Top 50 Quotes From Camille O'Connell

Camille: What do you want?
Klaus: I formed an alliance with someone who may be able to help your uncle.
Camille: Let me guess... . tall, redhead, axe to grind? Those resurrected witches are the ones who hexed Kieran in the first place. Why would she want to help?
Klaus: Because it's my decree that she does. I believe the words you're looking for are "thank you." By all means, say no if you have an alternative.
Camille: No.
[Klaus starts to walk out]
Camille: Wait. Do whatever you have to do. Just... help him.

Aurora: Cami, it's been a while. How's vampirism treating you?
Camille: As a matter of fact, I'm enjoying it. That's why I'm here.
[takes out dagger, and Aurora gasps]
Camille: To express my gratitude.
Aurora: Ooh, you cheeky little minx. You come to have a go at me?
Klaus: [chained, on his knees] Get out of here, Camille!
Aurora: Shut up, Nik! This is between us girls! Though I suppose I will let you listen to her cries as I tear off her limbs like the wings of a pretty little butterfly.
Camille: I'd like to see you try.
[holds out knife]
Aurora: Ooh! You're brandishing your antiques at me. I suppose I would be scared if I thought you were quick enough to use them.
[chuckles as she advances upon retreating Cami]
Aurora: You really did not think this through, did you?
[shakes her head gleefully]
Camille: Actually... we did.
[the elevator bell dings and Hayley jumps upon Aurora]

Camille: [to Klaus] You are such a coward. This isn't about me. You have kept me here for weeks just so someone, anyone wouldn't see who you really are. And now that I have, it scares the hell out of you. Doesn't it?

Hayley: [arrives unannounced] Your doorbell is broken downstairs.
Camille: [scoffs] I keep forgetting to compel the shady landlord to fix it. Next time, text. You could get hurt, sneaking up on somebody with a stockpile of so many dark objects.
Hayley: Was it worth it? Risking the lives of, oh, every vampire in existence over your petty fight with Klaus?
Camille: And here I thought this was a social call.
Hayley: More like a wakeup call, Cami. You haven't been yourself lately. And in your less-than-sane moments, you have been putting the people that I care about in danger.
Camille: See, I sort of thought that I'd proven myself. I did risk what was left of my life to save yours. And maybe what I need is some space... to... deal with this whole, I don't know, being dead, drinking blood, living forever.
[moves: ]
Camille: If you've come to lecture me, save it. I have been lecturing myself for weeks.
Hayley: You're right.
Hayley: Is this your coat?
[stuffs it into Cami's hands]
Hayley: Great! You don't need a lecture.
[Cami looks at her puzzled]
Hayley: But I am gonna take your ass to school.

Camille: Hey, Earth to you.
Klaus: [sees her bruises] Your face...
Camille: ...will heal. Listen, I wanted to thank you.
Klaus: [holds up his empty wine glass] Unless you come equipped with the means to fill this, no additional platitudes are necessary.
Camille: Okay. I'm in a crap mood because my uncle just died and people are partying like it's Mardi Gras. What's your excuse?
Camille: Klaus, seriously, what's going...
Klaus: I'm having these dreams about my dead father. No diagnosis necessary, love. I've already got this one covered. My fears of fatherhood, of scarring my child as my father scarred me, are manifesting as nightmares. It's horrifically cliché.
Camille: Truthfully, I'm just surprised to hear you acknowledge out loud that you're going to be a dad. Your baby mama's been living in the bayou for months. It's not exactly "What To Expect When You're Expecting."

