50 Best Dan Stevens Quotes

[to Tom Branson, who he has just asked to be his best man]
Matthew: If we're mad enough to take on the Crawley girls, we have to stick together.

Matthew: [to Thomas] War has a way of distinguishing between the things that matter and the things that don't.

David: Oh, now you're listening. Well, listen to this. You want to eat something? Eat shit. Now go tell your friends it's not your time. It's mine. Go. Or I'll kill every one of you.

Matthew: You must think country life more exciting than it is if you imagine people don't care when an earl's daughter runs off with a chauffeur.
Isobel: Well, the fact remains she has run off with the chauffeur, and they'll have to get used to it.

Lady: Can you manage without your stick?
Matthew: [leaning on Mary while alluding to his cane] You *are* my stick.

[Matthew is listening to a song on the new gramophone. Mary joins him]
Lady: I don't know this one.
Matthew: Actually I rather like it. I think it was in a show that flopped. "Zip Goes a Million" or something.
[Matthew holds out his arms. He and Mary start to dance]
Lady: Can you manage without your stick?
Matthew: You *are* my stick.
Lady: *We* were a show that flopped.
Matthew: God, Mary, I'm so, so sorry. You know how sorry I am.
Lady: Don't be. It wasn't anyone's fault. If it was, it was mine.
Matthew: You know Cousin Violet came to me. Told me to marry you.
Lady: When was this?
Matthew: A while ago. When we knew I would walk again.
Lady: Classic Granny. What did you say?
Matthew: That I couldn't accept Lavinia's sacrifice of her life, her children, her future, and then give her the brush-off when I was well again. Well, I couldn't, could I?
Lady: Of course not.
Matthew: How ever much I might want to.
Lady: Absolutely not.
[Matthew and Mary kiss tenderly as they continue to dance slowly]

[after he finds out he's been missing for a year]
David: Can I kiss you?
Syd: You'd better

- Mummy wouldn't understand.
- Nor do I.
- What were you thinking?
- A respectable, well-born young woman going out with a married man?
Matthew: Rose knows it all depends on her behaviour for the rest of her stay.
- One false step and I shall personally telephone lady flintshire.
- Very well. But I don't approve.

Matthew: What's going on?
Tom: They're forcing me into a morning coat.
Matthew: He has no say in it ?
Violet: No, he doesn't, and nor do you.

Matthew: ...I want to tell you that I fall more in love with you every day that passes.
Lady: I'll remind you of that next time I scratch the car.

Isobel: [discussing whether they should keep the servants they've been assigned] What they expct, Matthew, is that we won't know how to behave. So, if you don't mind, I would rather not confirm their expectation.
Matthew: I'll be no use to anyone if I can't be myself.

Mr. Carson: But Alfred is very good, you know. He's very willing. Even if he is Miss O'Brien's nephew.
Matthew: [to Mary] Clearly, nothing worse could be said of any man.

David: What happened?
Luke: This kid called me a faggot... so I broke a yardstick on his face.
David: Okay. Awesome.

David: I'm a soldier, man. I like guns.

Matthew: So what was the deal you managed to extract from the Home Secretary?
Robert: They don't want to make a martyr of him
Robert: .
Robert: ...and with Sybil, they think they could have another Maud Gonne on their hands, or Lady Gregory, or worse if they're not careful.
Violet: Lady Gregory, Countess Markievicz - why are the Irish rebels so well born?
Robert: Whatever the reason, I don't want Lady Sybil Branson to join their ranks. Mercifully, neither do the Irish authorities.

Matthew: Is your life proving satisfactory, apart from the "Great Matter," of course?
Lady: Women like me don't have a life. We choose clothes, and pay calls, and work for charity, and do the season. But, really, we're stuck in a waiting room, until we marry.
Matthew: I've made you angry.
Lady: My life makes me angry, not you.

Matthew: I've got a job in Ripon. I've said I'll start tomorrow.
Robert: A *job*?

David: Who we were does not indicate who we will be but, often, it's a pretty good indication.

Matthew: I know it's cliché, but I believe she died of a broken heart.

- Can you feel that?
- Mmm.
- Doctor: What about that?
Matthew: No.
- And that? Hmm?
- Nothing at all?

Lady: You know what all work and no play did for Jack?
Matthew: But you think I'm a dull boy anyway, don't you. I play too. I'm coming up for dinner tonight.

Matthew: [reading a letter] It's from Lord Grantham.
Isobel: Really? What on earth does he want?
Matthew: He wants to change our lives.

David: Those kids at school, are they bigger than you?
Luke: Yeah.
David: Then bring a knife to school. If they take it off you and beat you up, you go around their houses at night and burn them down with their families inside. What's the worst they can do?
Luke: Yeah... Umm... Okay.

Matthew: I am the cat that walks by himself, and all places are alike to me
[from Rudyard Kipling's "Just So Stories"]
Matthew: . I have nothing to give, and nothing to share. And if you were Not engaged to be married, I wouldn't allow you anywhere near me.

Isobel: [Talking to Matthew about a letter that came from Downton Abbey] There are two young men staying, so you won't be so outnumbered for once.
Matthew: What men?
Isobel: A Turkish diplomat called something I can't read, and "Lord Branksome's charming son"... who is to be flung at Mary, presumably.
Matthew: When it comes to cousin Mary, she is quite capable of doing her own flinging, I assure you.

