Top 30 Quotes From Dylan O'Brien

Thomas: Chuck, don't let go!
Chuck: No shit!

Joel: It kind of feels like everything is impossible these days.

Thomas: But why would Alby go into the maze? I mean, he's not a runner.
Newt: [while chopping a tree by its roots] Things are different now. Alby went to retrace Ben's footsteps before sundown. Are you gonna help?
Thomas: Okay, so he's gonna go back to where Ben was just stung, and...
Newt: Alby knows what he's doing, all right? He knows better than any of us.
Thomas: What does that mean?
Newt: Well, it's like you've heard, yeah? Every month, the Box sends up a new arrival - but someone had to be first, right? Someone had to have spent a whole month in the Glade, alone. That was Alby. I mean, it can't have been easy; but, when those other boys started coming up, one after the other, he saw the truth, and he learned that the most important thing is that we all have each other, because we're all in this together.

Thomas: This place... it's not what we thought it was. It's not a prison, it's a test. It all started when we were kids. They'd give us these challenges. They were experimenting on us, and then people started disappearing, every month, one after the other, like clockwork.
Newt: They were sending them up into the maze.
Thomas: Yeah, but not all of us.
Newt: What d'you mean?
Thomas: Guys, I'm one of them. The people who put you here, I worked with them. I-I watched you guys for years. The entire time you've been here, I... I was on the other side of it.
[looking at Teresa]
Thomas: And so were you.
Teresa: What?
Thomas: Teresa, we did this to them.
Teresa: No. That can't be true.
Thomas: It is. I saw it.
Teresa: Why would they send us up if we were with them?
Thomas: It doesn't matter.
Newt: He's right. It doesn't matter... any of it... because the people we were before the maze - they don't even exist anymore. These Creators took care of that. But what does matter is who we are now, and what we do, right now. You went into the maze and you found a way out.
Thomas: Yeah, but if I hadn't, Alby would still be alive.
Newt: Maybe. But I know that if he were here, he would be telling you the exact same thing: Pick your ass up and finish what you've started. Because if we do nothing, then that means Alby died for nothing, and I can't have that.

Joel: I'm alive because of the generosity of a few strangers and the kindness of a dog.

Janson: Thomas, think about what your doing.
Thomas: Yeah let me guess WCKD is good?

[last lines]
Vince: Hey, kid, look around you. Alright? WICKED just kicked our ass. You think about where you're headed...
Thomas: I'm not asking anyone to come with me.
Newt: Thomas, listen to me. I've known Minho for... well, as long as I can remember. So if there is any way we could help him, trust me, I would be up there standing next to you. This, what you're talking about, is impossible.
Jorge: More like suicide.
Thomas: Maybe. But I know what I'm supposed to do now. It's not just about Minho. It's about all of us. It's about everyone WICKED's ever taken, everyone they will take. They'll never stop. They'll never stop, so, I'm gonna stop them. I'm gonna kill Ava Paige.
Harriet: I have to admit... I'd like some revenge.
Vince: Well, that's a good speech, kid. So what's your plan?

Neha: I'm sorry, almost? Or you either done or you not, you can't be almost pregnant.
Stuart: Yeah. Hey, she would know guys.
Neha: Why don't you Google asshole, asshole?

Thomas: [to Brenda] You're not... her. You could never be her.

Blondie: Here. Drink this.
Thomas: What is it?
Blondie: The price of admission.

Thomas: I don't think anybody every really leaves this place.

[first lines]
Thomas: Hey! Hey! Help me!

Joel: We lost a lot of people over the years. You would think you get numb to it after a certain point. You don't.