Klaus: [Furious] I have killed many, many people for far less than what you've done.
Camille: What do you want me to say, Klaus? Thank you for not killing me?
Klaus: You're in the throes of a metamorphosis you cannot possibly comprehend, one that has clearly impaired your judgment.
Camille: I may not yet know who I am or what I am, but I do know I will never live in fear of anyone again. Ever.
Klaus: You could've trusted me.
[storms off]
Camille: Klaus...
[he slams the door]

Camille: We've talked about the artist wanting to control his demons. Do you think he ever did?
Klaus: Some demons will not be tamed.
Camille: Maybe we just do the best we can... and never give up.
[looks troubled]
Camille: Oh. I'm feeling tired.
Klaus: Camille...
Camille: [she grabbed him by the shoulders to steady herself] It's funny... Even though we're so different... I feel like I've always known you. Maybe that's because I've been in your mind... or maybe that's just how you know you love someone.
[smiles bravely]
Klaus: I do love you, you know.
Camille: [stares at him as it dawns on her] I thought you were gonna tell me that tomorrow.
[sobs, shakes her head]
Camille: I really don't have another tomorrow, do I?
[he looks into her eyes]
Camille: The noise... the people...
Camille: Will you make it go away?
Camille: No, Klaus? What's that? What's happening?
Klaus: Your heart is still beating. You're fighting... because you want to live.
Camille: [exhales, sobs] I wanted to be brave. I wanted to handle this with dignity... but I... I... I can't! I... I don't want to go! I'm so scared...!
Klaus: [as she sobs] I'm here. I'm here.
Camille: So much... for the brave bartender, huh?
[breathes heavily]
Camille: When I said I was... ready to die, I was full of it.
[chuckles nervously]
Camille: I just wish I had... done more than to serve a few drinks and fail completely as your... your therapist.
Klaus: Don't you think for a *moment* that you failed me! You stayed my hand... quelled my rage. You inspired goodness in me... and unlike all of the souls I've encountered and forgotten in the long march of time... I will carry you with me.
Camille: [sniffles] I guess that makes me immortal.

Camille: [re 100 dollar tip] When I first got into town, you handed me one of those. I had taken a shift from another girl. If not for that, could've been someone else standing here right now instead of me.
Klaus: You know, I prefer to see it the other way. if it wasn't that night, this bar, that 100 dollar bill, it would have been Jackson Square staring at a painting, or Frenchman Street, listening to jazz. I would've found you. Thank you... for the drink.
[walks out]

Mikael: [about Klaus] He betrayed me! He turned my entire family against me! And yet you defend him!
Camille: I have desperately tried to convince him not to kill you. That the bloodshed in your family does not have to be an endless cycle. And after centuries on this earth, do you really not see that all of your violence is pointless?

Camille: [perusing crime scene photographs] Everyone of the victims have the same profile. Grew up rich, family's from old money. Successful educated white males living a playboy lifestyle.
Vincent: So it is one guy. Not a copycat.
Camille: Not just any guy. It's Lucien. I'd bet my degree on it. Which doesn't excuse your detective friend from stealing my laptop.

Camille: Klaus should be back by now.
Vincent: He's got a lot of witch weapons to pack up, not to mention all the pride he's gone have to swallow.
Camille: You don't actually feel sorry for him, do you?
Vincent: Hell, no. But you got to admit, you poked a real irritable bear. Things are gonna be different between you two.
Camille: I know Klaus better than anyone outside of his family. Using that knowledge is a risk to get what I want? Then I'll take that risk!
Vincent: Okay, well, here's the thing. Klaus let you into his life because he trusted you. That girl never would have stolen the one thing under the sun that can kill him.
Camille: That girl is dead!

Vincent: [he startled Cami in the street, she pulled in her breath] You're jumpy.
Camille: [sighs] Maybe that's from being *jumped* so many times.
Vincent: Yeah.

Camille: [her keeper is watching TV sport] Football? Seriously? You're a vampire!
Anton: Shut up and get me a beer.
[she sits stunned by his rudeness]
Anton: Should I find another way to quench my thirst?

Camille: [to Klaus] Look at you! Repeating the same destructive cycles of your life over and over again! You are the architect of your own happiness.

Klaus: Excuse me, love. What's that you're studying?
Camille: [lifting the book] Abnormal psychology.
Klaus: Abnormal psychology. Well, perhaps you could help me diagnose my friend over here. He's been a little bit depressed. Can't get his mind off a girl. He tells me she's a queen fit for a king. I think he should cut his losses and move on. What's your professional opinion?
Camille: Be a nice guy and maybe the opportunity will present itself someday.

