Top 50 Quotes From The Outfit

- This is a stupid fucking idea.
- You don't toss me a signal,
- I'm gonna come out firing indiscriminate-like.
- When la fontaine dies tonight,
- I'm not only leading our crew,
- I'm leading them into the outfit.
- It's the least I could do. For Roy.

Leonard: Step two is drawing.
- And for some, this can be the most purely enjoyable step.
- You're only just exploring.

[last lines]
Leonard: Its not perfect. You have to make your peace with that.
[leaving his shop]
Leonard: How? Well, you sit at your board, you lay out your tools, and you start again.

Leonard: You cannot make something good until you understand who you're making it for. All clothing says something.

- The outfit.
- They told the boy/es about the bug.
- Richie told you.
- What could you do?
- You told la fontaine.
- And hoped that they would all kill each other before they found you.

- Sometimes...
- Just my bare hands.
- I had...
- I had a gift, they said.
- But it wasn't magic.
- It was work.

- Slowly with that.
- I got it.
- Who would do such a thing to your family?
- After everything your father's done for this neighborhood.
- My pops is this fucking neighborhood.
- 4ndeed.

- He ain't family."
- No, I'm the guy who took six marbles to save your father's life because family wasn't there.
- Yeah, fuck you! I run this crew.
Francis: No, your pops runs this crew.
- And I spend half of every day cleaning up your messes.
- You want to see me make a mess?

- Well, I'd want to burn that thing straightaway.
- So, you see, you've nothing to fear from your friend Francis.
- He's family.
- Well, almost.
- I haven't left him. Till now.
- English, get the door.

- [Gasps}
- Oh, no.
Francis: Stop.

- A jacket and trousers.
- But those two seemingly sol/d parts are composed of four d/fi'erent fabrics.
- Cotton, silk, mohair and wool.
- And those four fabrics are cut into 38 separate pieces.
- The process of sizing, forming, conjoining those pieces requires no fewer than 228 steps.

- La fontaine wants to make a deal.
- Tape for cash. One hour.
- I didn't know you spoke French.
- Francis, the number of things about me that you don't know...
- So what the fuck really happened to Richie?
- {gasps}

- So the first step is measurement.
- But "measurement” doesn't mean, uh, just reaching for your tape.
- ”So many inches here, so many inches there. ”
- No, no, no.

- to the hope that tonight doesn't have any more twists in store?
- If the devil himself came crashing through the roof,
- I wouldn't be shocked right now.
- All right.
- All right. Belts and suspenders.
- Make sure they don't go nowhere.

Roy: Monk!
Roy: Who walks out into the cold, in December, in Chicago, without his coat?
Monk: I ain't good at riddles.

- Please, at least take that thing with you.
- Too many hard boys out there.
- You've been loyal customers.
- I depend upon you.
- Not once, not once have I ever asked about your business.
- Idontjudge.
- I just don't want to be involved in whatever it is you do.

Leonard: I want so bad to be good.

- It's at the finishings that you must come to terms with the idea that perfection is a necessary goal...
- Precisely because it is unattainable.
- If you don't arm for perfection, you cannot make anything great.
- And yet, true perfection is impossrble.

- Go. Get the door.
- Take your sweet time bringing him back here.
- I need to clean this up.
- I don't know anything about lying.
- Subterfuge.
- You don't know how to say one thing when you mean something else?
- I thought you were English.

Leonard: Pull him this way.
- Ow! Fuck!
- One more.
[Groans] Fuck!
- Fuck!
- Get my tweezers.

- He's not?
- But what? What's the matter with him?
- Come on, spit it out.
- My pops can see the mangiest mutt on the street, and if he's got teeth sharp enough, he'll be eating with us at the dinner table.
- He's lost a lot of blood.
- He's probably light in the head.

[Continues in French] ...Stetson.
- Stetson. Yes, um... [clears throat]
[Continues in French] ...Roy boyle...
- Halsted.

- You know what I like about you?
- What?
- You're going places.
- Goddamn right I'm going places. Mmm.
- Whoa.
- Out that door.
- Oh, whoa.

- Oh, shit. Is that from the outfit?
- English, do me a favor.
- Why don't you go up front, check on your secretary for me, all right?
- Will you excuse me, gentlemen?
Richie: It's the outfit, man.
- It's his brass ring right here.
- Right, go ahead, open it up.
- See what it says.

- Hmm.
- They'll find us out.
- The boyles are all dead.
- The outfit, then.
- Why would the outfit come looking for us?
- Because we took the tape that everyone is look...

