Top 30 Quotes From Diane Keaton

Annie: I'm very sorry I ever met you. And I'm sorry that I allowed myself to love you for all those years. I'm sorry that I did nothing but be there for you every minute of every hour and support you in your every *move*. I'm sorry!

Andrea: In terms of the florals out front, we're going to color-coordinate with the swans, right?
George: Swans?
Nina: Oh, I think it'd be wonderful.
Andrea: Perfect.
George: We're having swans?
Annie: Oh, sure, Franck thought it'd be great to have swans waddling around the tulip border, you know, as the guests enter.
George: Nina, we don't have a tulip border.
Andrea: You will.
[hands George the bill]

Nina: I thought it was totally sincere.
George: Oh, please. What about that little rehearsed speech he gave that was right out of a book, "How to Grease Your Future Mother-In-Law."

Connie: [shrieking at Michael] You killed my husband! You waited until our father died so nobody could stop you and you killed him! You killed him! You blamed him for Sonny, you always did, everybody did. But you never thought about me. You never gave a dam about me. What am I going to do now?
Kay: [taking Connie in her arms] Connie...
Connie: Why do you think he kept Carlo at the mall? All the time he knew he was going to kill him. And then he stood Godfather to our baby. You think you know your husband? You know how many men he had killed! Read the papers. Read the papers! That's your husband!
[Michael takes Connie into her arms, but she goes wild again and tries to attack him]
Michael: Take her upstairs. Get her a doctor.
[Michael's bodyguards grab Connie and pull her out of the office]
Michael: [to Kay] She's hysterical.
Kay: Is it true?
Michael: Don't ask me about my business, Kay.
Kay: Is it true?
Michael: Don't ask me about my business...
Kay: No...
Michael: [slams the desk] ENOUGH!

Michael: I spent my life protecting my son. I spent my life protecting my family!
Kay: Let's be reasonable here, Michael. I mean, that's your big thing, isn't it? Reason backed up by murder.
Michael: Oh, God, you hate me. You hate me.
Kay: No, I don't hate you, Michael. I dread you.
Michael: I did what I could, Kay, to protect all of you from the horrors of this world.
Kay: But you became my horror. The children still love you, though. Especially Mary.
Michael: Well, that's something. We can build on that. For their sake. Let's try.
Kay: Only if you let Tony go to live his own life. Away from you.
Michael: I'll let Tony go.
Kay: Thank you.

Nina: [Waiting for Bryan to arrive] So, can you see him? What does he look like?
George: He just drove up.
Nina: And?
George: He drove too fast.

Annie: What if Elise starts drinking again and then you start sniping away?
Elise: Been there!
Brenda: Done that!

Nina: [hugging George] A wedding! Father of the Bride. Can you believe it?
[George rolls his eyes]

George: This is ridiculous! You're - too young to get married!
Annie: Too young? Dad, I'm 22! If I'm not mistaken, that's a year older than Mom was when you guys got married.
George: That is absolutely not true.
Nina: Oh, no, you're absolutely wrong.
George: You were this age when I married you?
Nina: No. I was younger. I was this age when she was born.

Elise: [Drunk] You never even wrote to me!
Annie: [Meekly] You were unlisted...
Elise: And you always talked about me behind my back!
Brenda: Oh, you deserved it!

Kay: Hello, Michael.
- It's Kay.

Kay: Michael, you never told me you knew Johnny Fontane!
Michael: Sure, you want to meet him?
Kay: Well, yeah! Sure.
Michael: My father helped him with his career.
Kay: How did he do that?
Michael: ...Let's listen to the song.
Kay: [after listening to Johnny for a while] Tell me, Michael. Please.
Michael: Well, when Johnny was first starting out, he was signed to a personal services contract with this big-band leader. And as his career got better and better, he wanted to get out of it. But the band leader wouldn't let him. Now, Johnny is my father's godson. So my father went to see this bandleader and offered him $10,000 to let Johnny go, but the bandleader said no. So the next day, my father went back, only this time with Luca Brasi. Within an hour, he had a signed release for a certified check of $1000.
Kay: How did he do that?
Michael: My father made him an offer he couldn't refuse.
Kay: What was that?
Michael: Luca Brasi held a gun to his head, and my father assured him that either his brains or his signature would be on the contract.
Kay: ...
Michael: ...That's a true story.
[cut to Johnny singing again for about 10 more seconds before going back to Michael]
Michael: That's my family Kay, that's not me.

George: You and I could end up shuffling along the sidewalk in our bathrobes. That was a joke.
Nina: [sarcastically] Hilarious!

Kay: Oh, Michael. Michael, you are blind. It wasn't a miscarriage. It was an abortion. An abortion, Michael. Just like our marriage is an abortion. Something that's unholy and evil. I didn't want your son, Michael! I wouldn't bring another one of you sons into this world! It was an abortion, Michael! It was a son Michael! A son! And I had it killed because this must all end!
[Michael's eyes begin to bulge]
Kay: I know now that it's over. I knew it then. There would be no way, Michael... no way you could ever forgive me not with this Sicilian thing that's been going on for 2,000 years.
[Michael loses control. He slaps Kay across the face. She falls onto the couch]
Michael: Bitch! You won't take my children!
Kay: I will.
Kay: They're my children too.