Klaus: I believed that I could be a light... for my daughter. But outside these walls are legions of vampires who wish me dead. And the man I called my son has left me here to rot... I'm not a light. I'm darkness... made flesh.
Camille: [sits down in front of him] You... are the reason your family is alive. You bought them the time they needed... and now they've woken up. Come on, you can feel it. The link you shared with them is broken. So now they're awake. And you know they're not gonna leave you here.
Klaus: [hoarse croak] If they come for me, they will be caught. Marcel will kill Elijah!
Camille: Then it looks like you're gonna have to find your own way out of here.

Camille: Tell me about the key.
Marcel: I thought you said you didn't want to know.
Camille: I'd like to say I slept on it, but I didn't sleep. I stayed awake all night next to the body of a hexed priest only to attend a funeral filled with vampires, so I'm thinking you should tell me about the key.

Klaus: [as her hunger for blood makes Cami groan with pain] The longer you wait, the more you'll suffer.
Camille: You know, I think it's better this way. I mean... look at me... I'm gonna make a super-hot corpse, right? Perfect for an open casket...
Klaus: Camille.
Camille: I want my wake to be at Rousseau's. I want it to be epic.
[Klaus shakes his head]
Camille: An open bar... and dancing... and no one cries or I come back and I poltergeist the hell outa them...
Klaus: [yells loudly] Stop it!
Camille: [startled] Hmm.
Klaus: I will not entertain this kind of talk any longer.
[hands over vial of blood]
Klaus: You must feed. I need you.
Camille: [takes it, then throws it down, shattering it, blood spilling] This is not about you. This is about me. I like who I am. I've spent my entire life being this exact version of sane, and if I turned... and I become a vampire, I don't know what I'll be, I don't know who I'll be...
Klaus: I know. I know you'll be an extension of the person you are now. You'll be strong, and understanding, and brave...
Camille: No! You don't know me. You think you know me... but you don't. There is a darkness inside of everyone, Klaus. What if mine takes over?
Klaus: I won't let it.
Camille: You can *barely* contain your own darkness. It is better I die as someone I'm proud of than live as someone I despise!
Klaus: No! It's better a flawed life lived, than wasted, rotting in clay!
[she sighs]
Klaus: It's not gonna happen. Not to you.
Camille: [sighs] Hey. I'm not gonna feed. All right? So, you can either respect that, or we can spend the last... couple of hours... we have together
[shakes her head]
Camille: in a screaming match.

Marcel: So, what... you're gonna spy on a witch with a thousand-year-old grudge-match against Klaus? Huh-uh. I'm not gonna let you go anywhere near that guy!
Camille: [picking up an old dagger] I can handle myself.
Marcel: Look. Okay, I get it. You're mad at the guy, and you wanna get even, so...
Camille: [gesturing to the room] It's not about getting even, Marcel! Look around! Everything in this room, this is my family's legacy. And, if I had just embraced it the first time around, I could have uncovered Francesca Guerrera's secret. And, the wolves would have never taken over the Quarter, and Klaus' baby would still be alive. So don't tell me to not get involved!

Rebekah: [bursting in] You lied to me. Where's my brother?
Marcel: Hello to you too.
[introducing: ]
Marcel: Cami, Rebekah. Rebekah, Cami.
Rebekah: [sneering] I see you still have a thing for blondes.
Camille: Hey...!
Rebekah: [grabs Marcel, pins him against wall] Tell me where Elijah is!
Camille: What the hell is going on?
Rebekah: Tell me where he is or I will kill you!
Marcel: [senses Rebekah still cares about him] No, you won't.
Rebekah: [softly] Perhaps you're right.
[grabs Cami by throat]
Rebekah: But I will kill her!
[Cami gasps for air]
Marcel: Let her go! You won. I'll take you to see Elijah.
Camille: [chokes, gasps after being let go] What the hell are you people?
Marcel: It's okay. Go home. Forget all this, and just know that I will make it up to you. I promise.
[to: ]
Marcel: You wanna see Elijah? Fine! Follow me.

