50 Best Mission: Impossible - Fallout Quotes

Solomon: [to Walker, upon activating the nuclear weapons] My running days are over. This is where it ends for me.

Page from "The Destruction of the Current World Order" Manifesto written by John Lark and seen during Ethan Hunt's briefing.: "There has never been peace without first a great suffering, the greater the suffering, the greater the peace. As mankind is drawn to his self-destruction like a moth to the candle, the so-called defenders of peace - the church, the government, the law - work tirelessly to save humanity from itself. But, by averting disaster, they serve to delay a peace that can only come through an inevitable baptism of fire. The suffering I bring you is not the beginning of the end. It is the beginning of a greater mutual understanding through common suffering. It is the first step towards the ultimate brotherhood of man. The suffering I bring you is the bridge to ultimate peace. Today, mankind has been handed the opportunity to escape his destiny, an otherwise inevitable conclusion to a thousand years of intolerance and fear. I call all rationalists who can stand and join in the struggle against the radical theists, all of which fall beneath a common umbrella of ideology. If we were to continue any further we would reach mythology and Aesop's fables. When do we stop? Any belief in a spirituality with no other proof, other than the cravings to project one's self over the rational thinking of the others must be eradicated as it does not only halt progression and development of the human mind and reach, but also hinders it. Here I will emphasize clearly that the judgment upheld against us will be one of human hands, not of a god or other worldly being. Part of the absurd rational is what leads to the obscure justifications, the believers place upon their own disgraceful and belligerent behavior. No. The loss of human life cannot and will not be justified. For this is not the taking of human lives. They are merely puppets, hollow shells that were once human beings. Brainwashed by stories and tales of old, their weak minds have been overpowered by the pressure placed on them by other lifeless puppets. And so, the cycle continues."

Wolf: Stand by. I'm told we're about to get some additional information. I've just been handed a document from Nils Delbruuk, a nuclear weapons specialist who claims to have built the weapons used in these attacks. I've been asked to read this manifesto in its entirety. "There has never been peace without first a great suffering. The greater the suffering, the greater the peace. As mankind is drawn to his self-destruction like a moth to the candle, the so-called defenders of peace - the church, the government, the law - work tirelessly to save humanity from itself. But, by averting disaster, they serve to delay a peace that can only come through an inevitable baptism of fire. The suffering I bring you is not the beginning of the end. It is the beginning of a greater mutual understanding through common suffering. It is the first step toward the ultimate brotherhood of man. The suffering I bring you is the bridge to ultimate peace."

[from trailer]
Ilsa: You don't understand what you're involved in.
Ethan: You need to walk away.
Ilsa: Please don't make me go through you.

Solomon: Terrorists are schoolboys, desperate for attention. Hoping to shape public opinion through fear. I don't care in the least what people think or feel. In my experience they don't do either for very long.

Alan: I believe I've been given a choice to protect you or the IMF, which is why I'm bringing you in.
Ethan: And if I refuse?
Alan: [referring to Walker] What do you think he's here for? You think he's some observer? He's an assassin! Erika Sloane's number one plumber. You go rogue, he's authorized to hunt you down and kill you.
August: It's the job. No hard feelings.
Alan: Accept it, Ethan. You've lost this one. What's done is done.
Ethan: No, sir. No.
Alan: I am not asking you, I am giving you a direct order. This mission is terminated. Now!

Ethan: What's done is done when we say it's done.

[from trailer]
Alan: Accept it, Ethan. You've lost this one. What's done is done.
Ethan: What's done is done... when we say it's done.
[theme music plays]

[from trailer]
Solomon: There cannot be peace without first, a great suffering. The greater the suffering, the greater the peace. The end you've always feared is coming. It's coming, and the blood will be on your hands.

Luther: In all the years that I've known Ethan he's only been serious about two women. One was his wife.
Ilsa: He's married?
Luther: No, he was.
Ilsa: Was? What happened to her?
Luther: Well, she was taken by some people who wanted to get to Ethan. It's OK. He got her back in one piece. Then he quit the game. They were happy for a while. But every time something bad happened in the world Ethan would think: I should have been there. And she would wonder: Who's watching the world while Ethan is watching me? Deep down they both knew that someday, somehow, something truly terrible was going to happen. All because they were together. So...
Ilsa: Where is she now?
Luther: She's a ghost. Good at it too. Taught her myself. Every now and then she sends up a signal to let Ethan know she's safe. And that keeps him going.
Ilsa: Why are you telling me this?
Luther: [tearfully] We're in this mess because Ethan wouldn't let me die. He's a good man. And he cares about you. More than he can admit. That's one more worry than he can handle right now. If you care about him, you should walk away.

