The Best Guinivere Sheffield Quotes

Detective: Take your time, Guin.
Guinivere: It was here.
Detective: Do you remember where he hid it?
Guinivere: Me and James and Zack, we were here. I was scared.
Detective: Ah, don't be. We won't let anyone hurt you.
Guinivere: Zack's bad.
Detective: Just try to think back, Guin, when did you see the gun?
Guinivere: After school.
Detective: You were standing here?
[Guin points behind her]
Detective: Ah ha, where was Zack?
[Guin points to her right where Mike is standing]
Detective: [to Mike who is looking for evidence in a chimney and trying not to fall off the roof] I think you're getting warm, Mike.
Detective: Something caught in a pipe here
[finds a paper packet, opens it, smiles and removes a pistol]
Detective: Smoking.