The Best Cardinal Strauss Quotes

Cardinal: Religion is flawed. But only because man is flawed. All men, including this one.

Vittoria: He chose the name Luke.
Robert: There's been many Marks and Johns. Never a Luke.
Cardinal: It's said he was a doctor.
Vittoria: It's quite a message, science and faith all in one.
Cardinal: The world is in need of both.

Camerlengo: Their faith will not protect them from an explosion.
Cardinal: Well... We are all bound for heaven eventually, are we not?
Camerlengo: Spoken like one who has enjoyed the blessings of a long and full life.

Robert: You will counsel him wisely.
Cardinal: [chuckles] I am an old man. I will counsel him briefly.

[last lines]
Cardinal: Mr. Langdon. Thanks be to God for sending someone to protect His church.
Robert: I don't believe He sent me, Father.
Cardinal: Oh, my son. Of course He did.

Cardinal: And when you write of us... and you will write of us... May I ask one thing? Do so gently.