ready to leave him.
Jack: Perception trumps facts. You need to get that witness back on the stand.
Connie: But she's a defense witness.
Jack: Who ran off the stand in fear. That hurts you more with the jury than anything she can say. When your car is skidding out of control, steer into the skid.

Michael: You didn't think telling her he was gonna shoot her would come back to bite us in the ass?
Cyrus: We needed to find the guy. That was item one on the agenda.
Michael: Well, item two is gonna be watching him walk out of jail.
Ed: We still have the surveillance video of him hauling the victim into the hotel.
Michael: You can't see his face.
Cyrus: But you can see his clothes, and we found those clothes at another one of his cribs.
Connie: We still have the victim's blood in the room Tito was in.
Michael: Melinda's room, and he claims Melinda killed her. Could raise reasonable doubt.
Ed: Melinda didn't rape and sodomize that girl.
Michael: Look, I'm not saying the guy didn't do it. I just want enough evidence to nail him six times over. If he walks, I'm gonna feel like an accomplice the next time he does this.

Michael: Suppression is a remedy that punishes police misconduct. The police did absolutely nothing wrong here. The brick was stolen by civilians.
Attorney: Who'd been for all practical purposes deputized to investigate this case.
Michael: That's not accurate. They helped identify a suspect in a photo that was released to the public.
Judge: I think I just heard a hair split, Mr. Cutter. Talk to me about the backpack.
Attorney: Again, it was stolen from my client by the same deputized vigilantes after they mugged him.
Connie: No. We have affidavits from the detectives that these civilians were warned to stay away from Mr. Sherman. They were not working as agents of the police.
Attorney: Even granting that, the People can't establish a chain of custody for the backpack. The butane may have been planted by the vigilantes.
Judge: That you'll have to argue to a jury, Mr. Wilson. The backpack is coming in, the bricks are out. See you in court.

Det. Ed Green: You sure this is kosher? Because we got a search warrant for body parts.
A.D.A. Connie Rubirosa: So, look for body parts. Start with Carlin's day planner.
Det. Ed Green: No fingers between the pages.

Jack: [watching a music video of J-Train's] Maybe it's generational, Connie, but this is incomprehensible to me.
A.D.A. Connie Rubirosa: It's incomprehensible to anyone without a lobotomy.

A.D.A. Connie Rubirosa: Here's the videotape we got in exchange for peddling my ass on TV.

Attorney: I hear there might be an offer.
Connie: You heard right.
Attorney: So McCoy's regained his sanity.
Michael: It's all or nothing. The three defendants who beat Vince Fonsella to death plead to murder two, twenty to life. The other defendants take two counts of man one, five years to run consecutively.
Sean: I'd have to do ten years? I didn't even kill anybody.
Michael: Well, right now you have a life sentence hanging over your head. So you can whine about it or you can cut your losses.

Connie: I have never misrepresented anything in court. That judge is out of her mind. I'm gonna start drafting the appeal today.
Michael: No slam dunk. Even if the appellate court reverses Judge Cutler, we go back to a thin case on the Dryden murder.
Jack: Then don't waste your time. Hand the appeal off to a rookie.
Connie: Oh, that's great. Couple cops go off the reservation and I'm the one that takes a hit?
Jack: Those cops had a talkative suspect and they pushed their luck. If they'd gotten an incriminating statement, we all be giving them "attaboy"s.
Connie: Yeah, they got played and now we can't touch McIntyre for the Dryden murder
Jack: Spilled milk, Connie. The Dryden murder was never the main course anyway. It's one accomplice killing another. I'd rather see McIntyre go down for Dr. Lukovich's murder. Make that happen.
Connie: [Jack leaves] We have even less evidence on McIntyre for the Lukovich robbery than we do for the Dryden murder.
Michael: First things first. Lukovich obviously had something McIntyre wanted. Let's figure out what that is.

Connie: That's why I never went into family law, too much heartbreak.
D.A. Jack McCoy: Heartbreak is everywhere in this job, as you both know.

[last lines]
Connie: [Connie packing up a notepad in her briefcase] Molly's father is suing B-Friendz for wrongful death
Jack: He'll be lucky if he ever gets a dime
Connie: [Connie closes the B-Friendz page on the computer] Well, it's one way to take responsibility for your child
Jack: It's always 10 PM somewhere, do you know where your children are?

Michelle: [to Cutter and Rubriosa] I can't help you put Wyatt in jail. I need him. Maybe this is God's plan. I'm sorry I let you down.
Michael: Let us down? What about the other young girls in True Path who'll be married off like you. You think...
Connie: Mike. Don't.
Michelle: Maybe it won't be so bad. Maybe it is my place.

Connie: [to Gregg] What was your relationship to Molly Preston?
Gregg: Never met her.
Connie: There was something you saw on her webpage that scared you or why write: "Please take down this web page?"
Gregg: I don't remember, okay?
Connie: I can get a warrant to search your computer.
Gregg: Good luck. It's in a landfill somewhere. I just got a new laptop.
Connie: Gregg, this is a murder case.
Gregg: Not my problem.

Michael: The man murdered children. Seeing him like that doesn't bother me.
Connie: Are you serious? You may not have been repelled, but I was, and I'm sure some of the jurors were, too.
Jack: Which means they'll be buying Yost's defense.
Michael: Well, he's taking the stand. It'll give me a chance to go after him.
Connie: After he tells the jury how his family was slaughtered.
Michael: Yost killed an innocent man in our jurisdiction.
Jack: No shades of gray in this for you, Mike?
Michael: Nope.
Jack: Good.

Molly: What's going on?
Attorney: We're discussing a deal.
Molly: That guy was lying. I wouldn't sleep with him, and now he's doing this to get back at me.
Connie: Gregg's roommate walked in on you. He saw you two having sex.
Jack: At this point, ten years is a gift.
Molly: But I didn't mean any of it. I loved my mother. Dad, would you tell them?
Douglas: She wouldn't have done any this if it wasn't for that website. Can't Molly testify against B-Frendz for a better deal?
Jack: We understand there were contributing factors, but if that computer was a gun, Molly pulled the trigger.
Molly: No! I can't go to jail.
Jack: Offer's good for 24 hours.
Douglas: She'll take it.
Molly: No, I won't.
Douglas: You're going to listen to me for once in your life.
Molly: So you can bury me in jail?
Douglas: They are going to find you guilty. You'll get 25 years.
Molly: How could you do this to me?
Douglas: Because I'm your father and I know this is what's best for you.
Molly: The best thing for me would've been to have had a father with some balls!
Douglas: Molly, be quiet.
Molly: She wouldn't have screwed around and I wouldn't have had to do something about it!
Douglas: She's going to take the deal. It's decided.
Molly: I'm being tried as an adult. You can't tell me what to do. Just like you couldn't tell Mom to stop screwing around with those losers who were ruining our lives. Maybe Mom was a whore, but you drove her to it.
[Douglas slaps her across the face]
Jack: I think we're through here.
Molly: Damn right we are. I'm not taking any deal and that's final!

Jack: Did you try any high profile cases in CC?
A.D.A. Connie Rubirosa: Just workaday career criminals. But no skeletons in my closet. No arrests, no drugs. Straight A's since first grade.
Jack: [pauses] Yeah, me too.