The Best Shivering Soldier Quotes

Shivering: You haven't turned around.
Mr. Dawson: No, we have a job to do.
Shivering: Job? This is a pleasure yacht. You're weekend sailors, not the bloody navy. A man your age?
Mr. Dawson: Men my age dictate this war. Why should we be allowed to send our children to fight it?
Shivering: You should be at home!
Mr. Dawson: Well, there won't be any home if we allow a slaughter across the Channel. There's no hiding from this.

Shivering: [Referring to George] Will, uh... Will he be all right? The boy.
Peter: [after a long pause] Yeah.

Shivering: Turn it around!

Shivering: Where are we going?
Mr. Dawson: Dunkirk.
Shivering: No, we're going to England!
Mr. Dawson: We have to go to Dunkirk first.
Shivering: I'm not going back!