George: What about the way he kept touching her?
Nina: What do you mean?
George: What do you mean, what do I mean? He couldn't keep his hands off of her.
Nina: Oh, yes, kind of like when we were engaged, except that wasn't all you couldn't keep off me.
George: That was different. And we certainly never acted that way in your parent's house.
Nina: Oh! You want me to name all the rooms we did it in at my parent's house?
George: That was different!

Nina: Good news. The church is free!
George: Oh, finally something is free.
Nina: I meant - available.

Annie: Let's synchronize our watches.
Brenda: Ooo, just like "Mission: Impossible!"
Elise: Oh, that was a big hit.

Michael: What's wrong with being a lawyer?
Kay: Nothing, except he doesn't want it. He loves music he wants his life to be in music.
Michael: Well, music is great. I love music but he should finish what he started. Anthony.
Anthony: I'm going my own way.
Michael: Your own way.
Anthony: Uh-huh.
Michael: Professional singer.
Anthony: That's right.
Michael: And what happens if you fail.
Anthony: I won't fail.
Michael: Men always believe that. With a law degree you're taking on insurance. After that you can do anything you want. You can work for me.
Anthony: I will never work for you. I have bad memories.
Michael: All families have bad memories.
Anthony: I will always be your son, but I will never have anything to do with your business.
Michael: Anthony, finish the law degree.
Anthony: No.
Kay: That he got from you. That "no."
Michael: You could have helped me, Kay. You could have helped me to convince him.
Kay: Convince him of what?
Michael: He throws his life away. He throws greatness away!
Kay: This is greatness? You know, Michael, now that you're so respectable I think you're more dangerous than you ever were. In fact, I preferred you when you were just a common Mafia hood.
Michael: Alright, can we talk now? Common sense?
Kay: Alright. Tony knows you killed Fredo.
Michael: Why did you come here?
Kay: I came here to protect my son. I didn't come here to see you disguised by your church. I thought that was a shameful ceremony.

Michael: My father is no different than any powerful man, any man with power, like a president or senator.
Kay: Do you know how naive you sound, Michael? Presidents and senators don't have men killed.
Michael: Oh. Who's being naive, Kay?

Chris: Doormat!
Annie: Lesbian!

Annie: Listen, I'm going to take Bryan for a drive and show him around.
Nina: Okay, honey. Good.
George: Annie, it's a little nippy out. You might want to put on a sweater.
Annie: No, Dad, it's okay. I'm kind of warm.
George: There's a chill in the air, and you've been on a plane.
Annie: Dad, I'm fine.
Bryan: Annie, it is kind of cold out.
Annie: It is?
George: Yeah.
Annie: Alright. Thanks. I'll get my jacket.
George: [in voiceover] Right then, I realized my day had passed. She'll always love me, of course, but not in the same way. I was no longer the man in my little girl's life. I was like an old shoe, the kind we manufacture and get all excited about and then, after a few years, discontinue. That was me now: Mr. Discontinued.

[Before shooting occurs at the Michael Corleone estate]
Kay: Michael, why are the drapes open?

Annie: [having a panic attack] I'm clean! I'm clean! I'm clean!
[Brenda and Elise whack her over the head with some file folders]

Michael: I feel... I'm getting wiser now.
Kay: The sicker you get, the wiser you get, huh?
Michael: When I'm dead, I'm gonna be really smart.

Sharon: We're on this trip, not because of fate, but because we're best friends for fifty years. We show up for each other. Fate didn't bring us on this trip. Our love for each other did.
Carol: Love and the wonderful people at Lufthansa.
Diane: It was a nice flight.

Nina: I still think you see Annie as a seven year-old girl in pigtails!

[last lines]
Michael: All right. This one time I'll let you ask me about my affairs.
Kay: Is it true? Is it?
Michael: No.
[Kay smiles and walks into his arms]
Kay: I guess we both need a drink, huh?
[Kay goes to the kitchen to fix a drink, but sees Peter Clemenza, Rocco Lampone and Al Neri enter Michael's office]
Clemenza: Don Corleone.
[Clemenza kisses Michael's hand, and Neri shuts the door in her face...]

Nina: How did you two - uh - meet?
Annie: Oh, we were the only two people at this revival house in Rome for a midnight show of "Bringing Up Baby." We kept hearing each other laugh.
Bryan: And at all the same places.

[last lines]
Diane: Well, what are we doing next?
Vivian: I don't know, but I know one thing for sure. We're not leaving it up to fate.

Elise: And you didn't even invite me to your son's bar mitzvah!
Brenda: I didn't think you would come.
Annie: Yeah, it was in Hebrew!
Brenda: Oh shutup!