The Best Brian Setzer Quotes

Brian: Now, a guitar has many, many nicknames. An ax, a gitbox... well, I guess that's it. Anyway, we're gonna start with the fundamentals: playing a burning guitar with your teeth.

Homer: Uh, Mr. Seltzer?
Brian: Setzer.
Homer: No, I think it's Seltzer.

Mick: There's no excuse for our horrible behavior tonight, Homer.
Elvis: We acted like a bunch of angry young men.
Lenny: Yeah, rock 'n' roll is supposed to be about peace and love.
Brian: I hope you won't judge the entire Brian Setzer Orchestra by my actions.
Tom: [with his foot bandaged] What we're trying to say, Homer, is we're sorry. By the way, I don't suppose any of you have seen my, um...
Lisa: No. Sorry.