Camille: [the camera pans over the Quarter and shows civilians in Mardi Gras gear partying below] This is a city of death. Fires, floods. To say nothing of the violence we do to each other. We may laissez les bon temps rouler, but really we've turned life into one big party to distract ourselves from a single, unavoidable truth
[the scene changes to Cami looking out of the window taking in the festive scene below]
Camille: We're all going to die.

Camille: Marcel, I am hours away from someone taking control of my body. I highly suggest that you avoid trying to control me between now and then.

[last lines]
Klaus: [finds Cami gorging herself on blood bags] Camille...
Camille: Hope you don't mind. I helped myself to the Mikaelson family blood stash.
[licks off her thumb]
Klaus: How do you feel?
Camille: I have to admit, at first it felt strange... that... metallic taste. But then, it was like electricity coursing through my body. A milion stars exploding in my mind all at once, like *nothing* I have ever felt before. It was amazing.
[gets up from chair]
Camille: And all I can think now... is I wanna do it again.

Camille: [kneeling next to fallen Klaus, aiming white oak stake] Stay the hell away from us. Or I swear to God, I'll kill you myself!
Mikael: You have a warrior's heart. Perhaps I'll keep it as a souvenir.

Mikael: Let me hazard a guess. You are one of these alienists, right?
Camille: Actually, we're called therapists, and you could do with some couch time.

Detective: [he surprised her as she was unlocking the bar] Hey. It's just me.
Camille: [panting] Maybe not the best time to be sneaking up on people.
Detective: I'm sorry, it's been a long night.
Detective: I saw you walking in. I thought you might not mind pouring me a drink.

Camille: Someone tortured and killed a local. Left the body right out in the open. I think it was a vampire.

Camille: For months after the massacre, I couldn't think of anything else. And then suddenly nothing. I need to feel that pain! Without it, I feel broken! Empty! Like there's someone to blame and I'm letting them get away with it.

Camille: [to Klaus] You compel me. You make me at peace with something that should be tearing me up inside. I don't know how, but I will undo whatever the hell it is you've don't to me! and when I do, you're gonna wish you'd never laid eyes on me.

Marcel: [Klaus, about Cami] You compelled her to go out with me, didn't you?
[to Cami]
Marcel: And I thought you really liked me.
Camille: So did I.
Klaus: [to Cami] Well, I mean to be clear. I only compelled you to give him a chance. Anything you felt for him was quite real. and for the record, the level of awkwardness we're all currently experiencing is entirely genuine.

Camille: You have no right! Those dark objects are my family's legacy!
Klaus: Well, that's funny 'cause I seem to remember my brother Kol making them, so perhaps they've been my family's legacy all along!
Camille: [vamp speeds to intercept him, blocking his way] Give them back! Or I will take them back, and I swear you will regret this moment.
Klaus: The only thing I regret is failing to realize how far you've spun out of control. And you can forget about leaving!
Camille: She was right, wasn't she? Aurora. She did this to turn you against me. To rob me of the one advantage I have over her, my humanity. And me like this, it's a problem for you, isn't it? Not the darkness. That you find intriguing. But the fact that I am out of control. I'm out of your control, and you hate it. Don't you? You have spent ten centuries getting the entire world to tremble at your name when really... you're the one who's terrified, Klaus. You are a scared little kid... convinced... he'll be tossed aside the second he isn't needed.
[Klaus grabs her]
Camille: Let go of me.
Hayley: [enters] You can't just force her to stay here, Klaus.
Camille: Finally, someone who's on my side.
Hayley: Dont get me wrong. I remember when I turned, and you for sure shouldn't have a box of witch crap right now. But... you can't hold her hostage, either. Let me talk to her.
Klaus: I hardly think now is the time for a women's empowerment meeting.
Hayley: She died, Klaus, because she got caught up in the Mikaelson world, just like me. Just like Jackson. So yeah, she and I have a few things to talk about.