Violet,: Good heavens, what am I sitting on?
Matthew: A swivel chair.
Violet,: Another modern brain wave?
Matthew: Not very modern. They were invented by Thomas Jefferson.
Violet,: Why does every day involve a fight with an American?
Matthew: I'll fetch you a different one.
Violet,: No, no, no, no, I'm a good sailor.

[Matthew, Edith and Lady Rosamund Painswick follow Rose to a jazz club in Soho, London]
Matthew: This is like the outer circle from Dante's Inferno!

Lady: Thank you for intervening back there before I said something rude.
Matthew: He does beg to be teased.
Lady: The awful truth is he's starting to get on my nerves.
Matthew: You're still going to marry him, though?
Lady: Of course. Why wouldn't I?

David: [after he single handedly beat up all the high school football players in the bar who were picking on Luke, to the workers there] I suggest you leave. Call the police. Tell them the truth. A bunch of high school kids came in here. Demanded you serve them. You asked for ID. They got rowdy.
[gestures to them on the floor]
David: This is what happened. After all, you wouldn't want it known that you've been serving underage kids, would you?
[Pulls out a couple hundred dollars and leaves it on his table]
David: This should cover the damages.
[He and Luke leave]

David: People always talk about the depression side. But it is the other side, that invulnerable feeling. It's dangerous.

Matthew: Mother does love a bit of authority. I suppose she's driving cousin Cora mad.
Lady: No names, no packdrill.

Matthew: [to Evelyn Napier after Mary rudely leaves their conversation to talk to Kemal Pamuk] It seems we must brush up on our powers of fascination.
Evelyn: I was a fool to bring him here.
Matthew: Don't you like him?
Evelyn: Well, I like him very much. But so does everyone else, unfortunately.
Evelyn: [Lady Edith glaces over at them, smiles, and approaches] Excuse me.

David: You did the right thing. I don't blame you.

- This is like the outer circle from Dante's inferno.
- The outer circle?
- Edith: There she is.
- Heavens, what a transformation.
- And that, presumably, is the friend she spent two hours with in wan/vick square.
Matthew: Let's not start down that track.

David: We're having a romance of the mind.
Syd: I like that.

David: I am Legion.

Matthew: [to Matthew] What will you do with your time?
Lady: I've got a job in Ripon. I've said I'll start tomorrow.
Robert: A job? You do know I mean to involve you in the running of the estate.
Matthew: Don't worry. There are plenty of hours in the day. And, of course, I'll have the weekend.
Violet: What is a weekend?

Violet: [to Cora] I'm so looking forward to seeing your mother again. When I'm with her I'm reminded of the virtues of the English.
Matthew: But isn't she American?
Violet: Exactly.

David: Do you want advice, Luke?
Luke: Sure.
David: Never let anyone pick on you.
David: Otherwise, you'll carry it with you the rest of your life.

Matthew: I cast you as Florence Nightingale?
Lady: We can't leave all the moral high ground to Sybil. She might get lonely there.

Matthew: [regarding broken crockery after his fight with Carlisle] Sorry about the vase.
Violet,: Don't be, don't be. It was a wedding present from a frightful aunt. I have hated it for half a century.

Matthew: [referring to his obvious interest in Mary] Will she stay at the hunt the whole day?
Lady: [disappointed that Matthew is not interested in her but her sister] Oh, you know Mary. She likes to be in at the kill.

Matthew: The question is, what do I say to Cousin Violet?
Robert: Oh, don't worry about that. I can handle her.
Violet,: [Violet enters the room] Really? Well if you can, you must have learned to *very* recently.

Matthew: [about Gregson] Don't dislike him before you know him, That's the landmark of our parents' generation.

Lady: [referring to their new roadsterr as they deive down the library to to Downton] Who will groan first when they see it: Granny or Papa?
Matthew: I shall think they shall howl at the moon in unison.

- I'm sorry to hear about your servant.
Matthew: Yes, pneumonia, not a bullet.
- Yes.
- Strutt: I don't envy you.
- A decent servant can change your war.

[Matthew and Mary had a row on the night before their wedding, and then kissed and made up. Now Mary walks down the aisle to join Matthew at the altar]
Matthew: [last lines - whispers] You came. To be honest, I wasn't completely sure you would.
Lady: [whispers] I'm glad to hear it. I should hate to be predictable.

David: There's, um... you can't give me that.
Amy: Oh. Oops. So, do they let you throw a little party here, or...
David: Yeah, they clear out the furniture. We get a DJ.
Amy: Really?
David: No. We do get better drugs, though.
Amy: Really?
David: No. It's just Thursday. My 260th Thursday as a passenger on the cruise ship Mental Health.

Matthew: [jokingly to Isobel as Matthew leans for support on Lavinia] She's just sucking up, Mother.
Lavinia: [good-naturedly] Any bride who doesn't suck up to her husband's mother is a fool.

Lady: [after he's promised to keep secret her affair with a married man] Why are you helping me?
Matthew: [sarcastically] I'm on the side of the downtrodden.