The Best Camerlengo Patrick McKenna Quotes

[the bomb that threatens to destroy St.Peter's is set to go off at midnight. The Camerlengo is discussing evacuation with his security chief]
Camerlengo: At 11:15, if the Church is still in peril, If we are still in peril... give the order to evacuate the Cardinals. But with dignity. Let them walk out into St. Peter's Square with their heads held high. I don't want the last image of this Church to be of frightened old men sneaking out the back door.

Camerlengo: [after breaking into Conclave and announcing that church is at war] ... but science and religion are not enemies! There are simply some things that science is just too young to understand. So the church pleads: "stop", "slow down", "think", "wait"... and for this - they call us backward. But who is more ignorant: the man who cannot define lightning, or the man who does not respect its natural awesome power?

Camerlengo: Christianity's most sacred codices are in that archive. Given your recent... entanglement with the Church, there is a question I'd like to ask you first here in-in the office of His Holiness.
[Walks towards Robert Langdon]
Camerlengo: Do you believe in God, sir?
Robert: [pause] Father, I simply believe that religion...
Camerlengo: I did not ask if you believe what man says about God. I asked if you believe in God.
Robert: [pause] I'm an academic. My mind tells me I will never... understand God.
Camerlengo: And your heart?
Robert: [pause] Tells me I'm not meant to. Faith is a gift... that I have yet to receive.
Camerlengo: [pauses to consider his words] Be delicate with our treasures.

Camerlengo: Open the doors, evacuate St. Peter's Square and tell the world the truth.

Camerlengo: Our church is at war. We are under attack from an old enemy. The Illuminati. They have struck us from within. Murdering our Holy Father. And threatening us all with destruction at the hands of their new god, science.

Camerlengo: Would it surprise you to find those clothes suit you?
Robert: [chuckles] It would surprise the hell out of me.

Camerlengo: Their faith will not protect them from an explosion.
Cardinal: Well... We are all bound for heaven eventually, are we not?
Camerlengo: Spoken like one who has enjoyed the blessings of a long and full life.

Camerlengo: We are at war! We're weak when we should be strong! If science is allowed to claim the power of creation, what is left for God?

Camerlengo: Have you come to make me a martyr?