[from trailer]
August: How many times has Hunt's government betrayed him, disavowed him, cast him aside? How long before a man like that has had enough?

[repeated line]
August: There cannot be peace without first a great suffering. The greater the suffering, the greater the peace.

[from trailer]
Erica: This is the CIA's mission. If he had held onto the plutonium, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Alan: His team would be dead.
Erica: Yes, they would. That's the job.

August: Is it true Lane gassed a village of 2000 people?
Ethan: Yes.
August: Is it true he brought down an entire passenger plane just to kill one man?
Ethan: Yes.
August: Is it true that he...
Ethan: Look, Walker, whatever you've heard, if it makes your skin crawl, it's probably true.
August: Holy shit. You're the guy that caught him, aren't you? How long do you think he's gonna keep that to himself?

[from trailer]
Solomon: When the clock stops, Ethan Hunt will lose everyone he ever cared about.

Erica: You use a scalpel, I prefer a hammer.

[from trailer]
Solomon: "Your mission, should you *choose* to accept it." I wonder, did you ever choose not to? The end you've always feared is coming. And the blood will be on your hands. The fallout of all your good intentions.

Benji: [as Ethan is running up a circular staircase being chased by the Apostles] Why is he running in circles?

Ethan: Julia... I'm sorry
Julia: There's no reason to be sorry
Ethan: I... I'm sorry for Everything... I
Julia: Look at me. Look at my life. I love what I do and I never would've found this if I hadn't met you. Everything that happened... it taught me who I am... it showed me what I'm capable of and I... I'm a survivor.
Ethan: But what happened here... it was my...
Julia: Nothing happened. Because You were here. And I sleep soundly at night knowing you always will be.
Ethan: You're Happy.
Julia: Very. I'm exactly where I should be. And so are you.

Alan: [to Hunt] You had a terrible choice to make in Berlin: one life over millions. And now the world is at risk.

[first lines]
Solomon: Do you, Ethan Hunt, take Julia as your lawful wedded wife?
Ethan: I do.
Solomon: To have, to hold, to love, cherish, honor, and protect?
Ethan: I do.
Solomon: To shield from terrors known and unknown, to lie, to deceive...
Ethan: [confused] What?
Solomon: ...to lead a double life, to fail to prevent her abduction, erase her identity, force her into hiding, take away all she has known...
Ethan: [turns to the priest] Stop.
Solomon: ...in a selfish, futile, fleeting attempt...
Ethan: Stop.
Solomon: ...to escape your own true self?
Ethan: Please, stop!
Solomon: And, Julia, do you choose to accept?
Ethan: [turns to Julia] Don't.
Julia: I do.
Ethan: No!
[turns back to the priest, who is revealed to be Solomon Lane]
Solomon: You should have killed me, Ethan.
[a nuclear explosion suddenly occurs, vaporizing Ethan, Julia, and Lane]

Luther: Wire strippers.
Julia: I'm a doctor, not an electrician.
Luther: Sorry, the thing with the green grip.
Julia: Got it.
Luther: The wire in my left hand.
Julia: The black one?
Luther: My left hand.
Julia: That's your left hand.
Luther: Sorry, the other wire.
Julia: The red one?
Luther: Yes, the red one in my right hand.
Julia: Just checking.
Ilsa: Oh, I like her.

Solomon: [to Ilsa, who is bound and gagged] He can't stop it, understand? There's nothing he can do. When the clock runs out, Ethan Hunt will lose everything and everyone he ever cared about.

Ethan: What are you doing here?
Ilsa: It's good to see you, too.

Benji: We have to evacuate these people!
Ilsa: There's no time!
Ethan: This whole valley's gonna be incinerated in 15 minutes!
Ilsa: [the two helicopters take off] It's too late!
Ethan: No. I'm gonna get the detonator.
Ilsa: What? How?
Ethan: I'll figure it out. Find Lane and find the other bomb!
[gets out of the jeep and jumps onto the first helicopter]
Ilsa: What the hell is he doing?
Benji: I find it best not to look!