- They're there for a reason.
- This isn't art.
- This is a craft.
- We can talk about shocking originality later.
- The point now...
- Is skill.

Leonard: Finishings, for me, can be the hardest part.
- Not because there is any great skill involved in these final steps...
- Putting on a few buttons, closr'ng up a few edges, but because if you've done your job, all the true craftsmansh/p has already occurred the finishings are mere ine v/tabilities.

Francis: Oh, are you a doctor now too?
Leonard: I was in the war.
Francis: At your age?
Leonard: The other war.

- My apologies.
- I trained on these shears.
- Every out I've made,
- I made with these shears.
- They're all I brought with me when I came to Chicago.
- Please.
- No, no, no, no.
- Oh, no, please. Please.

- You cannot make something good until you understand who you're making it for.
- All clothing says something.
- I've had gentlemen walk into my shop and boast,
- ”oh, / don't care about what / wear. ”
- And assuming that's true, doesn't that say something too?

Leonard: Oh, yes.
- Knowing you, I'm quite confident you'd have seen to the burials of each and every one of those murderers.
- But then...
- You'd no longer be pretending to be one, would you?

La: [to Francis] You're like a spoiled child who breaks their own toys rather than let other kids play with them

- Damn it.
- All right. I'm at the tailor's.
- I want you to call me back here every 15 minutes with an update.
- You understand? Every quarter hour.
Roy: Uh-huh.
- Uh-huh.

- Scissors.
- Cut that.
- All right.
- Turn him over.
- Careful, careful.

- I'm at your service, sir.
- Where are the boys?
- Are we quite all in one piece, sir?
- Oh, it's not mine.
- We had to make a few stops on the way.
- Where are the boys?

- Your friend Mr. Boyle will be here in three hours.
- Nobody but me or the big man touches this.
- What if the police come?
- Get rid of 'em.
- What if these other gentlemen come?
- Get rid of 'em!
- 'Cause if I get back and that tape isn't sitting right there...
- Welcome to the family.

- Good boy.
- Scissors.
- He'll be okay.

- Your patterns, your pro ven forms, they aren't your enemies.
- They're the only friends you have.

- I wish I could have met her.
- Your real...
- You know.
[Chuckles] She would have liked you.

- Mmm. We work by appointment.
- This is Mr. Burling.
- I didn't know this city had any tailors so classy.
- Thank you.
- You know how to make clothes for a lady?
- I haven't a clue.
- I might have an inkling.

Leonard: Come with me.
Mable: No.
Leonard: No, come with me. You can show me things you've already seen.
Mable: You will not spend you best years taking care of my remaining few.
Leonard: I was taking care of myself just fine, you know. Oh, yes.
Mable: Knowing you, I'm quite confident you'd have seen to the burials of each each and everyone of those murders. But then .. you'd no longer be pretending to be one. Would you?

[last lines]
Richie: I'll show you about making a mess

- I'm sorry.
Francis: Move.
Roy: I am.
Francis: Sit her down.
- We'll clean up after.
Mable: I-I'm telling you the truth.
- All right, the last time that I saw Richie, h was inside this shop.
- I was closing up for the night.

- and watched him die as he'd lived.
- Sorry he ever met me.
Leonard: Madame, you have nothing to fear from this man.
- Why is that?
- Because earlier this evening,
- I removed all the bullets from his gun.

- Or is this a man of gray and brown, blending into the hurried crowd?
- Is this a man comfortable in his station?
- Or does he pine for grander things?
- And who would this man like to be?
- And who is he underneath?

- That's right.
- You can take care of yourself.
- You're not my...
- You know.
- I do.
- My father was a shit, so y-y-y...
- Take that as a compliment.
- I will.

- Take your measure...
- And when you understand who he is...
- Mr. Boyle.
Leonard: ...Then you're ready to begin.
- Knock, knock.
Leonard: Hmm.
- How's business, English?
Leonard: Evening, sirs.

- Let's go.
- We'll swing by the house and pick up whoever's there to come with us.
- Hey, maybe we should just take a minute.
- My son is waiting.
- For what are we gonna take a goddamn minute?
- Let's get to it.

- Sew him up.
- What?
- You got a needle and thread around here some place.
- Not that kind.
- Sew him up.
- I can't. I don't know how.
- Sewing skin is not the same...
- Sew him up.

- Shh!
Richie: Motherfuckers!
- Quiet.
- Fucking dead!
- Quiet.
- Yeah, back up. Back up.