The Best Bal Sidhu Quotes

Ram: I mean, what do people want the police to be? Hm? Do they want us to be like them, just normal human beings who will screw up, who will make mistakes? And we all accept that. We all say sorry and move on, and that's the deal.
Ram: Or do they want to believe that we're not the same, that we've got some kind of special powers that they don't? 'Cause, you know, that makes them feel safer in their beds. What do they want? 'Cause it's got to be one or the other. It can't be both.
Bal: Mate, I can't even work the Apple remote, so...

Ram: You don't get anywhere in this world without fighting, mate. And if I piss people off along the way, good. I'm doing something right.
Bal: You've done a lot right, then.