Top 30 Quotes From Lucas Black

Don: If I have anything to say about it tonight you're going to get drunk and you're going to get laid.
Mike: I'm not going out drunk and foolin'.

Twinkie: You know that famous painting? The one with the woman smiling all the time?
Shawn: The Mona Lisa?
Twinkie: Right, right, right the Mona Lisa. Well look man, this car right here is like the Mona Lisa of the drift world. Han rebuilt this bad-boy from ground up. We talkin forged pistons, bigger turbo, new rise, new crankshaft. Hey man, Han's labour ain't cheap, you feel me?
Shawn: Well if I needed a 30 second lesson on how to drift...
Twinkie: All right look man there lots of ways you can do this all right. Handbraking is the easiest so the first thing I want you to do, I want you to rip that E-Brake all right. After you rip that E-Brake then I want you to power over.
[Shawn looks puzzled about the power over]
Twinkie: You know what, just don't mess up Mona all right?

Kruger: This is censorship.
Staff Sgt. Sykes: This is what?
Kruger: Censorship. You're telling us what we can and can't say to the press. That's un-American.
Anthony: Yeah, what about freedom of speech? The Constitution?
Staff Sgt. Sykes: No you signed a contract. You don't have any rights. You got any complaints you complain to Saddam Insane and see if he gives a fuck.
Kruger: Why that's exactly what Saddam Hussein does. You're treating us the same way.
Staff Sgt. Sykes: You are a Marine. There is no such thing as speech that is free. You must pay for everything that you say.

Mike: He designed his offense around one player. We're dead.
Brian: We're not dead. You just need to start throwing the ball.
Don: We're dead.

Shawn: Can I get a copy of that?

Doyle: What am I supposed to do about supper while you're out runnin' around with that fag?
Linda: You're not crippled, get in there and make it yourself.
Doyle: Talkin' back and everything. That kinda makes me horny, Linda.
Linda: Frank, maybe you better go play in your room if Doyle's gonna talk nasty.
Frank: I don't wanna go play in my room.
Doyle: He don't wanna go play in his room. Let's all just sit here and be a family. Until your mentally retarded friend and your homosexual friend get here.

Shawn: Why'd you let me race your car? You knew I was gonna wreck it.
Han: Why not?
Shawn: 'Cause that's a lot of money.
Han: I have money, it's trust and character I need around me. You know, who you choose to be around you lets you know who you are. One car in exchange for knowing what a man's made of? That's a price I can live with.

Sean: Please don't tell me you're still running launch simulations.
Earl: Virgin Galactic launched at 36,000 feet. The space shuttle tests around 50,000 feet. Our last test run with this load means we'll have to go higher... way higher! If we don't get them high enough, these guys are gonna be pancakes at IHOP before the coffee even gets to the table.
Tej: [from over the comm] Hey! We can still hear you!

Kruger: [referring to photo of Swoff's girlfriend] I'm storing that for later!

Kruger: [after being offered nuts on an airplane] Are these warm nuts?
Stewardess: No, I believe they're room temperature.
Kruger: [takes the nuts] Well, maybe later you can come and warm up my nuts.
Stewardess: You know, I don't really like the little ones.

Neela: You know, I almost didn't recognize you without your slippers on.
Shawn: Don't you mean uwabaki?

Pee: Maybe tomorrow, we'll all wear 42, so nobody could tell us apart.

Karl: [Eating potted meat] I reckon it tastes alright.
Frank: You really think it's got peckers in there?
Karl: You know better than that. You ought not say that word.
Frank: It smells funny.
Karl: Yeah, it's pretty loud. Looky there. I believe you right. I believe I see one right in there.
[They laugh]

Frank: Hey Karl, what are you carryin' around them books for?
Karl: I ain't got no place to set 'em down.

Mike: My mind's not right.

Lamar: Something the other night woke me up.
Christopher: Yeah, what time was that, seven?
Lamar: Shut up tool. I look out the window. Girl that got in the car never got out.
Dwayne: Somebody in there with her?
Lamar: Yeah, but I can't recall what he looked like. Maybe Andrew Jackson could help me remember.

Shawn: So, how did you end up over here, anyway?
Han: Well, you know those old Westerns where the cowboys make a run for the border? This is my Mexico.
Shawn: Why'd you let me race with your car? You knew I was gonna wreck it.
Han: Why not?
Shawn: 'Cause it's a lot of money.
Han: I have money. It's trust and character I need around me. You know, who you choose to be around you lets you know who you are. And one car in exchange for knowing what a man's made of, that's a price I can live with.
Han: Look at all those people down there. They follow the rules, for what? They're letting fear lead them.
Shawn: What happens if they don't?
Han: Life's simple. You make choices and you don't look back.

Mike: Hey Boobie, you didn't lift.
Boobie: C'mon man. This is god given. The only thing I gotta do is show up.

