The Best Carel Struycken Quotes

The: The owls are not what they seem.

The: It is happening again. It is happening again.

[the Giant appears before Cooper again who's asleep]
The: Sorry to wake you.
Dale: I wasn't dreaming.
The: I forgot to tell you something.
Dale: You were right about the smiling bag.
The: The things I tell you will not be wrong.
Dale: But, I...
The: Better to listen, than to talk.
Dale: I believe you.
The: Don't search for all the answers at once. A path is formed by laying one stone at a time. One person saw the third man that night. Three have seen him, yes, but not his body. Only one, known to you, ready now to talk. One more thing, you forgot something.
Dale: What?
[the Giant disappears as we see Audrey Horne's "help me" note under Cooper's bed]

Giant: The owls are not what they seem.

Lester: [laughs] I've seen that fear all my life! People used to pile into the 10-N-1, looking at me... pointing, laughing... they thought I was on exhibit... but I was studying them.

Grampa: We are the True Knot, and we endure.
Grampa: [Rose chanting her True Knot foreign language] We are the chosen ones.
Grampa: [Crow Daddy, Diesel Doug, & Apron Annie chanting their own foreign language] We are the fortunate ones.
Grampa: [Short Eddie, Barry the Chunk, & Silent Sarey chanting their own foreign language] What is tied, cannot be untied.
Grampa: [when the wind was blowing] Here is a woman. Would she join us? Would she tie her life to our life?
Short: Yes.
Rose the Hat: [quietly] Say "yes".
Snakebite: Yes.
Rose the Hat: [holds a bottle] This one's special. Her name's Violet. There is not much of her left. And she tastes...
[opens up the can]
Rose the Hat: flowers.
[blows the dust inside of her mouth, then gasps silently, kneels down on her, then breathes in]
Rose the Hat: Breathe deep.
[Andi exhales and then blows the dust inside her]
Rose the Hat: There, embrace it.
[Andi gasping when wheezing]
Rose the Hat: Embrace it.
Snakebite: [gasping loudly then groaning, but still wheezing when Apron Annie and Silent Sarey pushes Andi's stomach while screaming] NO!
Snakebite: [screaming continues] NOOOOO!
Snakebite: [Shrieking out loud] AAAAAAH!

Giant: [talking backwards; subtitled] One and the same.

Mr. Homn: [considered by all as mute] Thank you for the drinks.