Newt: Hell of a first day, Greenie. Here. Put some hair on your chest.
[hands Thomas a glass of unfamiliar liquid]
Thomas: Oh my God! What is that?
Newt: I don't even know. It's Gally's recipe. It's a trade secret.
Thomas: Yeah, well he's still an asshole.
Newt: He saved your life today. Trust me, the maze is a dangerous place.
Thomas: We're trapped here, aren't we?
Newt: For the moment, but... you see those guys, there, by the fire? Those are the Runners. And that guy in the middle there, that's Minho. He's the Keeper of the Runners. Now, every morning, when those doors open, they run the maze, mapping it, memorizing it, trying to find a way out.
Thomas: How long have they been looking?
Newt: Three years.
Thomas: And they haven't found anything?
Newt: Its a lot easier said than done. Listen. Hear that? It's the maze, changing. It changes every night.
Thomas: How is that even possible?
Newt: You can ask the people who put us in here, if you ever meet the bastards. Listen the truth is... the Runners are the only ones who really know what's out there. They are the strongest and the fastest of us all. And it's a good thing, too... because if they don't make it back before those doors close... then they are stuck out there for the night, and no one has ever survived a night in the maze.
Thomas: What happens to them?
Newt: Well, we call 'em Grievers. Of course, no one's ever seen one and lived to tell about it, but they're out there.

[last lines]
Richie: I'll show you about making a mess

Thomas: Do you regret it? What you did to us?
Teresa: Sometimes. But I did what I thought was right.

Winston: It's... okay...
Thomas: [Thomas cries and turns back] Sorry...
Winston: Thomas... Take care of them...
[Thomas nods and leaves]
Winston: [as the group leaves, a gunshot is heard]

Joel: I've been sensible all my life. It's gotten me nowhere.

Thomas: [to Gally] You don't have to come with us, but we are leaving. Anyone else who wants to come, now's your last chance!
Gally: Don't listen to him, he's just trying to scare you, all right?
Thomas: No, I'm not trying to scare you, you're already scared. All right? I'm scared. But I'd rather risk my life out there than spending the rest of it in here. We don't belong here. Hey, this place isn't our home. We were put here. Okay? We were trapped here! At least out there, we've a choice. We can make it outta here. I know that.

Stuart: Quick interjection: When you keep saying 'on the line,' you do mean online?
Nick: Stuart. Don't do that. You don't do that to a man. He's got a million-dollar idea right here.
Stuart: A billion-dollar idea?
Nick: Even better. Let him flow!

Joel: Don't settle. You don't have to. Even at the end of the world.

Joel: I really didn't have your typical upbringing. I mean, I did at first and then the world ended.

- Oh, shit. Is that from the outfit?
- English, do me a favor.
- Why don't you go up front, check on your secretary for me, all right?
- Will you excuse me, gentlemen?
Richie: It's the outfit, man.
- It's his brass ring right here.
- Right, go ahead, open it up.
- See what it says.

Chuck: You saw a Griever?
Thomas: Yeah, I saw one.
Minho: He didn't just see it. He killed it.

Thomas: We found this. It was inside a Griever.
Newt: These are the same letters we get in our supplies.
Thomas: Yeah. Whoever put us here obviously made the Grievers. Now, this is the first real clue, the first anything, you've found in over three years. Right, Minho?
Minho: Right.
Thomas: Newt, we gotta go back out there. Who knows where this might lead us.
Gally: You see what he is trying to do, right? First he breaks our rules and then he tries to convince us to abandon them totally. The rules are the only thing that have ever held us together. Why now are we questioning that? If Alby was here, you know he'd agree with me. This shank needs to be punished.
Newt: You're right. Thomas broke the rules. One night in the Pit and no food.
Gally: Oh, come on, Newt. One night in the Pit? You think that's gonna stop him from going into the maze?
Newt: No. And we can't just have non-runners running into the maze whenever they feel like it, so let's just make this official.
Newt: [to Thomas] Starting from tomorrow, you're a Runner.
Gally: Wow.
Frypan: Gally...
Gally: Nah, Fry.
Thomas: Thanks, Newt.

- Shh!
Richie: Motherfuckers!
- Quiet.
- Fucking dead!
- Quiet.
- Yeah, back up. Back up.

Joel: Thanks for inspiring me to take this trip. It's the best decision I ever made.

Richie: Why'd you come here then?
Leonard: The war.
Richie: What, Kruats bomb your place?
Leonard: Worse. They're called blue jeans.

Billy: That being said, if you want something cold to drink, we'll hook you up.
Stuart: I'm ok, thank you. Just please, stop talking to me.
Billy: I'm your Bill Holden in Stalag 17.
Stuart: I don't even... I really don't get that reference.
Billy: Google it.
Stuart: Alright...

Thomas: There's no guarantee we'll make it back from this.
Newt: But we started it together, we might as well end it that way too.