The Best Garrett Hedlund Quotes

Don: If I have anything to say about it tonight you're going to get drunk and you're going to get laid.
Mike: I'm not going out drunk and foolin'.

Boobie: Yo, Billingsley, you don't have to ever worry about hanging on to the football, you know why?
Don: Why?
Boobie: Because you ain't never gonna get the ball. Your job is to be blocking for Boobie and I don't care if your dad is sitting over there crying.
Don: [Attacks Boobie] You just never shut up, do you?

Brian: I'm gonna miss the heat.
Don: I'm gonna miss the lights.
Brian: Yeah, me too. Stay low boys, keep those feet moving.
Don: Hey Chavez! Be perfect.
Brian: You be perfect.
Don: See you Mike.

Don: What's wrong with you?
[yelling at his father after he throws his State Championship ring out the car window]
Don: What the hell is WRONG with you?

Mike: He designed his offense around one player. We're dead.
Brian: We're not dead. You just need to start throwing the ball.
Don: We're dead.

Don: Hey Chavo, be perfect.
Brian: You be perfect.

Charles: Can't hold on to the lamp, can't hold on to the football.
Don: I can hold on to the football, Dad. Now get the hell out of here!

Cheerleader: Hi Don!
Don: Hey Karen.
Cheerleader: I made this is for you
[Hands him a rice krispie treat]
Cheerleader: . Do you like it? Do you like it?
Don: Yeah... I think so. What is it?
Cheerleader: It's you as a rice krispie. Do you like it?
Don: Yeah, I love it. Thanks.

[during the team's recon of Lorea's jungle mansion, Benny observes as Pope's female informant drives up to the heavily guarded gates]
Ben: Pope, I got your girlfriend coming up right now.
Ben: Holy shit. She is beautiful, man.
Tom: [smugly] I fucking knew it.
Santiago: [quietly] Fuck off.

Don: We're gonna get drunk, we're gonna get laid, and we're gonna win state but not tonight.

Brian: We got to lighten up. We're 17.
Don: Do you feel 17?
Mike: I don't feel 17.

Brian: We will win State.
Don: Chavez, you're like a human pi"ata. You get your ass all beat more than anybody I know, and you just sit there and spit out candy.
Mike: That's because he's out of here. He's got the grades. And no matter what we win or loose he knows he's getting out. He's got one foot out the door, man.
Brian: Give me the gun.
Don: [making fun of Chavez] You're going to be drinking martinis, eating lamb chops, getting manicures...
Brian: You're just jealous.
Don: ...removing your freakin' shoes.

Reporter: Your dad played at Permian. What's it like to be the son of a local legend?
Don: Next question.

Spence: That night, I managed to convince myself that things would be easier if I wasn't around anymore.
Jeannie: You scared me.
Spence: I think I meant to.

Spence: I can't remember the last time someone was glad to have met me.