The Best Carlo Rizzi Quotes

Michael: You have to answer for Santino, Carlo. You fingered Sonny for the Barzini people.
Carlo: Mike, you got it all wrong.
Michael: Ah, that little farce you played with my sister. You think that would fool a Corleone?
Carlo: Mike, I'm innocent. I swear on the kids.
Michael: Sit down.
Carlo: Please don't do this to me, Mike. Please don't.
Michael: Barzini is dead. So is Phillip Tattaglia. Moe Greene. Stracci. Cuneo. Today I settled all family business so don't tell me that you're innocent. Admit what you did.
[Carlo starts sobbing]
Michael: Get him a drink. Don't be afraid, Carlo. Come on, you think I'd make my sister a widow? I'm Godfather to your son.
[Carlo get handed a drink]
Michael: Go ahead. Drink. Drink. No, you're out of the family business, that's your punishment. You're finished. I'm putting you on a plane to Vegas. Tom?
[Tom hands Michael an airplane ticket]
Michael: I want you to stay there, you understand?
[Carlo nods]
Michael: Only don't tell me that you're innocent. Because it insults my intelligence and it makes me very angry. Now, who approached you first? Barzini or Tattaglia?
Carlo: It was Barzini.
Michael: Good. There's a car outside that will take you to the airport. I'll call your wife and tell her what flight you're on.
Carlo: Listen, Mike...
Michael: Go on. Get out of my sight.

[Sunday dinner at the Corleone home...]
Sonny: Niggers havin' a real good time up in Harlem...
Carlo: I knew that was going to happen as soon as they tasted the big money.
Connie: Papa never talked about business in front of the kids.
Carlo: Shut up, Connie.
Sonny: Hey, don't you EVER tell her to shut up, you got that?
Mama: Santino, don't interfere.
[Silence reigns around the table for a while]
Carlo: Sonny, Tom, I'd like to talk to you after dinner. I think I can do a lot more for this family...
Sonny: We don't discuss business at the table.