The Best Cheever Quotes

Frank: [Wayne quizzes the lawyer about the payoff to the judge] Cheever, how much did it cost?
Cheever: $5,000.
Frank: It's cheap at twice the price.

[last lines]
Al: There's a freighter leaving Pier 26 at 11 tonight. You're gonna be on it.
Vito: If you stay, Frank, they'll put you away.
Frank: [disguised Rollin Hand] I'm not going, and they're not putting me anywhere.
Cheever: Well, you shot and killed a U.S. Marshal, and that cop is a witness.
Vito: We talked it over, Frank. You can't stay.
Al: Frank, we're only thinking what's best for you.
Frank: [disguised Rollin Hand] You two have gone crazy. I'm going nowhere.
Vito: Don't make it rough on yourself, Frank. You're out of it... one way or another... tonight.