Camille: I've lost count of the amount of times you've been there for me and everyone you care about. But today, you saved someone that didn't mean a thing to you. Why?
Klaus: Because you wished it. Because what's important to you is important to me. What makes you happy makes me want to keep you so. What scares you I want to tear apart. I do not wish to watch you from behind glass, Camille.
Camille: What do you wish?
Klaus: [leans in and they share their first kiss]

Bartender: [to Cami] Cami? Damn, girl, you look amazing.
Camille: You know... I feel amazing.
Bro: [to bartender] Hey, four tequila shots, stat. And don't be afraid to move that sweet ass.
Camille: Real nice. She works hard, you know.
Bro: Oh, yeah? How about you, gorgeous? Do you work hard, too?
Camille: Sure. As a matter of fact, right now...
[her hands on his shoulders]
Camille: it's hard work resisting the urge to rip your throat out with my teeth.
[he frowns, and she chuckles, then compels him]
Camille: You're gonna find an ATM, and you're going to max out your daily limit and leave that *nice* underpaid bartender the biggest tip she's ever seen. Then you're gonna meet me in the alley out back so we can have some real fun. And turn your hat around. You're an adult.
[guy looks dazed, does as he is told]
Bartender: [hands over two drinks] These are for you from the guy at the end of the bar. He was pretty insistent.
[it's Klaus, and he waves at Cami]

Camille: [on cellphone] I'm guessing you might be a little bit mad right now. But trust me, you have nothing to worry about. I just want back what's mine, starting with my dark objects, and I figured I needed to get your attention, so do I have it?
Klaus: In point of fact, you do.
Camille: Good. Then we'll be in touch.

Camille: This is crazy! The two of you going round and round trying to kill each other. You're obsessing over the death of someone who's fatal flaw is that he was fathered by another guy.
Mikael: Hush! You are an enabler of the weak. No wonder he seeks your company.

Klaus: My sister was right. You do look stunning.
Camille: You cleaned up pretty well yourself.
Klaus: Wll, don't be fooled love. I'm the devil in disguise.

Camille: [fervently knocking on Detective Kinney's door] Will! You in there? It's Cami.
Klaus: [suddenly there behind her] I assume you called first.
[she sighs]
Klaus: I've been told turning up at someone's home uninvited could be considered rude.
Camille: Are you seriously following me? Klaus, I don't need a bodyguard or some white knight trying to protect me.
Klaus: I'm here as your friend.
Camille: [resumes knocking] Vincent said he'd be home.

Genevieve: You should have seen your brother's face when Hayley walked in.
Klaus: Crescent curse is broken then?
Genevieve: Do you believe this will actually work? That we can finally have some semblance of peace in this city?
Camille: [enters] I saw the lights from the courtyard and took a chance that...
Camille: you weren't with a half-naked psycho witch. It seems I gambled and lost.
Genevieve: Ten minutes ago I was fully naked.
Camille: Oh. Then you served your purpose. Don't let me hold you up.
Genevieve: [approaches menacingly] You O'Connells sure do love to piss off witches.
Camille: [to Klaus] Really? The woman tried to blackmail me into stabbing you with a mystical knife of excruciating pain.
Klaus: Well, New Orleans breeds nothing if not strange bedfellows. But I assume you're not here to question me about my leisure activities.

Camille: That's the thing. Even if we figure out who killed this guy, then what? It's a vampire. What are the police gonna do? We'd be sending the arresting officers to get slaughtered. And if we warn them, we get locked up for being insane.
Vincent: That's New Orleans. Our city. Our streets. Not our fault... but it is our problem.

Marcel: [noticed chafe marks on Cami's elbow] I just saw Kieran. He's not gonna hurt you again. In fact, he won't leave the attic at all. I arranged for a little boundary spell.
Camille: You got a witch to help you? I thought they hated you.
Marcel: For you, I found one who doesn't. Hey, what's wrong?
Camille: Nothing. You're the first person to help me in a month.
Camille: Kieran's the only family I have left. Without him, I'm alone.
Marcel: [softly] Yeah. Yeah, I'm a little short on family myself these days. Hey, if there's... anything I can do to help, Cami, just let me know.
Camille: There is one thing.
[swallowing tears]
Camille: We're out of bourbon.
[they both chuckle]

[Cami and Klaus are continuing the argument of whether or not she will turn]
Camille: My choice in this is the only thing I have left and no-one is taking that away from me. You need to get that.
Klaus: Camille, I am begging you. Don't leave me.