Luther: [holds Ethan back from attacking someone] Ethan, that's not who we are!
Ethan: Maybe we need to reconsider that.

[repeated line]
Ethan: I'll figure it out.

Solomon: [quoting from John Lark's manifesto] "There cannot be peace without first a great suffering. The greater the suffering, the greater the peace."
August: When I wrote those words, I wasn't referring to your peace or Hunt's suffering. The old world order needs dismantling, and we have the tools to dismantle it. All you seem to care about is that Hunt lives to take the blame. That's not anarchy. That's revenge.

Julia: So, how is he?
Luther: Oh, you know, same old Ethan.

Ethan: [to bad guy] Kill everyone? That's your plan?

[repeated line]
Ethan: I'm working on it!

Solomon: [after Ethan runs over Ilsa on her motorcycle] That was Ilsa.
Ethan: Shut up.
Solomon: Very interesting. It's good to see you again, Ethan.

[Walker sees Hunt is flying the other helicopter]
Ethan: That's right. Prick.

August: [to Ethan, while hanging off the wreckage of a helicopter] Why won't you just die?

August: Hunt's the only friend you've got. You're only alive today because he didn't have the guts to kill you. Sloane was right. The IMF is Halloween. Nothing but grown men wearing...
Solomon: [Smiling nervously] What?
August: [Walker removes Lane's mask to reveal Benji] It's just the job. No hard feelings.

Solomon: There cannot be peace without first a great suffering. The greater the suffering, the greater the peace. The end you've always feared... is coming. It's coming, and the blood will be on your hands.

Benji: Let me just assure you, this won't hurt... . enough.

Ethan: Which way, Benji?
Benji: Turn left!
Ethan: [breaks a window by throwing a chair at it]
Benji: Go, go, go, go! What are you waiting for?
Ethan: [as people watch him inside the building] I'M JUMPING OUT A WINDOW!
Benji: Oh, sorry. Good luck.

[from trailer]
Benji: This is a bad idea.
Luther: Is it ever a good one, honestly?

August: [to Lane] Why do you have to make things so fucking complicated?

August: Hope is not a strategy.
Ilsa: You must be new.

Ethan: ...or the last thing that goes through your mind will be your kneecaps.

August: The name is Walker, by the way
Benji: Was the little car your idea?

[last lines]
Benji: How close were we?
Ethan: The usual.
Ilsa: [incredulous] Usual?
Ethan: [chuckling] Please, don't make me laugh.

Delivery: Fate whispers to the warrior.
Ethan: A storm is coming.
Delivery: And the warrior whispers back.
Ethan: I am the storm.

Ethan: [after accidentally disrupting a funeral and looking at the crowd apologetically] I am terribly sorry...

Ethan: [Ethan confronts Walker in the elevator after Walker is revealed to be John Lark, and Walker holds Ethan at gunpoint] You can't do it, can you? Not until you get your plutonium.
August: No, he still has plans for you. You're gonna turn yourself in and admit you're John Lark, then watch the old world implode from your dark little cell.
Ethan: And if I don't?
August: [Walker takes out a picture of Julia with her new husband Erik, Ethan gasps in horror upon seeing the picture] I'm her guardian angel, Hunt. If I see you again, she dies. If you try to warn her, she dies. Know when you're beat.

Benji: [after Ethan hijacks a helicopter to chase Walker] Ethan, where are you?
Ethan: I'm in a helicopter going after Walker.
Benji: Hold on! How did you get in the helicopter?
Ilsa: What? You can fly a helicopter?
Luther: Did you say "helicopter"? What the hell are you doing in a helicopter?

Erica: [to Ethan, voice-over] Per your request, I'm handing Solomon Lane back to MI6. Through a broker, of course, part of our ongoing arrangement. After what happened in Paris, we prefer to keep a low profile. And that closes your friend's account in British intelligence. I understand now why Hunley believed in you. The world needs the IMF. We need people like you, who care about the one life as much as they care about the millions. That way I never have to.

Erica: The IMF is like Halloween, a bunch of grown men in rubber masks playing trick-or-treat.