The Best Beric Dondarrion Quotes

[Melisandre enters the Brotherhood's hideout unannounced]
Beric: Forgive my manners. I don't see many ladies these days.
Thoros: Lucky for the ladies.
[Melisandre walks over to Beric and examines his scars]
Melisandre: [to Thoros] How many times has the Lord brought him back?
Thoros: Six.
[Melisandre looks shocked]
Melisandre: [in High Valyrian] That's not possible.
Thoros: [in High Valyrian] The Lord has smiled upon me.
Melisandre: [in High Valyrian] You should not have this power.
Thoros: [in High Valyrian] I have no power. I ask the Lord for His favor, and He responds as He will.
[Thoros sits down by the fire]
Thoros: [in English] I've always been a terrible priest. Drank too much rum. Fucked all the whores in King's Landing. It's a terrible thing to say, but... by the time I came to Westeros, I didn't believe in our Lord. I decided that He, that all the gods, were stories we told the children to make them behave. So I wore the robes, and every now and then, I'd recite the prayers. It was just for show. A spectacle for the locals. Until the Mountain drove a lance through this one's heart.
[Thoros points at Beric]
Thoros: I knelt beside his cold body, and said the old words. Not because I believed in them, but... he was my friend. And he was dead. And they were the only words I knew. And for the first time in my life, the Lord replied. Beric's eyes opened. And I knew the truth: our God is the one true God... and all men must serve Him.
Melisandre: [to Beric] You've been to the other side?
Beric: The other side? There IS no other side. I have been to the darkness, my lady.
Beric: He sent you to us for a reason.
Melisandre: You have someone He needs.

Sandor: We're fighting death. We cannot beat death.
Beric: [pointing to Arya] Say that to her.

Thoros: Bring him back from death and darkness...
- No! Let go of me! Let me go!
- Looks like their god likes me more than your butcher's boy.
- Burn in hell!
Beric: He will.
- But not today.

Beric: Are you alright?
Thoros: I just got bit by a dead bear.
Beric: Aye. You did.
Thoros: Funny old life...

[the Hound looks into the fire]
Thoros: What do you see?
Sandor: Logs burning.
Thoros: Keep looking. What do you see?
Sandor: [after a long pause] Ice. A wall of ice... the Wall.
Thoros: What else?
Sandor: [hesitantly] It's where the wall meets the sea... there's a castle there.
[the Hound flinches as the fire springs higher]
Sandor: There's a mountain, looks like an arrowhead. The dead are marching past.
Sandor: [in disbelief] Thousands of them.
Beric: Do you believe me now, Clegane? Do you believe we're here for a reason?

Beric: Lord of light, show us the way.
- Come to us in our darkness and lead your servant into the light.
- We have to burn his body.
- We'll all be close behind him, unless the lord of light is kind enough to send us a bit of fire.

[as the men are taking away Gendry]
Beric: We serve the Lord of Light, and the Lord of Light needs this boy.
Arya: Did the Lord of Light tell you that, or did she?
[one of the guards gives gold to Beric]
Arya: You're not doing this for your god! You're doing this for gold!
Thoros: We're doing it for both, girl. We can't defend the people without weapons and horses and food, and we can't get weapons and horses and food, without gold.

Thoros: Clegane! What the fuck you doing here?
Sandor: Chasing them, you?
Thoros: Hanging them.
Sandor: Any particular reason?
Beric: They're our men. Or they were. they attacked a nearby sept and murdered the villagers. Why do you want them?
Sandor: Same reason. I was helping build it. They killed a friend of mine.
Thoros: You've got friends?
Sandor: Not anymore.

- Hound: Come on! Go!
- Come on!
Beric: Run!
- Hound: We've gotta go!

- You can't let him go.
- He's a murderer. He's guilty.
- Not in the eyes of god.
- You can't!
- Enough!
Beric: The judgment isn't ours to make.
- Go in peace, sandor clegane.
- The lord of light isn't done with you yet.
- Man: Riders coming through!

Beric: We'll meet again, Clegane.
Sandor: Fucking hope not.

Sandor: It's my fucking luck I end up with a band of fire worshippers.
Beric: Aye. Almost seems like divine justice.
Sandor: There's no divine justice, you dumb cunt. If there was, you'd be dead and that girl would be alive.
[the Hound turns to Thoros]
Sandor: What do you want?
Thoros: Look into the flames.
Sandor: [irritably] I don't want to look in the damn flames...
Thoros: You saw me bring him back from the dead after you cut him down. Don't you want to know what gave me the power?
Sandor: I keep asking, and no one wants to tell me.
Thoros: We can't tell you. Only the fire can tell you.

Beric: Here we all are... at the edge of the world, at the same moment, heading in the same direction for the same reason.
Davos: Our reasons aren't your reasons.
Beric: It doesn't matter what we think our reasons are. There's a greater purpose at work. And we serve it together, whether we know it or not. We may take the steps, but the Lord of Light...
Sandor: For fuck's sake, will you shut your hole?
Sandor: [to Jon] Are we coming with you or not?
Jorah: Don't you want to know what we're doing?
Thoros: Is it worse than sitting in a freezing cell, waiting to die?
Jon: He's right. We're all on the same side.
Gendry: How can we be?
Jon: We're all breathing.

[from trailer]
Beric: Death is the enemy. The first enemy and the last. The enemy always wins, and we still need to fight him.

Beric: It's a long way down.
Tormund: Yeah. The crows keep telling me I'll get used to it.

Beric: Lord of light, come to us in our darkness.
- For the night is dark and full of terrors.

- Expenence.
- This seems like a good place to spend the night.
- These people don't want us here.
Beric: Seems deserted to me.
- No livestock.
- No smoke coming from the chimney.