The Best Lavinia Swire Quotes

Violet,: What on earth is it?
Lavinia: A gramophone. Some cousins of mine have given it to us.
Violet,: You should stand well clear when you light the blue touch paper.

Lavinia: This room is so pretty. Has this house always been the Painswicks' London home?
Violet: There's no 'always' with the Painswicks, my dear. They were invented from scratch by my son-in-law's grandfather.
Lady: We bought the house when we were married.
Lavinia: You make Mr. Painswick sound rather a rough diamond, Lady Grantham.
Lady: Marmaduke wasn't a rough diamond was he, Mama?
Violet: No. He was just cut and polished comparatively recently.

Matthew: [jokingly to Isobel as Matthew leans for support on Lavinia] She's just sucking up, Mother.
Lavinia: [good-naturedly] Any bride who doesn't suck up to her husband's mother is a fool.

Lavinia: Are you sure?
- I know it should be at my home in London, but we've been through so much here.
- We'd be delighted.
- Countess: Bravo! Excellent news.
- Mary, isn't that excellent news?
- Just excellent.