The Best Bea Smith Quotes

Bea: [to Ferguson] If you rule through chaos, you reap what you sow.

Bea: [to Simmo] You know what? Fuck you! Fuck you! You've got to stop feeling so sorry for yourself, Simmo. You're not special. Everyone's been through shit in this place. You have everything to live for. You have a beautiful daughter and loving husband still there for you. Nothing is more important than that.

Bea: Franky. I didn't want to do that but I had no choice. Jacs - she was threatening my daughter.
[Franky shoves Bea hard and pins her against the wall]
Franky: I don't give a shit about your family. If you're stupid enough to keep them in your life, then that's your problem. You cross me again and you're dead.

Erica: Look, if your record in here was clean, maybe we'd have grounds but smuggling drugs into prison excludes you from any avenues of appeal.
Bea: She's my daughter. I should be at her funeral.

Bea: [Watching Allie] Hmm. What's she up to?
Sue: Oh... she's off her face and ready to get on someone else's by the looks of it.

Jacs: We got a feisty one here, girls.
Jacs: What are you in for, love? Parking fines?
Bea: Offense to administer substances, causing serious injury, conduct endangering life, grievous bodily harm, and attempted murder. So please, make your own tea.

[first lines]
Inmate: Is this your first time, babe?
Inmate: Oi! I'm talking to you. What's your name?
Bea: Bea.
Bea: Bea Smith.
Inmate: Soak it up, Bea Smith.

Vera: I want you to get involved in one of the new education programs. Grooming for Success.
Bea: Grooming for Suc?
Bea: Me? A lifer?
Vera: You can teach the women what you're good at.
Bea: What? Murder? Hm?
Vera: And hairdressing!

Franky: Not preggers, are you? Thinking about becoming a doctor?
Bea: Why not? You're thinking about becoming a lawyer.

Linda: I've gotta call it in.
[Reaches for her radio]
Bea: No! No don't call it in.
Linda: [Upset] Look at her!

Liz: Oh, you know that panic button by the front door?
Bea: Yeah.
Liz: Don't ever press it.

Bea: Hello, Miss Miles. You doing the prisoners special spend this month?
Linda: I might be.
Bea: I've got quite a bit saved up.
Linda: So what do you want?
Bea: Information. On the new prisoners.
Linda: You know... I could have you slotted for attempting to bribe an officer...

Bea: I was sick of the drugs in this place. And I was sick of Tina crossing me and and peddling shit to my girls. And that's why I lagged. To put a stop to it.
Karen: You can't be both top dog and a lagger.

Will: Bea! Bea!
[Pointing at Ferguson]
Will: Drop the knife ! Bea! Drop the fucking knife, we need help here! Oh Bea? Fuck. What have you done, Bea? Bea, listen to me. Bea, listen to me. Stay awake. Bea, stay awake.
Vera: Bea. Bea, we've got an ambulance coming. Can you, Can you hear me?
Will: Bea?
Bea: It's going to be ok.
Will: Listen to me, you stay awake. You stay awake. Where's that fucking ambulance?
Bea: [Watches clouds form seahorses and link tails]
Will: Bea?
Bea: [Flatlines]

Bea: So you took the job?
Karen: Um... got drafted.
Bea: Don't let them down.

Allie: So what were you into? Before all... this.
Bea: Mm... What do you mean?
Allie: What do you think I mean?
Bea: I don't know. What were you into?
Allie: I was into you.