Frank: Mama's got a boyfriend now. His name is Doyle Hargraves. He works construction so he makes a pretty good living, but he don't help Mama out with any money though. He ain't no good. He's mean to her. He don't like me at all. Mama says it's 'cause he's jealous that I belong to my Daddy instead of him. He spends the night at our house sometimes and he's got his own house, somebody told me it's where he can have more girlfriends. I like it on the nights he ain't at our house. I ain't so nervous then.
Karl: How come her still being girlfriends and all with him if he's mean to her?
Frank: She says it's for the times he's good to her. She's lonely since Daddy died, sometimes she says she don't know why. He threatened to kill her if she ever left him. My daddy would kill him if he were still here and somebody was mean to Mama. Vaughan, he's real good to Mama. Vaughan that you met. But he's not able to do anything to Doyle. He's funny, you know. Not funny "Ha-Ha", funny queer. He likes to go with men instead of women. That makes him not able to fight too good. He sure is nice, though. He's from St. Louis, people who are queer get along better in a big town. I wish he liked to go with women, I'd rather he be Mama's boyfriend than Doyle.

Earl: All right, we're passing 50,000 feet! Time to get ready, boys.
Roman: What we supposed to be doing with these old-ass suits that ain't been used since World War I?
Tej: Oh, I'm sorry, "Astronauts 'R' Us" was closed for shopping today. Listen, these suits are just like space suits. They both account for pressure differential. Only thing is we may blow up like balloons just a little bit. That's the only difference.
Roman: What?
Sean: We just hit the launch altitude. You guys ready for a five count?
Roman: No, man! I'm barely ready to go scuba diving in this old-ass thing.
Tej: Don't listen to him. We ready!
Roman: "We"?
Tej: Yes, I said "we"! I thought you was invincible! Let's see how "invincible" your black ass is after this... punch it!
Roman: No! Tej!
[the Pontiac Fiero is rocket-propelled into orbit]

Cindy: [as Shawn approaches his Monte Carlo at the high school parking lot, a red Viper is parked next to him. Sitting on the Viper is Cindy, who is polishing her toenails] Nice car.
Shawn: It does the job.
Cindy: Doing what? Delivering pizzas?
Shawn: It's not the ride, it's the rider.
Clay: [Clay sees Cindy talking to Shawn] You talking to my girl?
Shawn: She was just admiring my ride.
Clay: That? My grandma's Buick can smoke that piece of shit trailer trash !
Shawn: What about your daddy's Viper?
Clay: [Clay pauses, then chuckles] This beast's got 500-horsepower and a Borla exhaust system. It does 0-60 in what, 4.3 seconds?
Shawn: Wow. You can read the brochure.
[Shawn enters his Monte Carlo and drives off. Clay then throws a baseball at the Monte Carlo, shattering the rear window]

Shawn: [Shawn drives his Nissan Silvia S15 to the starting line next to a silver Plymouth Roadrunner] Nice ride.
Dominic: I won it from our friend Han a few years ago.
Shawn: I didn't know he was into American muscle.
Dominic: He was when he was rollin' with me.
Shawn: You know, this ain't no 10-second race.
Dominic: I've got nothin' but time.

Doyle: Frank's a weak little kid. His daddy taught him how to be a pussy.
Frank: Stop it, Doyle! Don't talk about my daddy.
Doyle: "Don't talk about my daddy". Go on and get up outta here. Go out to the garage and let me be. Go on now, get!

Drift: You know who I am, boy?
Shawn: Yeah. You're like the Justin Timberlake of Japan, right?

Karl: Just 'cause I ain't gonna be around no more, maybe, don't mean that I don't care for you.
Frank: I care 'bout you too, but you'll be around. Don't say that.
Karl: Doesn't matter where I was to be. We'll always be friends. You and me made friends right off the bat. Don't nobody ever change that. I kindly want to put my arm around you, then I'm gonna get up out of here and leave.
[Puts his arm around Frank]
Karl: I love you, boy.

Kruger: [to the Marines] It's raining oil. It's raining oil fellas. You ever see that movie 'Giant'? You've seen the movie 'Giant'. James Dean, man. "My well came in, Bick. I'm rich, Bick. Richer than you."

Mike: This is for the state championship. I love all of ya'll, baby. I love all of ya'll.

Han: The Red Evo's yours
Shawn: What do you mean?
Han: You're representing me now. What you think, I'm gonna let you roll in a Hyundai?

Frank: Ever think of killing yourself on purpose like my daddy done?
Karl: I studied about it. The Bible says you ought not to. It says if you do that, you go off to Hades. Some folks call it Hell, I call it Hades.

Shawn: Drift?
[Elevator doors open, two cars pass drifting right in front of the door]
Twinkie: Still need a dictionary?