The Best Inspector Victor Aziz Quotes

Inspector: A useful man you know to be untrustworthy is better than no man at all.

Detective: I'm told Her Majesty was quite struck by you. She thought you... dashing.
Alfred: Really? Tell her that I fancied her too, respectfully enough.

Inspector: If vile atrocities and brutish sadism won wars, we'd all be speaking German.

Inspector: They say rightly, that there are no atheists in foxholes. But there are no saints, either.

Detective: Look around you. How many of these people understand war? How many of them could command men in battle?
Alfred: Well that dancer there could invade Russia all on her own. Me, I'm not gonna command anybody, in any battle, anywhere.

Detective: Supposing what you say is true. I wasn't on Esme's case. Why do you assume I know anything about it?
Alfred: You know everything. It's your job.
Detective: Flattery again.
Alfred: I'm not happy, Mr. Aziz. I'm not happy at all. Was you to play ignorant, I can't be responsible for my actions.
Detective: Are you threatening me?
Alfred: Yeah, I am.
Detective: Just wanted to be clear on that point. I'd hate to capitulate too easily.