20 Best Bullitt Quotes

Bullitt: You sell whatever you want, but don't sell it here tonight.

Captain: Albert Edward Renick, used car salesman, Chicago.
Chalmers: Who's Renick?
Bullitt: He was the man who was shot at the Hotel Daniels. You sent us to guard the wrong man, Mr. Chalmers.

Cathy: I know it's there, but I don't have to be reminded of the whole thing. The ugliness around us!

Pete: This is Pete. We lost him.
telephone: He's your brother, Ross. If you can't find him, we have people who can. And *you're* paying for the contract.

Bullitt: I thought that, money didn't matter to artists.
Cathy: It costs money to have a soul.

Captain: Play it by the book from now on.
Bullitt: Does Chalmers run the case, or do I?
Captain: All I'm interested in is results. Do whatever you think is best. I'll try to back you up.

Cathy: I thought I knew you. But I'm not so sure anymore. Do you let anything reach you? I mean, really reach you? Or are you so used to it by now that nothing really touches you?

[Bullitt and Delgetti have searched the luggage of Dorothy Simmons and her boyfriend]
Delgetti: No passports, no tickets.
Bullitt: Call Immigration in Chicago, have them wire Renick's passport application. I'll get a fingerprint check on Ross.

Cathy: Something exciting?
Bullitt: Go to sleep.
Cathy: Meaning you won't tell me anything.
Bullitt: It's not for you, baby.
Cathy: Anything you do is part of me.

Cathy: Your world is so far from the one I know. What will happen to us, in time?
Bullitt: Time starts now.

[after much patient pressure, the desk clerk has finally offered up some details]
Desk: Am I helping you, sir?
Delgetti: I never had it so good.

Bullitt: Who else knew where he was?
Chalmers: What?
Bullitt: Who else knew where he was?
Chalmers: What are you implying?
Bullitt: Well, they knew where to look for him, and they used your name to get in.
Chalmers: Are you suggesting I disclosed his whereabouts?
Bullitt: Well, somebody did. And it didn't come from us.

Chalmers: Come on, now. Don't be naive, Lieutenant. We both know how careers are made. Integrity is something you sell the public.

Captain: He let the killers in himself? Why would he do a thing like that?
Bullitt: I'm waiting to ask him.
Captain: What about the setup? What do you make of that?
Bullitt: Shotgun and a backup man. Professionals.

Chalmers: Frank, we must all compromise.
Bullitt: Bullshit.

Bullitt: [revealing Johnny Ross' death] I've got him downstairs, under a John Doe.
Baker: [stunned] You are sick. Smuggling a dead man out of a hospital, and now two men killed who may have had nothing to do with it?
Bullitt: The man I was chasing killed Ross.
Captain: How do you know? Did you see him?
Bullitt: Yes. He tried to nail me with a shotgun, a Winchester pump.
Baker: The radio report said the two men were burned beyond recognition. Now all he's got are two dead men. It would never hold up in court.

Cathy: You're living in a sewer, Frank. Day after day.

Chalmers: I do not choose to have people accuse me of false promises for the sake of cheap sensationalism, or to be compromised by your lieutenant.

Chalmers: Lieutenant, I shall personally officiate at your public crucifixion, if Ross doesn't recover during the course of the hearing, so I can at least present his deposition. And, I assure you, I shall not suffer the consequence of your incompetence. And even if there wasn't any, I'm rather certain I can prove negligence on your part.

Bullitt: Look, Chalmers, let's understand each other... I don't like you.