The Best Jack Lowden Quotes

Collins: Dunkirk's so far; why couldn't they load at Calais?
Radio: The enemy had something to say about it.

Collins: [Upon being rescued by Peter] Afternoon.

Nikolai: Look, a comet. You know people say, it means a great change is coming. Sometimes, wish that nothing would ever change. Could be just you and me and Sonya. Like this, stay like children.
Sonya: Not possible, huh?
Natasha: Tonight it is.

Collins: [pursued by a German fighter] He's on me.
Farrier: [turns to pursue said fighter] I'm on him.

Vassily: We've changed sides. Our enemies are our friends now.
Nikolai: So we're friends with the French now?
Vassily: I know. I know. It's a mad world. No use trying to understand.

Collins: Oil. It's oil, oil - you're getting into oil!

Nikolai: What's it like, Denisov?
Vassily: What's what like?
Nikolai: Actually, you know, being in combat.
Vassily: Bloody awful if you're on the losing side. But seriously, it's one of those things no one can tell you about. You have to experience it for yourself. Like being with a woman for the first time. Can be wonderful. Can be terrifying. You'll find out.

Vassily: Didn't exactly enhance our reputations on leave, did we?
Nikolai: I certainly didn't.
Vassily: When the leave's too long, the soldier goes wrong.