The Best Aiden Quotes

Jackson: [sees the bride in her white dress] Wow...!
[Hayley chuckles]
Aiden: I think that's my cue.
Hayley: There's no rule about seeing each other before the ritual, is there?
Jackson: [shakes his head] Uh...
Hayley: [points at his tie still on the back of the couch] Ahem...
Jackson: Oh,
Jackson: the... Is everything okay?
Hayley: Yeah, just... getting a little nervous...
[her long slender arms reach around his neck, puts on his tie]
Hayley: I wanted to see you... Make sure that you weren't wearing a flannel tux.
[he laughs]
Jackson: [softly] Thank you...
[intimate moment]
Jackson: I'm... I'm actually glad you're here. I... got something for you.
[wooden box lined with red velvet, nestling a necklace]
Jackson: Um... the, uh... The stone is moss agate. You were born under a planting moon, so it's your... mineral totem. It symbolizes healing and courage. And... after everything you've done for our pack,
[shakes his head]
Jackson: I'd say that's just about right.
Hayley: [softly] I don't know what to say, Jack.
[shakes her head]
Jackson: You're wearing Rebekah's dress,
[moves in behind her]
Jackson: getting married in... Klaus' house.
[puts on the necklace]
Jackson: Maybe you should have... at least one thing that's just yours.