The Best Im Westen nichts Neues Quotes

Paul: When You're starving, you'll do anything.

[On Marshal Foch's private train, Matthias Erzberger negotiates a ceasefire with the French]
Matthias: [Speaking to the French delegation while they were sitting] Monsieur le Maréchal, I am asking you for an armistice.
General: [after handing the document of armistice to Matthias] You have 72 hours to accept our conditions. They are non-negotiable.
Matthias: Seventy-two hours?
General: The war will continue until you sign them.
Matthias: Monsieur le Maréchal, in God's name, don't let 72 hours pass us by here. Thousands of lives depend on it.
General: [Marshal stands up to hand a pen to Matthias] Sign then!

Paul: I'm afraid of what's about to come.
Stanislaus: Don't be.

Paul: The stench will remain on us forever.

[the uniform Paul is given has another soldier's name written inside it]
Paul: It already belongs to someone.

Matthias: All that's left separating us from an armistice is false pride.

General: What is a soldier without war?

Stanislaus: Germany will soon be empty.

General: A man is born alone, he lives alone, and dies alone.

[French cannons bombard the German trenches]
Tjaden: Creeping barrage.
Paul: What?
Tjaden: Every couple of minutes, the artillery barrage makes an advance forward. And directly after that, the infantry moves forward.
Albert: What does that mean exactly?
Stanislaus: That they are coming!

Matthias: My son killed in the war. He doesn't feel any honor.

[Kat comments on the German advance]
Stanislaus: Paul, if we keep up this pace, we won't have conquered France for 180 years. I worked it out.
Paul: Don't let them catch you, Kat.