Camille: [answers call] What?
Davina: Cami, you have to listen to me. One of the Strix witches knows where you are, and she knows you have the white oak.
Camille: You're a little late, kiddo. She already took it, which means, I guess, the Strix have it now.
Davina: No, you don't understand. When she got inside my head, I got inside hers. She's not working for the Strix.

Camille: [pleading to Klaus] What about my brother, my twin brother? We were bonded our whole lives and I know, I know he didn't just snap. And I need to know who did this and I need to make this right. Don't take this away from me.

Lucien: [eating hearty meal] Mm. I find the Cajun cuisine almost as delicious as their people. All done, William.
Detective: Not like I had a choice.
Lucien: Hmm.
Detective: The moment I do, I'm gonna use this knife to stab you in the heart.
Camille: You couldn't if you tried. You've been compelled to do everything he says. It's like hypnosis, vampires use it against humans to do their bidding.
Detective: We're using the V-word now?
[slaps: ]
Detective: Great! Might as well embrace the insanity.

Camille: [while the Harvest witches receive offerings] Do you get any gifts?
Genevieve: What are you doing here?
Camille: I know I'm crashing, but it's you I came to see. Don't worry, I just wanna say my piece, and then I'll leave.
[offers red velvet box]
Camille: Here.
Genevieve: What is this?
Camille: An offering, from me. I know we have no reason to like each other, but I want to honor what Elijah has built--what my uncle worked for.
Genevieve: Oh. So this is about your uncle.
Camille: Like I said, I know you have no reason to help me. But Klaus said... a long time ago, you were cheated out of life, and if I can't help him if you can't help him, so will he. And so I'm asking you... Please.
[Genevieve opens the box]
Camille: Klaus said you were from this era, and I thought with your red hair...
[it's a turquoise hair brooch]
Genevieve: I had one just like this. Perhaps... I can help you.

Camille: Am I supposed to fear you too?
Klaus: It will be better for you if you did. For you to believe I am the monster that they would paint me as. And then one day, when all of this was past... I might find you and profess my innocence. And because you're you, you would believe me. And we would pass the perfect afternoon... In a corner café together.
[his hand on her cheek]
Klaus: And I would wish for nothing more.
[their eyes meet]
Klaus: A better man would protect you with that lie. But I am not that man. And so I leave you with the burden of a truth that no one will believe.

Camille: I love you, I just needed you to know
Klaus: [catching a collapsing Camille in his arms] I can tell you I love you tomorrow, you're not dying today.

Camille: [regarding the street painter with the large canvas] Every artist has a story, you know.
Klaus: And what do you suppose his story is?
Camille: He's angry. Dark. Doesn't feel safe and doesn't know what to do about it. He wishes he could control his demons instead of having his demons control him. He's lost, alone. Or maybe he just drank too much tonight...
[as Klaus just looks at her]
Camille: Sorry. Overzealous Psych major.
Klaus: No. I think you were probably right the first time.

Klaus: Mere hours after you lecture me about boundaries and here you are at my house in the middle of the night.
Camille: I came through the front door, you appeared at the window like a creeper.

Marcel: [as Cami looks over the old book] I bet you want a new advisor right about now.
Camille: [about Finn/Vincent] Who is he, Marcel? I mean, really?
Marcel: Long story short is - impossible.
Camille: I checked the school website. Vincent Griffith has no other academic credentials. And, according to my Uncle Kieran's big book of New Orlean's bloodlines, Griffith is a family of witches.
Marcel: Oh, it's worse than that. Your therapist has a thousand-year-old dead vampire inside of him named... Finn Mikaelson.
Camille: [in disbelief] My advisor is Klaus' brother? Oh God, Marcel! He came into Rousseau's today asking questions about Klaus, and ordered my favorite drink like he's been watching me. Why?
Marcel: Probably to get the scoop on Klaus. Or, maybe to use you as bait for a trap. I don't know. It doesn't matter. Either way, you're done with that guy.
Camille: [determined] No! I'm just getting started.