The Best Grace Van Pelt Rigsby Quotes

Grace: The news is spreading fast through the CBI grapevine. It's true, isn't it?
Teresa: It's true.
Grace: Well, we had to call and say congratulations.
Wayne: So, you and Jane, huh? We always knew.
Grace: We always knew? I always knew.
Teresa: How are the kids?
Wayne: Uh, sticky, mostly.
Grace: The kids are great.
Teresa: I know it's short notice, but you guys have got to come out for the wedding. It's Saturday.
Grace: Oh, my gosh. Of course. We'd love to.
Wayne: It'll take a little child care juggling, but we can swing it. If worst comes to worst, we'll just bring the little monkeys with us, keep 'em locked in the rental car.
Grace: [sigh of disgust] Will not.
Wayne: I'm kidding.
[one of the kids calls for Grace]
Wayne: But seriously, we wouldn't miss it for anything.